Science and Technology Daily Reporter Jin Feng Recently, my country's first desktop operating system developer platform "open Kylin" (openKylin) was officially released. Parallel with the enthusiasm of developers for research and development is the optimism of social platforms. O

Science and Technology Daily reporter Jinfeng

Recently, China's first desktop operating system developer platform "open Kylin" (openKylin) was officially released. What goes hand in hand with developers' enthusiasm for research and development is the optimism of social platforms. On June 30, this news quickly became a trending topic on Weibo.

operating system is called the soul of the computer. If the operating system is the fruit on the tree, then the root of the tree that provides it with nutrients is the developer platform, also known as the open source root community.

, a platform jointly established by National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center , Kirin Software and other units, will create an open source desktop operating system with independent innovative technology.

Open source refers to open source code. In terms of new generation information technologies such as emerging artificial intelligence , Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and other new generation information technologies, open source code accounts for more than 80%. Open source has become a model for global technological innovation and collaborative development.

"Support the development of innovative consortiums such as digital technology open source communities, improve open source intellectual property and legal systems, and encourage enterprises to open software source code, hardware design and application services" was also included in the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the first time.

What support will open Kirin provide for domestic operating systems? How will domestic operating systems innovate, develop, and achieve stable and long-term development? Open Kirin provides a technical path.

China's first desktop operating system developer platform "Open Kirin" has released

and will provide a community version of the desktop operating system. Many academicians serve as members of the advisory committee.

Basic software root technology is the key foundation for the construction of the national digital economy, and it is also the national The commanding heights of strategic technological competition.

"At present, most of the core technologies of my country's basic software products come from and rely on foreign open source communities. They lack unified standards and platforms. The contributions of in the open source community are also relatively scattered. The basic software and hardware technologies are not highly innovative and difficult to implement. Sharing. Especially in the field of desktop operability, the desktop operating system based on Linux has long been at a disadvantage in terms of application software and hardware ecology." As the director of the Developer Platform Advisory Committee, Liao Xiangke, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said when the platform was released. These words conveyed a sense of urgency.

The operating system is the most basic and important basic software in the computer. Li Zhenning, director of the Open Kirin Ecological Committee and deputy general manager of Kirin Software, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter, "Currently, domestic operating systems are gradually becoming more popular, but there are still deficiencies in key technologies such as system kernels, the overall ecosystem of the operating system, and high-end industrial embedding capabilities. Open Kirin will be committed to becoming a top open source community with the ability to independently develop desktop operating systems, create a richer Linux operating system ecosystem, and fill the gap in my country's desktop operating system root community. "

Director of the Open Kirin Community Advisory Committee and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Liao Xiangke

The circle of friends established by Open Kirin can be described as "high-end", involving the first batch of 13 governing member units, including Shen Changxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Ni Guangnan, Gui Weihua, Zheng Weimin, Wang Yaonan, Liao Xiangke, Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician Wang Huaimin and other experts are members of the advisory committee.

Li Zhenning said that this root community will provide a basic platform version of the desktop operating system including source code, and will also provide resources and development tools for developers in the community through operations management and technical committees. The core is to make Easy to use open desktop operating system.

"This means that the root technology of the desktop operating system will be explored from foreign open source communities to domestic open source communities. Developers will contribute their own research and development capabilities, and the platform will integrate the baseline to form a basic desktop operating system release version." Li Zhenning explained.

China's first desktop operating system developer platform "Open Kirin" page

To strengthen domestic operating systems, funds, ecology, and talents are indispensable.

It is not difficult to find out when combing through the mainstream operating systems at home and abroad that Windows, macOS are in Absolutely dominant, still occupying about 90% of the market share, followed by Linux, Unix operating system.

There are more than 10 domestic operating systems in my country, among which the mainstream ones include Kirin Software’s Galaxy Kirin OS, Puhua Software , and . ZTE New Pivot, Ningsi, Zhongke Founder, etc., but most of them are secondary developments based on Linux.

"The workload of developing an operating system is very large, and desktop operating systems often require tens of millions of lines of code. If you use A4 paper to print the code of a desktop operating system with 80 million lines of code, the paper required will accumulate to more than 30 stories high. Li Zhenning said that the development of desktop operating systems often requires continuous capital investment and strong back-end maintenance capabilities.

"The improvement of the system also requires iteration through continuous trial and error, and requires ecological support." "The ecology Li Zhenning said includes the procurement of users and upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain, such as the applications of different industry partners in complete machines, printers, office software, drawing software, application software and other fields.

"In the past, the market size was small and there were few users. But in recent years, everyone has become more and more aware of the importance of domestic operating systems. "Li Zhenning said that Kirin Software's revenue last year exceeded 1 billion yuan, all of which came from operating system revenue, which shows that domestic operating systems are gradually recognized by the market.

Talent cultivation is the soft power that supports the strong domestic operating systems. In Li Zhenning It seems that the AI ​​and cloud computing industries have attracted many basic R&D personnel in the computer field with their head-starting prospects and benefits. Against this background, the Kirin Software Education Development Center is also cooperating with universities to cultivate people who are applied in operating systems. Programmers.

What changes will open source bring to the development of operating systems? Gui Weihua, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said he is full of expectations for the future. “As a bridge between lower-layer hardware and upper-layer applications, the ecological construction of the operating system is particularly important. Embracing open source and promoting operating system technology innovation and application promotion through open source will help the basic software industry seize opportunities in digital transformation and seize the leading position in industry standard innovation. ”

Editor: Wang Chengyue

Review: Zhu Li