In recent years, the Loop Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone has closely followed the development direction determined by the country, built the area with the closest cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong and the highest concentration of sc

Text and pictures/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Li Tianjun Correspondent Liao Xiaolong

In recent years, the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone has closely followed the development direction determined by the country and strived to build the area with the closest cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong and the highest concentration of scientific and technological innovation. Serving as the "innovation engine" of the Greater Bay Area International Science and Technology Innovation Center, it has achieved remarkable results. In just a few years, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have become more closely integrated next to the Greater Bay Area; along the Shenzhen River, the lights on both sides of the strait have become brighter, and an open, innovative, and green golden coastline has accelerated to take shape and shine.

The "1+12" superposition effect of the Loop is significant

Since its "birth" in 1997, the Loop, located at the junction of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, has undergone tremendous changes in 25 years. Especially in the past five years, there has been a major benefit almost every year, which has given wings to the development of the Loop. Since its establishment, the Loop Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone has shouldered the important mission entrusted by the country, giving full play to the comparative advantages of Shenzhen and Hong Kong in science and technology innovation activities, solidly promoting scientific and technological innovation, and striving to create a technological and technological innovation hub with global influence. It is a highland for industrial innovation and serves as the "engine" for the construction of an international science and technology innovation center.

Overlooking the Loop

On the 3.89 square kilometers of land in the Loop, more than 140 high-end science and technology innovation projects have been intensively implemented. Science and technology innovation parks and science and technology buildings are constantly growing. High-end science and technology innovation resources are rapidly forming from "zero breakthrough" to In the good situation of "agglomeration development", a scientific and technological innovation highland is rising.

Not long ago, my country's first desktop electron microscope with completely independent intellectual property rights was officially launched at Shenzhen Futian Research Institute of City University of Hong Kong. This set of microscopy equipment breaks the monopoly of foreign countries. It can achieve nanometer-level spatial resolution and a magnification of more than 100,000 times, and can directly see the " atoms " of matter. Dr. Jin Guoliang, who participated in the research and development, said: "We hope to turn it into a simple-to-operate 'point-and-shoot camera' so that primary school students can also use it to see the process of photosynthesis on leaves and the difference between virus before and after mutation."

Chen Furong, Dean of Shenzhen Futian Research Institute of City University of Hong Kong, introduced that transmission and scanning electron microscopes were once listed as 35 "stuck neck" technologies by " Science and Technology Daily " and are used in basic physics, nanomaterials, chemistry, High-end scientific instruments in biology, medicine, semiconductor testing and nanoprocessing and many other industrial fields have been monopolized by developed countries in the past. Currently, a prototype of the desktop electron microscope independently developed by them has been produced and purchased by TSMC for use in chip production.

In the Futian International Biomedical Industrial Park, the engineering team of United Imaging Medical is debugging and researching radio frequency equipment. Not long ago, United Imaging Medical developed the only independently developed 7T human body whole-body magnetic resonance imaging system in China. This system is an important tool for brain science research and clinical neurological disease research. It has been clearly put on the agenda to accelerate research and development in the "14th Five-Year Plan" Medical Equipment Industry Development Plan issued by the country.

A group of top scientists led the way to create a highland of industrial innovation

A corner of the Hetao Innovation Zone

"A top scientist brings a scientific research team to lead a technological change and drive the development of an industry." Looking at the world, there are many precedents. And such a story is also happening in Hetao.

Shenzhen International Quantum Research Institute is led by Yu Dapeng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After the establishment of the institute, graduates from top prestigious universities have come from all over the world, including MIT , University of Chicago, Washington University in St. Louis , Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Aalto University of Finland. …First-class talents from the world’s top universities gather here to work together to overcome every difficulty in quantum research.

At present, the expert team of the research institute has grown to nearly 200 people, making it the forefront of quantum research in my country.The institute focuses on my country's strategic layout of science and technology, giving full play to cooperation zone policies and regional advantages. It has established research and development projects in Shenzhen Institute of Quantum Science and Engineering, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Joint Laboratory of Quantum Science and Engineering, and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Quantum Science and Engineering. Based on the research institutions at the national and municipal levels, it has developed and grown into an international national-level quantum technology research platform.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Digital Economy Research Institute team, also led by academicians, released the "Fengshen List Model", "ReadPaper Paper Reading Platform", "BIOS Medical Knowledge Graph" and "Moqun KaaS Blockchain Service Platform" just one year after its establishment. Six major scientific research products: "Security Coprocessor SPU" and "FinRL Meta". Under the "spillover effect" of top research institutes, Hetao big data and artificial intelligence are "finger-to-fist": the Greater Bay Area Big Data Research Institute has produced a batch of research results; unicorns such as Yuanrong Qixing and Future Robot Enterprise has settled in. Under the leadership of

top scientists, not only quantum , big data and artificial intelligence are developing rapidly in Hetao, but " biomedicine " has also gradually become a trend of intensive development. State Food and Drug Administration Drug Review and Inspection and Medical Device Technology Review and Inspection Greater Bay Area Center business is fully launched, gathering a number of R&D institutions and enterprises such as Lianhe Medical Film and Jingtai Technology to create a highland for the pharmaceutical and device industry. The construction of "Bay Area Core Valley" is beginning to take shape, bringing together leading companies in the industry chain such as STMicroelectronics , covering all industry ecological elements such as talent training, chip design, packaging and testing, and communication platforms to promote the innovative development of the integrated circuit industry. "Energy technology" serves the future. Siemens Energy has set up its third innovation R&D center in the world after Germany and the United States in Hetao. Zhongxinhang, a leader in the lithium battery industry, has also settled in, accumulating sufficient momentum for the green development of the Greater Bay Area. .

