Guangdong to release 300 million yuan in vouchers

2023年12月12日23:17:05 教育 1180

Guangdong kicks off the voucher event titled "Happy Consumption in Guangdong", which is running from December 2023 to January 2024. With a total allocation of 300 million yuan, the vouchers span 21 cities across the province.

Guangdong to release 300 million yuan in vouchers - 天天要闻

Voucher categories and denominations:

The consumption vouchers can be used for local retail consumption in stores, retail catering services in restaurants and mini-programs, as well as cultural tourism consumption. The discount will be available at a certain amount of consumption.

The vouchers for retail and catering services on arrival can be utilized at designated offline physical stores, including shopping malls, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants, located within Guangdong. The retail catering mini-program vouchers are applicable within the province but specifically for designated merchants through their respective WeChat mini-programs.

The preceding three vouchers operate on a tiered discount system as follows:

1.Get a 10-yuan discount for every 50 yuan paid;

2.Get a 20-yuan discount for every 100 yuan paid;

3.Get a 50-yuan discount for every 200 yuan paid;

4.Get a 100-yuan discount for every 400 yuan paid;

The cultural and tourism vouchers can be used for various purposes, including (1) routes within Guangdong, (2) domestic travel routes, (3) cultural heritage routes, historical and cultural routes, and rural tourism routes in the GBA, as well as (4) tickets for attractions (resorts) and accommodation, RV travel products, study tour products, travel equipment, travel merchandise, tickets for artistic performances, and cultural and creative products in Guangdong. These vouchers can be redeemed at designated offline stores or through WeChat mini-programs within the province.

The cultural and tourism voucher operates on a tiered discount system:

1.Get a 10-yuan discount for every 49 yuan paid;

2.Get a 20-yuan discount for every 99 yuan paid;

3.Get a 40-yuan discount for every 199 yuan paid;

4.Get a 100-yuan discount for every 499 yuan paid;

5.Get a 200-yuan discount for every 999 yuan paid;

Each user can acquire up to 4 different vouchers per round, with a chance to enjoy discounts of up to 500 yuan.

Additional offers from e-commerce platforms in Guangdong:

1.Vipshop: over 30 million yuan in coupons and red packet benefits;

2.Suning: 20 million yuan in subsidies for home appliances, including trade-in vouchers, group-buying coupons, and up to 15% cashback on packages above a certain value;

3.Freshippo: 13 million yuan in "Double 12" coupons;

4.Meituan's "Meituan Maicai" rebranded as "Xiaoxiang Supermarket" with various promotions including price reductions, flash sales, and buy-one-get-one-free discounts;

5.Pupu Mall: Over 200,000 coupons and more than 5 million yuan in coupon value.

Ways of registration and participation:

The current vouchers are distributed through a "pre-registration with an online draw" method. Users located in Guangdong with a WeChat Pay verified account can participate in this consumption event through the official mini-program.

The first round of registration is from December 11th, 2023, at 18:00, to December 14th, 2023, at 23:59, with results announced on December 16th, 2023, at 9:00.

Participating Platforms:

Guangdong to release 300 million yuan in vouchers - 天天要闻

Interested consumers can register and participate in the campaign by searching for "Guangdong Consumption Voucher" ("广东消费券") on WeChat or subscribing through official WeChat accounts like"Guangdong Commerce" ("广东商务") and"Guangdong Culture and Tourism" ("广东文旅"). Limited vouchers are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News


广东“粤消费 粤精彩”消费券活动将从2023年12月持续至2024年1月,21个地市同步参与,在全省范围内发放3亿元消费券。















文、图 |记者 孙绮曼


来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派

责编 | 王瑜瑛

校对 | 苏敏


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