There are many speech-to-text software, such as QQ, WeChat, and Sogou, which can directly convert speech into text. However, when users use these software to convert text, the translated text content may not be too accurate. Therefore, it is recommended that users use the Laiqu a

There are many speech-to-text software, such as QQ, WeChat, Sogou and . These software can directly convert speech into text. However, when users use these software to convert text, the translated text content may not be too large. It is too accurate, so it is recommended that users use the Laiqu audio-to-text APP. The content converted by this APP will be much more accurate than others. The

Laiqu audio-to-text conversion software has also received a lot of comments from the public on the official website. They all think that it is a very intelligent conversion system that allows users to perform speech recognition, and the recognized text is It is very accurate, and the recognized text can be shared with others in the future, which meets the needs of many users and is suitable for many scenarios. There are no regulations for these scenarios of

. As long as the user wants to use it, he can open this software and use it. For example, when the user is discussing business with others, he can also use this software if he wants to record other people's language and convert it into text. of. There are also times when users may want to transcribe the English spoken to them in other software into a language they are familiar with. They can also use this software to transcribe text. All in all, this software can bring a lot of benefits to many people. The following are the operation steps:

First, you need to open Laiqu Recording to Text on your mobile phone, and then click [Real-time Recording Transcription].

Then, open the recording function and click the recording button in the middle to easily open it.

Finally, when we turn on the recording function, we can convert what we say into real-time text, and we can view it directly when we want to view it.