July has officially entered, and the release date of Apple 14 is getting closer and closer. Previously, the parameters, appearance, and price of the new phone have been revealed many times and have been frequently searched. Recently, another report about a new machine came out. W

officially entered July, and it is getting closer and closer to the release of Apple 14. Previously, the parameters, appearance, and price of the new phone have been revealed many times and have been frequently searched. Recently, another report about a new machine came out. Well-known Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said that the Chinese market's demand for iPhone 14 will be far greater than that of the previous generation of "magic machine" iPhone 13. The current prepayment deposit for iPhone 14 is obviously higher than that of the previous generation.

If this is true, then the demand for iPhone 14 will reach unprecedented heights, because the popularity of iPhone 13 has far exceeded that of the previous generation and many Android phones. In the just-concluded 618 war, the sales volume of the iPhone 13 series products after price reduction accounted for nearly half, and on a certain platform, it exceeded the combined sales of the top ten products on the list.

But every time a new generation of Apple phones is launched, it will cause an uproar and even a lot of criticism. Many people think that Apple's upgrades will "squeeze toothpaste" and the price will "cut leeks". But why is the data reflected so "ridiculous"? What is the gap between Android manufacturers? Let's briefly analyze what makes Apple stand out.

No. 1 Apple's ecological construction is mature

This is also known as "How fun the Apple family is". When iPhone, Mac and iPad are brought together, the experience is doubled. The power of the smart ecosystem goes far beyond that, and its convenience can greatly improve the efficiency of work and study. Although some flagships have begun to have their own systems and cross-device operations, they now seem to be far less mature than Apple's construction, and it will take some time to catch up.

Second, there is no obvious difference between the Android flagship machine.

In fact, the hardware of the Android flagship machine is more sincere. There are no major faults in all aspects, but it seems that there is no irreplaceable feature. It is commonly known as a high-end "bucket machine". 2k screen, 120HZ high refresh rate, 50-megapixel outsole main camera, etc. Each flagship advertisement uses different tricks to promote these homogeneous parameters.

In the early years, OPPO’s fast charging and photography made it jump to the top ranks. Samsung ’s screen was also a benchmark, but in recent years these “features” have become more or less the same.

On the contrary, Apple's iOS operating system and A-series bionic processors are still its strong selling points. It produces its own products and is irreplaceable. So even though it has various shortcomings such as poor signal quality and cold after-sales service, it still has its flaws.

In this regard, I have to mention another high-end flagship giant Huawei mobile phone . It can be on an equal footing with Apple, largely because it has created something of its own. HiSilicon Kirin processors, HarmonyOS , etc. have all allowed consumers to see the uniqueness of Huawei .

So the well-known "talk show actor" Luo Yonghao also said: "It's all the supplier's technology, so why pretend to be a grandchild?" This sentence is rough but not rough. This sentence is aimed at other Android manufacturers who are homogeneous and have no uniqueness. .

Based on the above two points alone, even if Apple updates and squeezes toothpaste, it will give people the impression that the mobile phone is already good, but the update is small. This time the Apple 14 is rumored to be significantly updated with the A16 processor, so it is not unreasonable for analysts to predict that its demand will be unprecedented.