01 You don’t need to tell everyone about your suffering; you don’t need to expose your injuries to everyone. The world is a big place, but most people only care about their own space, and occasionally give others a like or words of comfort, but they are also careless. I don’t kno

2024/06/1811:42:33 article 1007


There is no need to tell everyone about your suffering; there is no need to expose your wounds to everyone.

The world is very big, but most people only care about their own space. Occasionally giving others likes and words of comfort are also careless.

I don’t know which day started. Many people faded out of the circle of friends, and some people set it to be visible for three days. There are also people who don’t care about the status of their WeChat Moments anymore. Even if they open their WeChat Moments for everyone to see, it will be empty - he hasn’t posted in his WeChat Moments for half a year or even a year.

In fact, the excitement in the circle of friends cannot conceal the reality of interest relationships and cannot resist the indifference of human feelings . If you don’t post on Moments for half a year, you will understand this truth.

01 You don’t need to tell everyone about your suffering; you don’t need to expose your injuries to everyone. The world is a big place, but most people only care about their own space, and occasionally give others a like or words of comfort, but they are also careless. I don’t kno - DayDayNews


First, there are not many people who care about you in your circle of friends.

For a while, I set up the circle of friends to be visible for three days. Soon, I received a call from my mother. She asked me if I had encountered any difficulties.

It turns out that parents have learned to read Moments, but they don’t know how to post on Moments. They watch my every move every day.

When my mother called me, I felt very warm and realized my "mistake". After that, I opened my circle of friends, and there was nothing shameful about it anyway.

I don’t know since when, I stopped posting in Moments. My friends also slowly faded out of the circle of friends.

About a year later, an old classmate sent me a WeChat message asking me if I didn’t use WeChat anymore. He was testing to see which friends in WeChat had logged out or deactivated.

Speaking from the bottom of my heart, when left the circle of friends, I thought that since I had "disappeared" for a long time, there would always be old friends who would miss you and then take the initiative to contact you.

It's a pity, then there will be no more.

In this life, except for your parents who will always care about you, how can other people care about you? Don't overestimate your position in other people's hearts.


Second, the WeChat circle of friends is very large, and the circle that belongs to you is very small.

There is a saying that is quite touching: "The prosperity in the circle of friends is not my prosperity."

If you have hundreds of friends, do you really have time to check the status of your friends? Most of them were hurriedly looking at the circle of friends and randomly clicking likes without even seeing clearly what the content was.

If you like to see someone’s posts in Moments, it means that this person is very important to you.

For example, a certain boss posts on Moments. As a subordinate, you should join in the fun and find a certain sense of presence in front of your boss.

Most people are accustomed to "following the trend". Even in the circle of friends, there is also a situation where "if you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives, but if you are poor in the city, no one cares about you".

Rich and powerful people will deliberately like and leave comments on whatever they post.

Some rich people we have never met can share their words and opinions in their circle of friends, and everyone enjoys it. No one has verified whether the rich man's words are true or reliable. just reposted them casually because of his "admiration mentality" .

You are an ordinary person, destined to be drowned in the vast sea of ​​people. Therefore, no one is surprised that I haven’t posted on Moments for half a year. The circle of friends is a very large circle. There is one more person for you, not more, and one less person for you, not too many.

When you return to the circle of life, you just make a few friends and have a few family members. Colleagues in the workplace are probably just acquaintances.

01 You don’t need to tell everyone about your suffering; you don’t need to expose your injuries to everyone. The world is a big place, but most people only care about their own space, and occasionally give others a like or words of comfort, but they are also careless. I don’t kno - DayDayNews


Third, I used to desperately give likes to others, but now that I think about it, it’s a bit funny.

When I first entered the workplace, when socializing with my boss, I had to drink a few more drinks and show the courage to "lay down my life to accompany a gentleman."

After many years, the bosses have changed. Some of the old bosses in the unit have retired, and some have gone to other units. When we meet again, it will be like "no relation". What's more realistic is that when we were drinking, we were all enthusiastic about each other, but my boss hardly helped me. It turns out that drinking alcohol can increase your connections, which is wishful thinking.

Similarly, I used to try my best to give more likes to others, hoping that people on the Internet could take care of each other. Nowadays, more and more people disappear from the circle of friends, relying solely on their online names, and no one knows anyone.

You say to your friends: "One day, I gave you a like."

Most of your friends will be confused, because there are dozens or even hundreds of people who like it. It is just a statistical data, and the data contains " Who”, it’s really unclear.

hasn’t posted in Moments for half a year, nor has he liked it. Life has become simpler, and interpersonal relationships have become more transparent. From now on, it’s up to you to like or not.


Fourth, in the end, you have to rely on yourself in life. The fewer friends you have, the better off you will be.

Jia Pingwa wrote a sentence in the book: "Being separated from friends is actually a good thing."

Is it a good thing to have no friends? Think about it, incredible. But when I connect it to life, it feels right.

There are fewer friends, and life is better. Don’t exchange cups for cups, you can go home for meals more often, and your health, happiness, and emotions will become more real.

There are fewer friends, but the relationship is better. The complicated relationship is gone, and what remains is a simple relationship. Whether there is an exchange of interests, everyone will be together.

I have fewer friends and am in a better mood. From now on, don't look at other people's faces, but let your own face be open, you can laugh, you can be serious, you can change freely.

I have fewer friends and am more serious about my work. Because I know that in the future I have to rely on myself and let my results speak for myself. No matter where you are, solid achievements are a golden sign for promotion, salary increase and making money.

01 You don’t need to tell everyone about your suffering; you don’t need to expose your injuries to everyone. The world is a big place, but most people only care about their own space, and occasionally give others a like or words of comfort, but they are also careless. I don’t kno - DayDayNews


Norwegian navigator Nansen once said: "The first major thing in life is to discover yourself, so people need to be lonely and meditative from time to time."

The physicist Newton sat quietly alone, and when he saw the apple falling, he thought hard and discovered Got gravity.

Philosopher Zhuangzi A man was fishing by the river. The King of Chu asked him to be an official. He refused without looking back, so he understood - "To go alone and come alone is to be unique. To be unique. People are the most precious."

After being alone, writer Ma De realized that it is better to enjoy loneliness than to endure it.

It turns out that those who leave the circle of friends are not without fun, they are just partying alone.

never posts on Moments, not because he is pretending to be aloof, but because he has looked down upon the prosperity of society and found his true self.

Author: Commoner.

Pay attention to my words and enter your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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