Technician students challenge Guinness World Records in light painting

On the evening of June 29th, a remarkable event unfolded, showcasing ingenuity and a challenge to the Guinness World Records. 328 students from various clubs at the Guangzhou Technician College joined forces for the first time to create a collaborative light painting.

The technician students, organized in clubs, delivered a captivating array of performances including music, dance, sitcom, choir, and waking lion dance.

The grand finale titled "Light Painting Lion Dance Honors July 1st" aimed to break the Guinness World Records through a mesmerizing blend of "technology + art". Under the cover of night, the students wielded light as their brush to create stunning artwork.

The light-painted scene was supported by a combination of "human hands + mechanical arms". It featured a fusion of high-tech elements, iconic landmarks of Guangzhou, and distinctive aspects of Cantonese culture. The intangible cultural heritage of the "waking lion dance" served as the main subject of the performance, representing both the unique Cantonese culture and the spirit of diligent craftsmanship.

The show not only achieved a crossover collaboration between "technology + art" but also highlighted the spirit of craftsmanship and the preservation of Cantonese culture in the current era.

It is said that the light painting was co-created by 328 students of Guangzhou Technician College and the team led by Wang Sibo. They have officially submitted the record attempt to the Guinness World Records for the most people simultaneously participating in a light painting activity, aiming to achieve the prestigious Guinness World Records title.




压轴节目《光绘醒狮 礼献七一》是一项挑战吉尼斯世界纪录的“科技+艺术”表演。学子们以光为笔以夜为幕,在夜空下挥笔创作。




文、图 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 周聪

通讯员 陆骏宇

翻译 | 刘佳慧

来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派

责编 | 戚美青

校对 | 桂晴