On June 29, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice to resolutely implement the general strategy of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on "preventing foreign imports and domestic rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic clearing" to s

(People's Daily Health Client Chen Longfei) On June 29, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice. In order to resolutely implement the general strategy of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on "preventing imported cases from abroad and preventing domestic rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic clearing", To support the efficient coordination of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and to facilitate the travel of users, the "star" mark on communication itinerary cards will be canceled from now on.

At 3:20 pm, many netizens reported that the city of Beijing shown on the morning itinerary card still had an "asterisk", but it has now "reached the star".

Screenshots of communication itinerary cards in Beijing and Shanghai have removed the "asterisk" mark

According to the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the "communication itinerary card" was organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and three basic telecommunications companies in February 2020 Launched to the public on the 13th, it provides a query service for places visited within 14 days to provide support for preventing the import of the epidemic. Previously, the city names in the itinerary codes were marked with an asterisk (*), indicating that there are currently medium or high-risk areas in the cities visited in the past 14 days, but this does not mean that these medium- and high-risk areas have actually been visited.

Starting from January 8, 2021, the itinerary card will no longer mark the names of cities and towns containing medium- and high-risk areas in red. Instead, it will include a bracketed note after the city name that contains medium- and high-risk areas. The notes are only used as travel reminders and are not related to health status. In September 2021, in order to help people travel safely, the national government service platform integrated the "epidemic prevention health code" and the "communication big data itinerary card" to realize the "two codes in one" of the health code and the itinerary code across the country.

Highway temperature check. Photo by Wang Zhonghe

It was mentioned many times at the press conference that truck drivers and passengers with green asterisks on their communication itinerary cards must not be restricted from passing. On June 24, at the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism press conference, Han Jinghua, deputy director of the Transportation Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, stated that the passage of trucks must not be restricted on the grounds that the communication itinerary card has an asterisk. Drivers and passengers holding 48 If the negative nucleic acid test certificate within 1 hour, the green health code, and the body temperature test are normal, all regions must allow travel. On June 27, at a press conference of the State Council Information Office, Cai Tuanjie, director of the Transportation Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, stated that precise policies must be adhered to and the passage of trucks must not be restricted on the grounds that communication itineraries have asterisks.