Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News, July 15th Guanhai News reporter learned from Hisense Group that from January to June this year, Hisense Laser TV sales in Australia, Europe and Asia increased by 170% year-on-year, and sales in the first half of the year exceeded the whole of last year

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News July 15 Guanhai News reporter learned from Hisense Group that from January to June this year, Hisense Laser TV sales increased by 170% year-on-year in Australia, Europe and Asia, and sales in the first half of the year have Compared with the whole of last year, Shanghai Xin's high-end manufacturing business has achieved a brilliant result.

It is reported that green environmental protection is an important reason why laser TV is popular in the Australian market. Laser TV not only changes the form of flat-panel TVs, providing an extraordinary experience of true color, healthy eye protection and on-site immersion, but also integrates green concepts throughout the entire life cycle from design, manufacturing to recycling, with a recycling rate as high as 87%.

Australia is a typical high-end consumer market. Hisense Laser TV has achieved good sales results in the Australian market, laying a solid foundation for Hisense to expand into more high-end markets. In March this year, Liu Bin, vice president of Hisense International Marketing Company, disclosed Hisense's "three plans" for high-end overseas expansion. In terms of high-end product layout, Hisense's high-end picture quality flagship product ULED TV will achieve high-end sales growth of more than 40% year-on-year. Hisense Laser TV overseas Sales volume doubled. (Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News reporter Sun Xin)

(Author: Sun Xin)