Innovative enterprises shine at China International SME Fair

2023年06月30日23:04:06 教育 1139

At the 18th China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair (CISMEF) held recently, Guangdong's local innovative enterprises showed up with their major products to exhibit the charming new technologies of small and medium enterprises.

Innovative enterprises shine at China International SME Fair - 天天要聞

The VR games on site

Lighting enterprises in Zhongshan enjoy a worldwide reputation. At the CISMEF, an innovative enterprise from Zhongshan has put on display its "flicker-free" eye-protection lamp. As mentioned by Jiang Hongbo, the founder of PLANT's "flicker-free" eye-protection lamp business, most of LED lights on the market fAIl to be flicker-free; PLANT, on the other hand, managed to be the first manufacturer in China to make "flicker-free" eye-protection lamps into reality through the development of IC design.

Flexiv is a unicorn company in the area of all-purpose robots. According to Han Xiaoxuan, the Senior Marketing Manager of the company, the adaptive robots on exhibition were built along the humanoid technical route, which has deeply integrated the industrial force control technology and advanced AI technology, preparing the robots for more complicated environments while imparting stronger adaptability to them.

"Having achieved the successful implementation of our robots in automotive assembly plants, mobile phone factories, and other industrial sectors, we are now expanding our horizons to explore non-industrial areas and develop products tailored for diverse fields such as agriculture, catering, and healthcare," said Han Xiaoxuan, emphasizing the company's commitment to innovation and diversification.

Innovative enterprises shine at China International SME Fair - 天天要聞

The robot welding equipment on site

"The digital solutions we proposed have been adopted during the Hexi warehousing project at the Nansha Port of Guangzhou, the largest cement transfer terminal in south China." said Liu Chao, Executive Director of Guangdong Yunbai Technology Company. He noted that, in terms of digital business, Yunbai Technology focuses on the "AI + IoT + safety production" model to provide overall solutions for projects related to bulk and general cargo terminals, mining areas, cement, coal, food and so on, and have made great contributions to many typical projects, solving the problems of digitalization and customization for the customers in various industries.

Liu Chao also mentioned that in terms of the smart connection of the IoT, the Company has established business partnerships with most of the operators around the globe, allowing them to provide safe, effective and compliant solutions and management platforms for network equipment and intelligent connected vehicles at home and abroad, a business that has been scaling up.

Mileseey, a national "little giant" firm from Shenzhen that uses special and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products, showed up in the Fair with a series of laser range finders for commercial and industrial use, displaying the leading role it plays in the area of laser measurement.

According to Fang Danqing, Vice President of Mileseey, currently, the product share of their laser range finders has exceeded 30% of the global shipments, while the core components of a large amount of the company's products are produced locally, and widely used in the urban safety area including the monitoring of tunnels, slopes, bridges and building safety.










文 | 羊城晚報全媒體記者 孫綺曼 陳澤雲 許張超

圖 | 羊城晚報全媒體記者 曾育文

翻譯 | 洪婷

來源 | 羊城晚報·羊城派

責編 | 戚美青

校對 | 桂晴


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