In the operation of Amazon stores, sellers need to use various means and methods to increase product sales in order to obtain more profits. Today I will share with you the common mistakes Amazon sellers make. Six common mistakes Amazon sellers make:  1.

In the operation of Amazon store, sellers need to use various means and methods to increase product sales in order to obtain more profits. Today I will share with you the common mistakes Amazon sellers make.

Six common mistakes made by Amazon sellers:

  1. Not familiar with the platform rules

 Amazon’s platform operating rules are becoming increasingly strict. Many sellers operate blindly without knowing the operating rules, and may be suspended from selling. If the goods have been In Amazon FBA inventory, the loss will increase by another order of magnitude.

 2. Lack of research on competitors

  Know yourself and your enemy and you will win every battle. Friends, sellers, must keep abreast of the trends of their peers, such as: review layout, setting of product keywords, etc. For example, learn more about what kind of keywords can be on the homepage and what kind of keywords are more in line with users' search habits.

 3. Selection of suppliers

  Finding a reliable supplier is a disguised profit for the seller, because not all suppliers are trustworthy, and we should reserve more supplier candidate lists in case of emergencies. .

 4. Poor product selection

  When selecting products, always analyze the product return rate, including users’ pain points for the product, as well as the core selling points of the product and accurately publish them at any time, and find ways to improve them.

 5. Unreasonable inventory arrangement

 Many sellers believe that in order to prevent excessive demand, they blindly reserve additional inventory. Including ordering more to lower unit costs. BUT, over-purchasing inventory may cause relatively large losses to seller friends. Because Amazon FBA sellers pay Amazon to store the products, that means your inventory is just sitting there, and if there are no sales, the inventory is just burning money. Not to mention excess inventory, plus you’ll need to pay Amazon $0.50 per item if you choose to return it.

 6. Improper use of PPC

  In order to ensure that products are displayed in front of more buyers, many sellers will use Amazon's pay-per-click (PPC), which is Amazon's built-in advertising system. At this time, sellers need to create a sponsored product product list and sell it. It tells the Amazon algorithm that your product is a product that people want to buy, which helps your product’s organic ranking.

and above are the six mistakes that Amazon sellers often make. For more information, please follow us. Cross-border e-commerce information is updated in real time every day!