When you are in your 20s, you are confused and anxious. At this age, you understand the importance of money. You have read countless novels and feel how superficial people who are greedy for money are. You want a house, you want a car, you want to travel, you want to live a high-

2024/05/2308:29:32 article 1435

When you are in your 20s, you seem to have time for everything, but you seem to be powerless to do anything...

When you are in your 20s, you are confused and anxious. At this age, you understand the importance of money. You have read many novels and feel how superficial people who are greedy for money are.

What do you think? You want a house, you want a car, you want to travel, you want to live a high-quality life, you want to have the wealth of someone in their 40s at the age of 20, but it is too difficult, the road is endless... You are so young but I want to live through the whole world, I am impetuous but I want to see through life, I constantly urge myself to grow up quickly, but I can't even calm down and finish reading a two-minute article... The sailing ship of the times has set sail, but you fell before departure. Not far away

When you are in your 20s, you are confused and anxious. At this age, you understand the importance of money. You have read countless novels and feel how superficial people who are greedy for money are. You want a house, you want a car, you want to travel, you want to live a high- - DayDayNews

You are in your 20s, staying up late at night listening to NetEase Cloud songs, posting sad Moments, and reading empathetic copywriting. You seem to persuade yourself that you have experienced the ups and downs of the world... In fact, you have never Be prepared to be in your 20s, but everything is forced.

When you are 20 years old, why do you have so much pressure? Because looking back, your parents have reached the age of knowing their destiny. In fact, think about the many possibilities around you in your 20s. You have to Believe in yourself, success will come sooner or later, and success late will be a late bloomer. Don’t lose confidence in life. During this period, you will be the most energetic in your life!

When you are in your 20s, you are confused and anxious. At this age, you understand the importance of money. You have read countless novels and feel how superficial people who are greedy for money are. You want a house, you want a car, you want to travel, you want to live a high- - DayDayNews

During the Chinese New Year when I was a kid, there was always a relative in my family who was almost 30 years old and still not married. I was thinking about this person. It was so late and there was no one for me. Their children were already five or six years old, but now look at that relative. Is it just me?

I am afraid that I will have no money, that time will pass too fast, that my parents will grow old, and that I will collapse. Don't always talk about the future. You are only in your 20s and can be anything you want to be!

Remember, buddy, we are only in our 20s. We have the cost of trial and error. Whether it is self-confidence or self-righteousness, trial and error is called youth, and trial and error is called growth! I hope you can be more confident. Be the best version of yourself every year. Age is just a number, not an obstacle. I hope you will become braver, more confident and more like a man as you grow older! This age is an age of infinite possibilities. No matter how hard we work, everything that should come is on the way. I hope we can all run bravely!

- To all struggling young people

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