To get guidance and help from higher-level wisdom, you must have the right motivation. What is the right motivation? Is the purpose of high-level wisdom helping you to give you a better life, to get everything you want, and to enjoy happiness? Is it so you can profit from someone

2024/06/2815:13:33 article 1776

To get guidance and help from higher-level wisdom, you must have the right motivation. What is the right motivation? Is the purpose of high-level wisdom helping you to give you a better life, to get everything you want, and to enjoy happiness? Is it so you can profit from someone - DayDayNews

To get guidance and help from higher-level wisdom, you must have the right motivation. What is the right motivation? Is the purpose of high-level wisdom helping you to give you a better life, to get everything you want, and to enjoy happiness? Is it so you can profit from someone - DayDayNews

If you want to get guidance and help from higher-level wisdom, you must have the right motivation.

What is the correct motivation?

Is the purpose of high-level wisdom in helping you to give you a better life, so that you can get everything you want and enjoy happiness? Is

designed to allow you to profit from someone else's loss? Is

meant to make you succeed and make your opponents fail?

I think this is not the case. We believe that the proper motivation for seeking the assistance of higher wisdom should be to enable you to accomplish what you set out to accomplish in this life.

So what is your task?

Your mission is to solve problems, make the world a better place, and turn the living earth into a paradise.

To get guidance and help from higher-level wisdom, you must have the right motivation. What is the right motivation? Is the purpose of high-level wisdom helping you to give you a better life, to get everything you want, and to enjoy happiness? Is it so you can profit from someone - DayDayNews

If we hope to obtain the assistance of high-level forces, we are obliged to complete the tasks assigned by high-level forces.

There was once a loud beer advertisement that said: You only have one chance, take everything you want! This attitude is really unreasonable.

There are some obvious give-and-take principles in life: you work for someone and that person pays you, so you have to do it well, otherwise they will fire you and not pay you. This is true in theory,

, but are there any examples in daily life that can prove it?

And, more importantly, is there any way for us to know what our job is?

Is there any way for us to understand what is the task assigned to each of us by high-level wisdom?

Fortunately, the answers to the above three questions are yes: yes! have! have!

To get guidance and help from higher-level wisdom, you must have the right motivation. What is the right motivation? Is the purpose of high-level wisdom helping you to give you a better life, to get everything you want, and to enjoy happiness? Is it so you can profit from someone - DayDayNews

There is a truth in front of us: the more a person gives, the more he gets.

Most successful people have proven the correctness of this truth time and time again.

How to make more money?

Remember one sentence: the more people you serve, or the more services you provide, the more problems you solve, the more rewards you get.

What is the difference between successful people?

The thinking that successful people obtain information and make decisions occurs in the Alpha brain wave layer. People who are successful in all aspects of life: wealth, health, relationships, happiness, contentment, etc., these people have a very different mentality than the average person.

The experience of successful people is to set yourself up to serve others, and at the same time, don’t forget what your own needs are, and then imagine a little more, and you should work hard to turn the earth into a paradise.

To get guidance and help from higher-level wisdom, you must have the right motivation. What is the right motivation? Is the purpose of high-level wisdom helping you to give you a better life, to get everything you want, and to enjoy happiness? Is it so you can profit from someone - DayDayNews

We develop inner mental tools and should use them to solve problems rather than trying to gain benefits from them. If we only think about helping ourselves or seeking self-interest, we will be alone and unable to receive guidance from higher-level wisdom.

If the purpose of hard work is to solve human problems, this is a very correct attitude and the purpose of our life.

To get guidance and help from higher-level wisdom, you must have the right motivation. What is the right motivation? Is the purpose of high-level wisdom helping you to give you a better life, to get everything you want, and to enjoy happiness? Is it so you can profit from someone - DayDayNews

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