This is a mini workshop, welcome everyone to my text channel! As the title says: Why are you forced to watch ads when you buy a TV? It’s really disgusting! Is the picture from the Internet? The picture is from the Internet. The picture is from the Internet. It can be said that th

This is a mini workshop, welcome everyone to my text channel!

As the title says: Why are you forced to watch ads when you buy a TV? It’s really disgusting! Is it

Pictures from the Internet

Pictures from the Internet

Pictures from the Internet

It can be said that the indispensable household appliance in every family is the television. This is an important weight for many families to maintain relationships! Just imagine that when you get home every day, the only time the family will sit down, chat and watch TV is during the meal time! After dinner, everyone went back to their respective rooms and there was no communication!

I myself have witnessed the history of the TV industry. From the earliest black and white TV, everyone stared at the few channels of the TV station with great interest every day. Later, cable TV appeared and suddenly there were dozens of channels. At that time, the happiest time every day was to come home and finish my homework, turn on the TV and watch popular dramas. Then there are so-called smart TVs now, but they have nothing like the original taste. Now let’s take my family as an example! I actually watch TV just to have some fun while eating. To be honest, the programs in it are really boring and very low-level. It’s so obvious that they talk awkwardly and talk about decades-old jokes!

Today's young people may not have the same feelings about television as we did at the beginning, because they live in this era of information explosion, and the information they want to know can be captured almost instantly. But sometimes I think about the happiest and happiest years in the past when I was very lacking in all aspects.

The fact that today’s TVs have not withdrawn from the stage is largely thanks to the elderly. Because they don’t like to be exposed to new things, they are not too cold about smart products and are more willing to watch some simple and easy-to-operate TVs. product, but for today’s smart TVs, it is actually not very friendly to the elderly. Not to mention that the overall operation is too cumbersome. What is even more disgusting is the advertisements of that kind of software, and you still have to watch the first few seconds. Hard standard!

If you want to say that I can accept it on a smartphone or computer, after all, as a capital investor, you also need to make money. At worst, it doesn't matter if you spend money to buy memberships, but for the elderly, it is actually very boring! Their daily source of entertainment is largely television programs! But now that I just open that interface, I am almost forced to watch annoying ads. Why?

Although there were some advertisements in the past, fortunately they were very well-produced, and even the advertising songs in them were sung by everyone. Although some of them are advertisements, they are not despicable for so long, only about ten seconds, so I don’t feel anything!

Is there still more than ten seconds left in the current advertisement? Especially for popular dramas, it is even more of a one-minute operation! Although the meeting costs only a few dollars per month, it feels like being kidnapped and held for ransom. It feels very uncomfortable!

Finally, I would like to say that I spent money to buy a TV instead of buying a TV if I am willing to watch advertisements. Many elders around me rarely even watch TV now because there is no way to deal with annoying advertisements. As juniors, we say Elderly people who spend money to sign up for a membership are afraid of wasting money and are not allowed to spend it randomly, so their main means of entertainment now has become the radio!

Advertisements are actually not annoying. The key is that those advertisements are shoddy and look like an old lady’s foot wraps, smelly and long. This is so annoying!