Text | Therefore, as a person, you must always remember to speak carefully in order to avoid many disasters. A smart person never brings trouble to himself by saying three kinds of things. 01 No. 1: Don’t tell lies: Failure to keep promises will lead to bad consequences. Chen Fu,

2024/05/1714:24:33 article 1700

Text | . Therefore, as a person, you must always remember to speak carefully in order to avoid many disasters.

A smart person never brings trouble to himself by speaking three kinds of words.


First: Lies cannot be told: if promises are not fulfilled, you will eventually reap the consequences.

Song Dynasty philosopher Chen Fu once said: "Too much fiction is worse than less reality."

No matter how many illusions you say, it is not as good as saying a true word. As a human being, if you tell lies because of immediate interests and fail to honor them afterwards, you will be retaliated by others.

A long time ago, there lived a family on the edge of Taihu Lake. There was only a father and daughter living together. The father had to go far away to do business, leaving only one daughter behind to feed a white horse at home.

The girl is very lonely at home alone, looking forward to her father's early return.

One day, the girl touched the white horse's ear and joked: "Ma, if you ask your father to come home right away, I will marry you."

The white horse actually nodded, broke free from the reins, and galloped outside. go. A few days later, the girl's father came back. After

Text | Therefore, as a person, you must always remember to speak carefully in order to avoid many disasters. A smart person never brings trouble to himself by saying three kinds of things. 01 No. 1: Don’t tell lies: Failure to keep promises will lead to bad consequences. Chen Fu, - DayDayNews

, Baima has been by the girl's side and refused to leave. Although girls like it, how can a person marry a horse?

Because of worry, the girl is losing weight day by day. After the girl's father found out, he asked his daughter and found out what happened.

The father took advantage of his daughter not being at home, killed the white horse with a sword, skinned the horse's skin and dried it in the yard.

When the girl returned home, a strange wind blew, and the horsehide was wrapped around the girl's body. After a while, she disappeared.

A few days later, the villagers found the missing girl in the forest. Horseskins were wrapped around her body, and her head took on the shape of a horse.

There is a saying in " The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng ": "If a person has no faith, he does not know what to do."

No one is a fool. If you lie to others, even if you are not discovered at the time, you will still be affected by it in a month or a year. , two years? One day, others will wake up.

By then, the hatred of others will become a time bomb that will strike a fatal blow at any time.

You should be down-to-earth and do what you say. Maybe some things will embarrass you, but you will win the respect of others and gain a good reputation for yourself.

Text | Therefore, as a person, you must always remember to speak carefully in order to avoid many disasters. A smart person never brings trouble to himself by saying three kinds of things. 01 No. 1: Don’t tell lies: Failure to keep promises will lead to bad consequences. Chen Fu, - DayDayNews

If you have difficulties in the future, more people will be willing to believe you and help you.


Second: Don’t speak big words: after being exposed, you will be embarrassed yourself.

There is a saying in "Zhuangzi Xu Wugui": "Dogs do not consider good barking to be good, and people do not consider good words to be virtuous."

I deeply think that Of course, only those who are not satisfied with half of the bottle will brag about themselves to everyone. Such people often have no ability except their mouth.

There is such a story in " Aesop's Fables ":

Once upon a time, there were two soldiers on the road together. A soldier talked all the way about how he fought bravely to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

were walking when a group of robbers suddenly appeared and came to rob them.

At this time, the soldier who had just been chatting immediately hid aside, but the other soldier bravely went up and fought with the robber.

Seeing that the robbers were about to be subdued by the soldier, the cowardly soldier who hid aside ran out, drew his sword, and said to his companions: "Let me deal with these hateful robbers!".

Text | Therefore, as a person, you must always remember to speak carefully in order to avoid many disasters. A smart person never brings trouble to himself by saying three kinds of things. 01 No. 1: Don’t tell lies: Failure to keep promises will lead to bad consequences. Chen Fu, - DayDayNews

The brave soldier turned back and said: "Stop your useless tongue. Your words can only deceive those who don't understand you. I have just seen the speed of your escape, and I already know what kind of person you are.""

