英国男孩篡改维基百科 成功混进演唱会VIP席

2022年07月05日06:42:10 热门 1188
英国男孩篡改维基百科 成功混进演唱会VIP席 - 天天要闻

As a rule, [w=bouncer]bouncers aren't renowned for being [w=pushover]pushovers or easily [w=dupe]duped. Slurring "I'm not drunk" or indignantly insisting that you're "with the band" tend to have a very low success rate.一般来说,门卫可不怎么好对付,或者说他们不是好惹的。如果你咕哝着说什么“我没醉”或者怒气冲冲地咬定你“认识乐队的人”,成功过关的概率是非常低的。

英国男孩篡改维基百科 成功混进演唱会VIP席 - 天天要闻

With a little bit of cunning, however - and good Wifi signal - it's not totally out of the question. Just ask Adam Boyd.但是,如果你有些小聪明——还有很棒的Wifi信号——这事儿也不完全就是“没门儿”的。问问亚当•博伊德就知道了!

The teenager from Crewe managed to blag his way in to The Sherlocks' gig in Manchester on Friday armed simply with his phone and some slick editing skills.这位来自克鲁(英国地名)的小伙子星期五成功地通过小花招混进了夏洛克乐队在曼彻斯特的演唱会,而且仅仅装备了一部手机和一点三脚猫编辑技巧。

A fan of the band, Adam and his friends had in fact already bought tickets, but had arrived late owing to a delayed train and were stuck with a "sh***" view of the stage.亚当是这支乐队的粉丝,他本来已经和朋友们买了票,但是因为火车延误迟到了,而且只能待在一个看舞台角度超烂的地方。

Most people would have grudgingly accepted this fate, settling instead for silently casting [w=dagger]daggers at all the people in the way and a mediocre musical experience.大多数人会不情不愿地接受命运,安顿下来,悄悄地向所有挡在前面的人忿忿然,收获一场不怎么样的音乐体验。

Not Adam.亚当却不是这样。

Adam had a plan, though it admittedly involved a bit of Dutch courage.亚当早有计划,不过说实话也是因为壮了些酒胆。

Noticing a bouncer guarding the VIP section, Adam explained, "In my drunken state I edited the band's Wikipedia page to say I was family, and it worked!"亚当发现演唱会VIP区守着个门卫,他解释说:“我喝醉了,编辑了乐队的维基百科页面,说我是乐队的家人,就那么成功了!”

Here's the edit.以下就是他的编辑:

英国男孩篡改维基百科 成功混进演唱会VIP席 - 天天要闻

Adam [w=tweak]tweaked The Sherlocks' Wikipedia page so it not only said he was cousin of lead singer Kiaran Crook, but that he was the influence for the band's first single Live for the Moment.亚当修改了The Sherlocks乐队的维基百科页面,这样一来,从维基上看,他不仅是乐队主唱卡伦•克鲁克的表亲,而且还影响了乐队第一支单曲《活在当下》的创作。

Adam later revealed that we so close to the band he could "see their watches".后来,亚当透露说:我们离乐队那么近,都能“看到他们的手表”了。

Here's his VIP view.以下就是他从VIP区域看到的舞台:

英国男孩篡改维基百科 成功混进演唱会VIP席 - 天天要闻

He told The Sun, "I'm usually quite confident with others when I'm drunk, which probably helped in the situation with the bouncer."他对《太阳报》记着说:“我喝醉了之后往往会非常自信地与人相处,很可能这一点帮助我过了门卫那关。”

"From what I can remember, he had the rope going across the door, and refused to let me in, until I explained I was one of the band members' cousins, and obviously he didn't believe that, either. I was trying to find some way to 'prove' I was family. That's when I 'remembered' about being credited on Wikipedia, although I had changed it minutes beforehand, and showed him and he said 'Fair enough' and let me past."“据我的记忆,他用一条绳子把门截住了,不许我进去,后来我解释说自己是乐队成员的一位表亲,但显然他也没有相信。我想找个办法‘证明’自己确实是乐队成员家人。这时我想到了可以通过维基百科获取信任,尽管我只是提前几分钟修改的页面,但我拿给门卫看后,他说‘好吧’就让我进去了。”

"I guess luck was on my side, either that or a gullible bouncer?"“我想,是幸运之神帮了我,如若不然,就是我遇到了一位好骗的门卫。”




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