Can the WeChat chat history be retrieved if the phone is broken? Stop throwing recovery software in a hurry

In the process of using WeChat on weekdays, if we don’t pay attention, we will accumulate a large number of chat records. These chat records often contain important information such as work content. However, it is inevitable that the mobile phone is lost or damaged when it is carried around at any time. How to retrieve the important chat records is a problem that we urgently need to solve.

I believe that many people like to search for recovery methods after encountering such situations. There are many software or services on the market that claim to be able to restore WeChat chat history, especially some of which require a fee.

However, according to the feedback of netizens, after using this kind of software or service, I found out that I was cheated. Not only did the chat history not be restored, but also a lot of money was trapped.

So how do we restore WeChat chat history when the phone is broken?

Someone might first think of recovering through the program that comes with WeChat. We all know that the WeChat APP itself has its own chat history repair function. The steps are:

1. Open WeChat [Me]-[Settings]-[Help and Feedback];

2. Click the upper right corner Small wrench icon, click [Repair chat history] option;

3. Wait for the automatic repair to complete, and then restart to log in to WeChat.

But most people find no effect at all after using it. So why does WeChat set up this function? It actually tends to be a repair function that we set up when the WeChat system fails during the process of using WeChat, which causes the WeChat chat history to be lost for no reason. It is not to restore the chat history that we deleted or lost, so please don’t understand. Under the circumstances, use this function stupidly.

In addition, other third-party software can also be used to restore WeChat chat history. However, it is not recommended to use third-party software. Whether the third-party software will steal user data is unknown, and the fraudulent money described in the opening may occur.

Obviously, once our mobile phone with WeChat chat history is broken, there is no way to restore it without a backup.

Someone may ask, our WeChat chats are not all through Tencent's servers, why can't we download data from Tencent's server for recovery?

This involves information security issues. Tencent servers will not store individual user chat records. In addition, the WeChat user base is huge, and it is a big expense for Tencent to record everyone's data.

On the official website of WeChat, it is not difficult for us to find the description of the rules for the preservation of WeChat chat records.

The official clearly pointed out the problem of data storage. In order to protect user privacy, chat records will only be saved on the user's mobile phone, but not on the server side. If the chat history is not backed up and migrated, you cannot view the previous chat history after changing the phone.

is also true. Since WeChat was launched for many years, the official cloud backup function of chat history has not been provided. Even the data transfer can only be carried out between new and old devices or mobile computers through the network, or it is achieved by the system's backup function.

Since WeChat data can only be stored on this phone, once the hardware of the phone is damaged, especially the storage module is damaged, and there is no backed-up data on hand, you can only accept it.

So our first consideration is to minimize the loss of chat records, what should we do?

First connect the WeChat of the computer and mobile to the same WiFi to ensure LAN transmission. Then, open the WeChat on the computer side in the lower left corner [More]-[Backup and Recovery]-[Backup chat history to computer]. You can directly back up all the chat records on the mobile phone to the computer, or you can back up according to the time, friends and specific content you want to back up.

can also choose to migrate WeChat chat history to another mobile device.

This operation also requires two mobile phones to be connected to the sameOn WiFi. Open the WeChat of the original phone, click [Me]-[Settings]-[General]-[Chat history backup and migration]-[Migrate chat history to another device], and finally select [Migrate all chat history] or [Migrate some chat record】.

After the selection is complete, follow the prompts and log in to your WeChat account on another mobile phone, and then use the mobile phone to scan the QR code displayed on the first mobile phone to transfer the chat history.

It is better to keep the network environment normal during the migration process to avoid data loss.

In any case, don't easily believe in various online software or services that claim to be able to restore WeChat chat history. Making a backup is the main thing. Then do you know if there are other simpler, safer and more efficient ways to restore WeChat chat history?

(Editor: Cui Cui)