双语深圳|Guanlan printmaking base ‘a paradise for artists’

2024年04月28日08:51:28 教育 9004
video and photo by liu xudong

for chilean printmaking artist carlos damacio gómez, living in shenzhen has been a transient yet impressive experience.


gómez, also an academic from the university of chile, spent a remarkable two-month stay in shenzhen as a visiting artist at the invitation of the guanlan original printmaking base in longhua district.


“the guanlan printmaking base is a paradise for artists,” gómez told shenzhen daily while showing the reporter a two-floor workshop at the base. the first floor houses machinery and workstations for creation and printing, while the second floor is designated for individual studios.

“观澜版画基地是艺术家的天堂。” 戈麦斯告诉英文《深圳日报》。他带着记者参观版画工作坊,介绍道一楼是创作空间,有印刷的机器,二楼则是个人工作室。

双语深圳|Guanlan printmaking base ‘a paradise for artists’ - 天天要闻

carlos damacio gómez etches a copper plate at the guanlan original printmaking base in longhua district on march 16. liu xudong

originally a hakka village with more than 300 years of history, the printmaking base has been transformed into a vibrant artistic community. with two workshops covering a floor area of 30,000 square meters, the base has welcomed over 1,000 artists worldwide to date.

观澜版画原创产业基地,从一个300多年历史的客家古村落变成充满活力的版画社区,成为世界各地艺术家自由创作的沃土。基地里有两个版画工作室,建筑面积达 30000 平方米,迄今已接待了全球 1000 多名艺术家。

surrounded by a large rapeseed flower field and verdant trees, the base provides gómez with a serene environment conducive to uninterrupted artistic exploration, free from academic obligations and personal distractions.


gómez stated, “my life here involves maybe 16 hours of drawing. this opportunity offers me one of the most immersive experiences as an artist.”

戈麦斯说:“我在这里的生活可能有 16 个小时都在画画。这次机会为我提供了一次沉浸式作为艺术家的体验。”

双语深圳|Guanlan printmaking base ‘a paradise for artists’ - 天天要闻

gómez looks at a painting he's recently been working on.

upon his arrival in shenzhen, after an arduous journey spanning nearly 18,000 kilometers over 48 hours [a day], gómez began work on a piece titled “the city of caesars,” which is a reference to a mythical lost city believed to have once existed in patagonia. the lost city has captivated adventurers around the world for centuries with stories of vast treasures and knowledge waiting to be discovered.


“when i arrived in shenzhen, i felt like i was always searching for something, discovering a new world. everything was different,” gómez said, noting that this experience inspired him to create “the city of caesars.”

“当我来到深圳,我发现我自己好像在寻找些什么,探索一个新世界,这里的一切都很不一样。” 戈麦斯说,这也是激发他创作《凯撒之城》的灵感来源。

hailing from the small town of coyhaique in patagonia, gómez’s exposure to the arts was initially limited. however, his passion for drawing propelled him on an artistic journey. specializing in printmaking during his academic tenure at the university of chile, gómez eventually became an art professor at the university.


one of gómez’s printmaking works is currently being exhibited at the china printmaking museum in shenzhen, a testament to his growing career. “this is a great privilege. my career is advancing, and this is very important to me,” he said.



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