Many people are very familiar with the "big data era", but when it comes to what "big data" is, many people are very vague, saying a lot of things paradoxically, and seeming to say nothing at all. So what exactly is "big data", and what impact does "big data" have on people's liv

is very familiar to many people in the "big data era", but when it comes to what "big data" is, many people are very vague, saying a lot of things paradoxically, and seeming to say nothing at all.

So what exactly is "big data", and what impact does "big data" have on people's lives?

The definition of "big data"

"Big data" is an IT-specific term. In layman's terms, it refers to the huge information and data involved that can be captured, managed, processed, and organized within a certain period of time to meet user needs.

In the "Big Data Era", "big data" refers to the use of all data for analysis and processing, which has the five characteristics of large amount, high speed, diversity, low value density and authenticity.

The purpose of big data technology is not to collect huge amounts of information, but to extract relevant information through professional technical means to meet user needs.

From a technical point of view, the relationship between big data and cloud computing is like a binding, supporting each other.

The rapid development of the "big data" industry

With the rapid development of the domestic economy, the "big data" industry is also developing rapidly. The current data demand mainly comes from video, e-commerce, games and other industries.

And with the accelerated construction of 5G and the maturity of AI technology, digital technology is integrated into vertical industries, and applications such as smart cities, financial technology , smart manufacturing, and smart education will also gradually improve.

In the ranking of China's big data companies in 2021, we saw many familiar companies in the top rankings, Huawei , Tencent , Alibaba , ZTE , Xiaomi Group , Baidu , etc. .

In addition to their own product features, these companies are all constantly researching and developing based on customer needs.

The ultimate goal of no matter which aspect of research and development is to enhance the customer experience through the collection of big data, thereby improving the development of the enterprise and then promoting the progress of the entire world.

On June 17, 2022, a spokesman for the relevant department said that nearly 70 central enterprises and more than 700 subsidiaries were increasing the layout of new infrastructure and , and the new infrastructure included big data centers.

It is also mentioned in the "14th Five-Year Plan" big data industry development plan. It is predicted that in 2025, the scale of my country's big data industry will exceed 3 trillion yuan.

The use of "big data" in life

Regarding the definition of "big data", we can only see cold words. If there is no practical application in life, it is difficult for us to imagine that "big data" actually plays a role in our lives. everywhere.

The most direct manifestation is in people's use of various functions of smartphones in life, including various types of data search, APP use, etc.

We will find during the use of smartphones that after we search for a type of information on a certain platform, this platform or similar platforms will continuously push information related to the searched information.

Or when we are shopping on e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, there is no search status platform and it will automatically recommend products related to purchase records or search records.

Another example is when we browse the short video APP, the platform will automatically recommend videos of frequently watched categories, etc.

These all reflect the ubiquity of "big data", and at the same time it also makes people feel troubled, because the ubiquitous catering makes people feel weird, as if they are being monitored all the time.

In fact, although big data cannot monitor people's every move at any time like surveillance, people's basic information, preferences, needs, etc. will be revealed in front of "big data" as people record their operations on mobile phones, computers, etc. .

Although such data collection may make people uncomfortable, such data collection will also give people better personalized services.

For example, various software currently needs to be bound to ID cards and to ensure the safety of users. For example, the information summary formed by the public security system based on various types of data will bring huge help to the detection of cases and daily investigation.

For example, big data will help the public security system in anti-pornography, crime prediction, etc. The public security system will conduct investigations based on time, location, transaction amount, and browsing history to control criminal behavior faster.

is also an example of the application of "face payment". Initially, people had to bring money with them when going on the streets; later, people had to bring mobile phones with them; and now, people just need to "bring their faces" with them when going on the streets.

This is a service generated by the correlation of people's appearance information in the public security system, payment system and banking system. It is also a service brought by big data.

For another example, during the security check process, the big data of ID card and facial recognition are combined to make it more convenient. The positioning function in the smartphone can be used for location search, route guidance and other operations through navigation APP.

For another example, the epidemic broke out in the past two years. While various measures were taken across the country to fight the epidemic, "trip codes" and "health codes" rushed to come online, providing supervisory authorities with first-hand information.

is more convenient during the epidemic prevention and control period, including personnel travel control, nucleic acid testing, status, vaccine injection status, etc. This is all information collected for us by "big data".

Potential harm caused by "big data"

"Big data" has brought countless conveniences to our lives, but it has also brought countless hidden dangers.

First of all, smart phones are becoming more and more popular among people. Kuaishou, Douyin , various online games, news feeds, etc. occupy more and more time in people's lives, which has created a common group in today's society. "The people who bow their heads".

The various functions of smartphones themselves attract people's attention, and with the help of "big data", many people are addicted to mobile phones.

Day and night are reversed, regardless of time and place. This has caused great risks to people's health and travel safety.

Again, although big data will allow people to provide solutions as soon as possible when they encounter problems in life, and such convenience does play a huge role in life, it is ultimately achieved through technical means.

Although the results are the same as those obtained after asking for help, it reduces the communication between people and makes human feelings less and less.


No matter what, we are already in the era of big data. Once it comes, let’s make peace with it.

big data provides us with countless possibilities, just waiting for us to further explore. Just like when the epidemic arrived, without the support of big data, we would not be able to control the spread of the epidemic immediately and do a good job in epidemic control.

Since we are in the era of big data, we need to use the convenience provided by "big data" to improve our lives and improve our work.

When using videos, games and other entertainment projects provided by big data, we must exercise self-discipline and let technology provide us with happiness while ensuring our own physical and mental safety.