After hearing this, the timid soldier stood aside in embarrassment.

There is a saying in "Mozi·Cultivation of the Self": "Those who do not believe in their words will not achieve results in their actions. ”

People who speak dishonestly will not achieve much results in their actions.

In life, those who brag about how powerful they are when meeting others are just vanity at work. They want face but are not pragmatic. When the critical moment comes, they can’t get it. There is no real useful ability.

But really powerful people are usually very low-key. They work hard quietly when they are determined to do something, and will never brag about it.

Because they understand that it is better to do what they say. , doing things safely is truly reliable.


Third: Don’t complain: once you become addicted, you will waste the rest of your life

There is a saying in "Xunzi: Honor and Disgrace": "Those who blame others are poor, and those who blame God have no aspirations. "

There is always a type of people who, in the face of failure, never reflect on themselves and look for problems within themselves, but always find fault with others. They even complain about their bad luck because God has not favored them.

Such people

In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, Chu and Han fought , and Xiang Yu was surrounded by Liu Bang.

Text | Therefore, as a person, you must always remember to speak carefully in order to avoid many disasters. A smart person never brings trouble to himself by saying three kinds of things. 01 No. 1: Don’t tell lies: Failure to keep promises will lead to bad consequences. Chen Fu, - DayDayNews

knew that he could not escape. People say: "It has been eight years since I started the army. I have experienced more than 70 battles, and I have been invincible and invincible. I am trapped here today because God wants to destroy me, not because I am incompetent. "

In fact, it is not the case.

In Xinfenghongmen, Liu Bang only had 100,000 troops, but Xiang Yu had 400,000. He had an absolute advantage, but because of his temporary weakness, he missed the opportunity to kill Liu Bang.

Later, he killed Liu Bang Liu Bang was afraid of the lack of food and asked for peace again. His adviser Fan Zeng advised: "If you don't cross Liu Bang now, you will regret it later. "

But he fell into Liu Bang's divorce plan. He believed that Fan Zeng had contacts with Liu Bang and no longer trusted him. He missed the opportunity again.

Until the end, at the Wujiang side, Wujiang Pavilion long-framed ship was waiting. Xiang Yu: "Although Jiangdong is small, it has a radius of thousands of miles and hundreds of thousands of people, enough to make a comeback.

Xiang Yu said, "If heaven wants to destroy me, why should I cross the river?" "

Xiang Yu committed suicide in Wujiang River in the mood of complaining about God's injustice. Until his death, he did not realize his mistake.

Master Hongyi Li Shutong once said: "The villain regards his own fault as the fault of others, and every time he blames Heaven But treat others better; a gentleman regards the faults of others as his own faults, and blames himself every time he bows. "

Complaining is a poison, and it is an addictive poison. Once you start complaining, you will feel that your failure is all due to external factors, not your own fault.

If this continues, it will only wear away. They will spend the rest of their lives complaining.

People with strong will never blame others, because they understand that complaining cannot solve the problem, and the only way to solve the problem is to make themselves better and stronger.

Text | Therefore, as a person, you must always remember to speak carefully in order to avoid many disasters. A smart person never brings trouble to himself by saying three kinds of things. 01 No. 1: Don’t tell lies: Failure to keep promises will lead to bad consequences. Chen Fu, - DayDayNews

So. , Only by turning the emotion of complaint into strength can you start a happy life.


You must be smart and give up three kinds of words to have a smooth life.

Emperor Liang Yuan Xiao Yi once said: "Words and deeds are about beauty, not about excess. ”

Indeed, speaking is a profound art, which lies in being precise rather than in saying too much. If you talk too much, you will often make mistakes and get yourself into trouble.

When dealing with the world, you should take care of your mouth and not lie. , treat others with sincerity; don’t talk big words, be truthful; don’t complain and live actively, only then can you gain the trust and love of others.

I hope that you and I will be able to speak well for the rest of our lives.

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