In the strategic context of new infrastructure, smart gateways have become one of the strong supporting cores for smart city construction.

Under the strategic background of new infrastructure and , smart gateways have become one of the strong supporting cores for smart city construction. Based on solid technology, rich experience and a large number of implementation cases, MatchX specializes in providing various smart gateways, including applications integrating smart lighting, 5G base stations, smart security, charging piles, information release, broadcasting, environmental weather monitoring, and vehicle-road collaboration. , municipal facilities monitoring, wireless coverage, emergency alarm and other functions, water meters and electricity meters, and efficient management are important project constructions for intelligent upgrading and innovative integration of smart cities.

As the core "brain" of smart cities, MatchX has become an important driving force of smart cities. MatchX smart gateway integrates multi-sensor access, data collection, protocol conversion, network connection, data analysis and judgment, emergency linkage, equipment monitoring and other functions . MatchXM2 Pro - LPWAN Crypto Miner smart gateway features flexible, convenient, and stable connections and is currently being used in smart cities in many provinces. Integrate and apply 5G communications, cloud computing , big data, edge computing and other technologies in smart transportation, smart parks, smart security, smart municipality and other fields to build a smart city intelligent management system and promote the deep integration of digitalization and informatization. .

New project construction is moving towards the construction of smart cities, promoting the pace of smart city construction, and the intelligent supporting facilities of urban homes are a key node. Among them, MatchX smart gateway has just emerged in the domestic market, with considerable market capacity, and is the future 3- 5-year trend.