On June 30, 2022, the question in Alipay's Ant Manor Small Classroom was about swimming. The question was "Before swimming in the water in summer, many people like to use swimming pool water to scrub their chests, limbs, etc. for what purpose?" This is very simple, as follows Let

On June 30, 2022, the question in Alipay's Ant Manor Small Classroom was about swimming. The question was "Before swimming in the water in summer, many people like to use swimming pool water to scrub their chests, limbs, etc. Why?" This is very simple, as follows Let me share with you the latest answers to Ant Manor.

Ant Manor Small Classroom Daily Answers Mini Program (You can check tomorrow’s answers in advance, updated every day)

Many people use pool water to scrub their chests and limbs before swimming in the summer. Why 6.30 Ant Manor’s latest answer

Today’s question: Before swimming in the water in the summer, many people I like to use swimming pool water to scrub my chest, limbs, etc., for?

A, to adapt to the water temperature

B, to check the water quality, anti-allergy

Correct answer: to adapt to the water temperature

Everyone sweats easily in summer. Many people are already sweating profusely before coming to the swimming pool. Avoid using In this state, you can enter the water directly, and the "temperature difference" will catch people off guard. Before going into the water, scrub your face, chest, and limbs with water to allow your body to adapt to the water temperature. Before swimming, many people take a shower first, that's why.