Dahe Network News "Building new R&D institutions is an important measure for our province to implement the innovation-driven strategy in depth, and plays an important role in our province's scientific and technological innovation to empower the high-quality development of the loc

Dahe Network News "Building new R&D institutions is an important measure for our province to implement the innovation-driven strategy in depth, and plays an important role in our province's scientific and technological innovation to empower the high-quality development of the local economy." On June 30, the Henan Provincial Committee of the China Democratic League full-time Vice Chairman Liu Fengbo made a speech at the 26th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and held a special discussion around "building a first-class innovation ecosystem and building a national innovation highland".

According to reports, in recent years, new R&D institutions in our province have developed healthily, orderly and rapidly. Currently, 126 new provincial R&D institutions, 22 provincial manufacturing innovation centers, and 17 major innovation platforms have been established, and a provincial innovation platform has been established. 74, and policies and measures have been continuously optimized and improved. However, compared with advanced regions and compared with the actual needs of innovation and development in our province, there are still gaps such as smaller overall numbers and weak incubation capabilities. There are also imperfect systems and mechanisms, weak talent absorption capabilities, and insufficient innovation. question.

In order to promote the construction of new R&D institutions in our province, the Henan Provincial Committee of the China Democratic League recommended strengthening top-level design. It is necessary to establish special work classes to clarify the main position and improve the conversion rate of results. Create an innovative technology ecosystem and build a first-class technology innovation team. It is necessary to innovate the assessment system, build a convenient and efficient talent introduction mechanism, and effectively enhance talent autonomy. Monitor and encourage simultaneously to guide connotative sustainable development. It is necessary to establish a monitoring system, establish a dynamic adjustment and incentive mechanism, provide performance rewards based on dynamic monitoring and evaluation results, and promote the overall high-quality development of new R&D institutions in our province. (Henan CPPCC Integrated Media Center Tian Kaizhong Liu Yang Jia Zhihao Li Tong)