Factory transfer! No orders! How long can the cosmetics factory last? Hold on and win!

Recently, I have heard more and more complaints from colleagues that business is not good and the pressure is great!

Two weeks ago, I suddenly heard that a colleague had sold the factory, which made people even more emotional!

After the epidemic, although production resumed, the factory lacked orders. Occasionally, some orders are either small in volume or low profit. Today's factory sales are not enough to pay the factory rent and not enough to feed the workers. If we continue, our factory may have to lay off employees!

Under such circumstances, some factories are forced to make a last-ditch effort to reduce costs, lower quality, lower MOQ, and make ultra-low products, hoping to feed the factories, hoping that the market will get better, hoping to support a few more month!

"For the factory, we calculated the expenses, and the pressure is really great! A small and medium-sized cosmetics factory, calculated as a factory of 10,000 square meters, the rent for 1 square meter is 20-24 Yuan, a month’s factory rent requires 200,000 yuan. If there are no orders in the market, or the order’s profit is very low, then you can only eat your money! The annual budget of 2.4 million yuan and net profit must be prepared on the books. Forget it! In this special period, the purchase of raw materials is not bad without a price increase, and there is no way to hold down! Besides borrowing money and loans, there is basically no other way to choose! I can’t afford it, so I can only sell the house. The house can't be sold, mortgaged to the bank, it may be a loss-making business! Thinking about it is stressful!" said a friend!

A few days ago, a friend wanted to transfer the factory again. I probably asked about the price, which is really exciting! Even at such a cheap price, few people care about it, not to mention the ring guarantee is not down, even if a buyer wants it, it still has to be cut!

I remember that in 2016, the micro business was almost over. A friend spent more than 2 million to renovate the factory. Just after the commissioning, 1.2 million was sold.

A friend in the same industry commented that 1.2 million, this price is considered to be a good selling! Because a factory has a monthly rent of nearly 200,000 yuan, the rent must be paid if it is not operating! If you postpone the sale for one month, you will have to pay an extra 200,000 factory rent. It is better to cut the meat quickly and drop it to the end!

Yes, it is really not easy to make a factory. Finding factories, fitting out, buying equipment, passing the audit, and getting the qualifications. After more than half a year, the factories that can start receiving orders are sold at a low price! What a pity!

This is the market, very cruel!

Today's market is even more cruel than 2016!

The new factory in 2016 is really sad. It has little impact on our old factory. It can also maintain the orders of old customers and expand the orders of new customers! Now, there are no new customers and no return orders from old customers! The days are really sad!

And our customers are also very confused now! In traditional offline channels, the sales volume is not good, and the epidemic has not yet completely subsided, the flow of people is less, and the business is even harder! Online, traditional e-commerce price wars did not make any money after a round of price wars. Net celebrities lost a lot of money after completing a round of tuition with the delivery of goods, and lost a lot of money after trial and error with video delivery. The live broadcast has a bright future, but it cannot attract Fans, poor live broadcasts, can't sell goods, can't make money, can't pay wages, can't find a way out, a lot of bitterness! The channel is unavailable, and they have no plans to open new products, and the processing orders are far away!

Today's business environment has become so difficult! The factory is waiting for customers, customers are waiting for fans, what are fans waiting for?

If the factory doesn’t come out, it’s just waiting to die; after coming out, it’s still facing the same dilemma as a brand business. There is no channel, and it has to build its own channels. Put money and stick to it.......

But how long will it last? How long can it last? do not know!

Anxiety and suffering will accompany many people...

Here, I just want to say "hold on, Meiye people, everything will be okay!".