Recently, CCCC Xinglu and DingTalk signed a memorandum of cooperation in Hangzhou. The two parties will jointly invest in product and technical strength for in-depth co-creation and launch the first "Logistics Ding" in the logistics industry and supply chain. Many leaders from bo

Recently, Zhongjiao Xinglu and DingTalk signed a memorandum of cooperation in Hangzhou. The two parties will jointly invest in product and technical strength for in-depth co-creation and launch the first "Logistics Ding" in the logistics industry and supply chain. Many leaders from both China Communications Xinglu and Dingding attended the signing ceremony and held high-level meetings.

It is reported that the launch of "Logistics Ding" can realize the integration of production, supply and sales of Dingding manufacturing enterprises, seamlessly link business scenarios, and accelerate the integration of enterprise software and hardware systems. Not only that, "Logistics Nail" promotes business collaboration between upstream and downstream enterprises more smoothly, can link upstream and downstream suppliers and dealers, and completes the integration of the OTWB systems (OMS, TMS, WMS, and BMS systems) of the supply chain, forming a natural It realizes the coordination and integration of information flow, logistics and capital flow. Through the deep link between DingTalk's basic products and the CCCC Xinglu Logistics Control Tower system, it provides an analytical basis for supply chain collaboration, risk judgment, and decision-making. For suppliers, through the visualization of goods, past blind spots in logistics and transportation are eliminated, the unknowability and uncontrollability of upstream activities in the supply chain are reduced, and the proportion of safe and timely delivery of goods is improved. For cargo owners, viewing real-time supplier information such as orders and inventory through the system can better manage inventory and transportation costs, while breaking the internal silos between the procurement and warehouse management departments. Connect multiple systems and applications to realize information exchange and sharing, create a one-stop logistics model for logistics parks and urban distribution, and accelerate the digital upgrade of the entire logistics chain.

(Logistics Ding-Supply Chain Visual View)

Jia Jia, Vice President of CCCC Xinglu, said: “This cooperation combines the technical advantages of both parties in the logistics field of CCCC Xinglu and DingTalk’s strong product base. We will conduct in-depth product integration with industry capabilities and jointly innovate to promote the digital upgrading of the logistics and supply chain industries." Wang Zhongyu, senior director of

DingTalk, said: "As a leading logistics technology and service platform, CCCC Xinglu can reduce costs and increase efficiency in the logistics industry. Having made great contributions, DingTalk firmly pursues the 'PaaS' ecological strategy and hopes to cooperate in depth with CCCC Xinglu to create leading digital logistics solutions so that 'Logistics DingTalk' can serve more industry users.”

, CCCC Xinglu has always been committed to R&D and innovation in the field of logistics technology, and has successfully built logistics technology based on the logistics "digital +" chassis and supported by three major systems: Internet of Vehicles and cloud communications, safety risk control, and digital transportation capacity. Zhongtai has independently developed hundreds of core technologies and 104 authorized patents, including low-frequency scene all-terrain trajectory completion, RNN-based real-time accident discovery engine, space-time-based capacity optimization and capacity decision-making chain knowledge map, to promote the digital transformation of logistics. Accumulated a solid technical foundation.

With the in-depth cooperation with DingTalk, CCCC Xinglu will integrate DingTalk’s technical capabilities to accelerate the upgrade of the depth and breadth of digital services in the supply chain logistics link, and further promote the digitalization process of various industries in terms of logistics services.