1. Kind character, self-discipline and hard work will bring you the life you want. When two people are in the world, you will slowly discover that a good heart is not as good as a good mouth, and a good heart is never as good as a good mouth. 3 Life is half surprise and half regr

2024/05/2514:39:32 article 1287

1. Kind character, self-discipline and hard work will bring you the life you want. When two people are in the world, you will slowly discover that a good heart is not as good as a good mouth, and a good heart is never as good as a good mouth. 3 Life is half surprise and half regr - DayDayNews


A kind person, self-discipline and hard work will bring you the life you want.


When you are in the world, you will slowly discover that a good heart is not as good as a good mouth, and a good heart is never as good as a good mouth.


Life is half surprise and half regret, and we are looking for our favorites among them. Life is not about rushing, but about feeling the road.


The rest of our lives really shouldn't be wasted on unworthy people, because what you waste is not only your time, but also the time you spend meeting the right person in the future.


My things belong to me. If I give them to you, you can take them. If I donā€™t give them to you, you shouldnā€™t blame me, let alone steal them. What is good to you should be cherished and not taken for granted. Too many people don't understand this truth.


Don't complain about the injustice of God, nor the frustrations of fate. Truly brave people dare to face the bleak life. Only by daring to accept the truth and not contending with anything in the past can you have the energy to change your unsatisfactory destiny.


You are not what others say you are. Those malicious criticisms and personal attacks will not stop because of your happy counterattack, and it is not worth wasting your life on these endless offenses and defenses. Ignoring someone is the greatest form of contempt.


People must be able to pick it up, but they must also be able to put it down. Taking it up means survival, letting it go means life; taking it up means ability, and letting it go means wisdom. Some people can't afford it, so there's no point in letting it go; some people can afford it, but they can't let it go. If you can't take it up, you will be mediocre; if you can't let it go, you will be exhausted.


There are two great blessings in life, one is to do what you like to do, and the other is to be with the person you like. The realization of these two wishes depends partly on luck and partly on hard work. No matter how lucky a person is, if he doesn't work hard, his good luck will gradually fade away; no matter how unlucky a person is, as long as he works hard, he will one day impress the goddess of luck.


Life is like a chess game. As you advance, you will retreat. You must learn to be kind to yourself and don't bear too much. In all experiences, all the right and wrong, all the disturbances, are vividly interpreted through the word life. Then, amidst all the irony, let us think about life and see through it.


Everything that happens and everyone you meet has a meaning. The good and the bad are all destined to be good. All the losses are to make room for the arrival of cherished things; all the crawling is the warm-up before leaping high; all the fragmentation is for the hard-won perfection.


Caring too much about other peopleā€™s feelings in whatever you do or say is equivalent to living for others. Just do yourself a good job and donā€™t be selfish or arrogant. Donā€™t make yourself a myth. In fact, you canā€™t take care of everyone. Feelings, you will only make yourself uncomfortable.

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