Scientific research is transformed in Hong Kong and Macao into the mainland

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In the chemistry laboratory of Shenzhen Futian Research Institute of City University of Hong Kong, associate researcher Li Zebiao’s project team developed a new SERS sensor based on nano-etched silver needles, which is combined with Raman The spectrometer is highly compatible with and can quickly and easily detect the nutritional data and additives of food.

In less than half a year, Li Zebiao’s team connected with a testing agency and prepared to cooperate in testing food additives. As a manufacturing capital, Shenzhen is by no means undeserved. In just five months, a prototype of a handheld detector was produced.

The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Institute of the Chinese University of Hong Kong is building an open innovation platform for Shenzhen-Hong Kong smart medical robots. Dr. Zhong Fangxun, executive director of the project, said that the team has successfully built a surgical auxiliary robot and its control and interaction system for several specific surgical procedures such as minimally invasive abdominal surgery and otolaryngology surgery. The prototype has been basically completed. Laboratory commissioning and preclinical validation testing. One of them has been used in the operating rooms of relevant cooperative hospitals in Shanghai and Hong Kong, and has successfully completed a total of about ten clinical trials. If successful, it will be transformed into an industry so that it can benefit more patients.

Zhong Fangxun said that Shenzhen’s high-end manufacturing industry has a good foundation. There are many microelectronics, high-precision equipment and other suppliers and corresponding supply chains. This is very important for the industrialization of their results and allows the research results to be transformed more efficiently. For products, faster benefit to industrial development and public life.

So far, the Loop Shenzhen Park has introduced research institutions from 35 Hong Kong universities including University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong University of Science and Technology , Chinese University of Hong Kong , City University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong Polytechnic University html. Hong Kong's advantages in basic research and original innovation, combined with Shenzhen's strong competitiveness in applied research, R&D investment, manufacturing chain, etc., create a "1+12" superposition effect, allowing scientific and technological innovation achievements to emerge continuously and stir up excitement. The development vitality of Thousand Sails Competition.

Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation to build the golden coastline of the Greater Bay Area

The Loop Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone is a cooperation zone geographically connected between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Here, Shenzhen people only need to cross the boundary river Shenzhen River which is dozens of meters wide to be in Hong Kong.

Taking advantage of the spring breeze of construction in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong is developing across the river and Shenzhen is facing the south. The two places have joined hands to establish the Loop Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone on the banks of the Shenzhen River. The combined economic aggregate of the two is nearly 6 The trillion-dollar super city has forged a deeper relationship and joined hands to build the golden coastline of the Greater Bay Area.

Looking out the window from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop on the 21st floor of Changfu Jinmao Building, one can see the Shenzhen River like a jade belt, the dense network of tributaries, and the dotted wetlands and tidal flats.

On both sides of the Shenzhen River's estuary in the Loop, there are two major ecological reserve bases, the Hong Kong Mai Po Nature Reserve and the Shenzhen Mangrove Forest Reserve. The total area is about 750 hectares. It is an important "stopping point" for nearly 90,000 migratory birds migrating north and south every year. ” and “supply depot.” When the LMC Loop Cooperation Zone was first constructed, Shenzhen and Hong Kong attached great importance to the ecological environment and bird protection. Shenzhen also planned the construction of a bird-friendly city in the Shenzhen Bay Ecosphere.

This river, with its rippling blue waves and breathtaking beauty, has also been plagued by environmental problems. Since the 1950s, this river has witnessed the rise and development of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and has selflessly accepted industrial wastewater and domestic sewage from both places. Water pollution problems have become increasingly prominent.

In order to protect this common river, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have joined hands to manage the Shenzhen River. Through joint management, the water of the Shenzhen River has become clearer, the banks have turned green, and both sides are full of life. From January to May 2020, the water quality in the estuary reached the Class IV surface water standard, the best level since monitoring data began to be available in 1982.

The ecology has been effectively protected, and more and more rare animals have returned. The freshwater ecosystem indicator species Eurasian otter has returned after a lapse of 10 years. national first-level protected animal yellow-billed egret has appeared frequently and small civet has appeared for the first time. Nowadays, the Shenzhen Bay mangrove forest, where the sky is filled with red clouds and thousands of birds are flying together, has become an "Internet celebrity check-in place" for citizens and tourists.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng School

editor in charge | Li Cheng