每日新闻播报(July 16)

2022年06月30日18:03:03 热门 1159
每日新闻播报(July 16) - 天天要闻

Serbia's Novak Djokovic with the trophy as he celebrates winning the final against Switzerland's Roger Federer. [Photo/Agencies]

>Djokovic wins epic final 温网世纪大战小德夺冠

World No 1 and defending champion Novak Djokovic claimed his fifth Wimbledon men's singles title, beating 20-time Grand Slam champion Roger Federer in a thrilling final on Sunday. 14日进行的温布尔登网球公开赛男单决赛中,卫冕冠军、世界排名第一的德约科维奇击败20次大满贯冠军得主费德勒,赢得自己的第五个温网男单冠军。

The 32-year-old won the epic marathon match 7-6 (5), 1-6, 7-6 (4), 4-6, 13-12 (3) in four hours and 57 minutes, which is the longest Wimbledon final. 双方上演了一场惊心动魄的对决,最终32岁的德约科维奇耗时4小时57分钟,以7比6(5)、1比6、7比6(4)、4比6、13比12(3)拿下这场史诗级马拉松大战,这也是温布尔登史上耗时最长的决赛。

Djokovic has increased his Grand Slam titles to 16. 此役过后,德约科维奇获得的大满贯冠军总数达到16个。

The final was the pair's third meeting in the title match at the All England Club. Djokovic won all of them, in 2014, 2015 and 2019. 本场决赛是德费二人在全英俱乐部的第三次交锋,前两次分别发生在2014年和2015年,三次决赛均以德约科维奇胜利告终。

每日新闻播报(July 16) - 天天要闻


>'Shang-Chi' looks for actor 漫威华裔英雄'上气'选角

Marvel Studios has kicked off casting for "Shang-Chi", the first Chinese superhero to helm a movie franchise from one of Hollywood's most bankable studios. 好莱坞最成功的电影制作公司之一漫威影业近日启动了影片《上气》的选角,《上气》是漫威影业首部华人超级英雄电影。

Chinese-American screenwriter Dave Callaham will pen the screenplay and Destin Daniel Cretton has been hired to direct. 美籍华人编剧达夫•卡拉汉姆将负责操刀,德斯汀•克里顿为该片导演。

However, no announcement has been made regarding who will play the star-making role of Shang-Chi. 然而,备受关注的男主角人选尚未公布。

According to one Hollywood insider, offers are already being circulated to potential actors to come in and test with studio executives. 据好莱坞知情人士透露,漫威制片方已经向数名男星发出试镜邀请。

Justin Kroll of Variety is reporting that Marvel is looking for an actor of Chinese ancestry in his twenties. 《综艺》记者贾斯汀•克罗尔报道称,漫威的选角标准是,男主角人选需要在20至29岁年龄段,且拥有中国血统。

每日新闻播报(July 16) - 天天要闻

A bird's-eye view of the central business district in Beijing. [Photo/IC]

>GDP grows 6.3% in H1 上半年GDP同比增6.3%

China's GDP expanded 6.3% year-on-year in the first half of 2019 to about 45.09 trillion yuan, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed Monday. The growth was in line with the government's annual target of 6-6.5% set for 2019. 国家统计局15日发布的数据显示,今年上半年我国国内生产总值(GDP)约45.09万亿元,同比增长6.3%,这与我国制定的2019年全年6%-6.5%的增长目标一致。

In the second quarter, the country's GDP rose 6.2% year-on-year, lower than 6.4% in the first quarter, according to NBS data. 第二季度GDP同比增长6.2%,比第一季度放缓0.2个百分点。

The economic performance was generally stable and remained within a reasonable range, with progress being made in certain areas, NBS spokesperson Mao Shengyong told a press conference. 国家统计局发言人毛盛勇在新闻发布会上表示,我国经济运行继续保持在合理区间,延续总体平稳、稳中有进发展态势。

每日新闻播报(July 16) - 天天要闻

Jin Liqun, president of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), makes a speech at the Asian Infrastructure Forum during the fourth annual meeting of the AIIB in Luxembourg, July 13, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

>AIIB reaches 100 members 亚投行成员增至100个

The China-initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) on Saturday approved the membership of Benin, Djibouti and Rwanda, bringing AIIB's total approved membership to 100, and the volume of approved financing increasing to $8.5 billion. 13日,中国发起的亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)批准吸收贝宁吉布提、卢旺达为亚投行新成员,至此,亚投行成员总数增至100个,批准的贷款总额增至85亿美元。

The three prospective non-regional members will officially join AIIB once they complete the required domestic processes and deposit the first capital installment with the Bank. 这三个域外意向成员在走完所需的国内流程并认缴首期出资额后,将正式加入亚投行。

In the meantime, AIIB's Board of Governors elected Chinese Finance Minister Liu Kun chairman of the board. According to the decision of Board of Governors, its fifth annual meeting is scheduled to be held from July 2 to July 3, 2020 in Beijing. 当天,亚投行理事会还选举中国财政部部长刘昆为第五届理事会主席,并决定亚投行第五届理事会年会将于2020年7月2日至3日在北京举行。

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