Imagine that you and your twin brother are standing at position C in the queue. Each time you remove the largest and smallest pairs from the beginning and end of the queue. In the end, there will be one or two people left, and the height of one person or two will be left. The ave

09 Median

Mnemonic: English "median"

Category: Statistics



parameters: 1 to 255 parameters

  • number1,number2,… needs to calculate the median (also called the middle value) a set of numbers .


  1. The parameter can be a number or a name, array or reference containing a number;
  2. If the array or reference parameter contains text, logical value or blank cell, it will be ignored; the contained 0 value will be calculated;
  3. If the parameter Text that is an error value or cannot be converted to a number will result in an error;

Usage: Returns the median of the given data set, also called median . Below is a mobile screenshot of Baidu encyclopedia.

Popular understanding is that the median is the middle value of a set of data, which may actually exist (when the number is odd) or may not actually exist (when the number is even).

Imagine that you and your twin brother are standing at position C in the queue. Each time, the largest and smallest people are removed from the head and tail of the queue in pairs. In the end, there will be one person (when the number is odd) or two people (when the number is even). , the height of the remaining one person or the average height of the two people is the median of the queue. It can be considered that half of the numbers in this set of data are greater than the median, and half of the numbers are less than the median, regardless of whether the specific height is green Giant or Ant-Man, the median is used to represent the neutrality of the data.

10 mode

mnemonic: English "Mode"

category: statistics


mode (number1, number2,...)

parameters: 1 to 255 parameters

  • number1, number2,... needs to calculate the median (also called the median) A set of numbers .


  1. The parameter can be a number or a name, array or reference containing a number;
  2. If the array or reference parameter contains text, logical value or blank cell, it will be ignored; the contained 0 value will be calculated;
  3. If the parameter Text that is an error value or cannot be converted to a number will result in an error;
  4. will return an error value of #N/A if all the data is not repeated.

Usage: Return the most frequent number in the given data set. Search Baidu Encyclopedia, " mode (Mode) refers to the value with an obvious central tendency point in the statistical distribution, which represents the general level of data . It is also the value that appears most often in a set of data, sometimes the mode There are several in a set of numbers. Represented by M. "

1) Let's look at the example of Excel help, and still talk about the arithmetic mean of the results of 6 rounds of the revolver.

2) Add two lines at the end of the worksheet, write the title of "Median" and its calculation formula "=median(B2:B7)", and the title of "Mode" and its calculation formula "=mode(B2:B7)" )". And expand the data area of ​​the chart (click the chart and drag the fill handle of the data area to change the range). Finally, set different colors to distinguish, as shown below.

3) These are three common neutrality calculation methods. When the data is symmetrically distributed, the calculation results will be the same, but the applicable occasions are different.

4) We enter the random number formula "=randbetween(0,10)" in B2, fill the formula into B3~B6, and press the F9 key to observe. The first shooter's score is very poor. The calculation results of the three types of neutrality have different emphasis and reflect different situations.

The neutrality of random numbers

5) Pay special attention to when there are multiple modes. Only the first one found may be given, and the one ranked first will be the one. Enter 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 in different orders and see if this is the pattern.

6) will return an error value when there is no mode.

7) Finally, the last three graphs show the same neutrality calculation results.

(to be continued)