Many sisters have asked me to help check accounts. Those who have paid have viewed more than 1,000 accounts. Today I will make a big collection. I will summarize 7 pieces of dry information that are not watery at all, especially the last one. It will help you save tens of thousan

Many sisters asked me to help me check accounts, and those who paid have viewed more than 1,000 accounts. Today I will make a big collection, summarizing 7 dry information without water at all, especially the last one, which will help you save tens of thousands and help you as soon as possible. Seize the dividends of Xiaohongshu in the second half of the year.

1. If the note data is not good, don’t delete it.

If the note data is not good, don’t delete it in a hurry. Frequent deletion in a short period of time will affect your account. There is no need to delete the key points. As long as you re-edit, modify and re-publish, the data will be much better. In addition to the video itself that cannot be modified, the cover, title, and copy can all be modified.

Many people don’t know how to modify the video cover. In fact, if you have more than 500 fans, you can apply for a video account, activate the cover customization function, and upload the cover separately, so that you can upload and modify it multiple times.

2. The cover title is super important

If you spend 3 hours making a piece of content, then please spend 30 minutes making a cover and title that will make you want to click on it. Of course, it won’t take that long after you are familiar with the cover title technique.

How to judge whether your cover and title are attractive? Let me tell you an exclusive secret recipe. Save the finished cover to the photo album and take a look at it from a distance. Can it catch your attention at a glance? Do you feel like you want to click in and take a look?

If not, then you need to optimize it again. Because the real scenario is that your cover is competing in a two-column information flow. If it is not attractive, just cross it out. The click rate will be low and the traffic will not be good.

3. Give people the desire to interact

If your notes want to be popular, you need to have more likes and comments. Your content must give people the desire to interact. List-style collections of useful content that people are willing to collect. Viewpoint content focusing on hot topics or current affairs, everyone Everyone wants to comment or comment to express their opinions.

Everyone can’t help but like the content or stories that resonate with them. If you can be useful, sentimental, and opinionated at the same time, then congratulations, this content will most likely become popular.

4. The quality of the topic selection determines the traffic

If the topic selection is not good, not many people will read the content even if it is fake. But many people fall into a misunderstanding, thinking that the content they like will also be liked by others. In fact, this is not necessarily true. How can we quickly judge whether this is a topic that everyone is interested in? It’s very simple. Just spend 10 seconds searching to see if it has been popular before. For example, if you want to share picture book reading skills, then you can directly search for picture book reading skills. You can see that there are still many hot topics on this topic. , indicating that everyone is indeed interested in this topic, then you can feel free to do it.

5. Be sure to use the topic tag word

. It has strongly related keywords and topic words, which are easier to be recognized and included by the system and get more traffic recommendations. Choose ones with high page views that are highly relevant to the topic of your notes. Don’t bring in irrelevant topics that are counterproductive. If you feel that your topic selection and content are pretty good, but your traffic is still very poor, remember to check whether there is room for optimization in the topics you cover. Remember to publish from the note inspiration in the creation center, and you will be rewarded with traffic coupons.

6. Positioning is done.

Start with what you can do. You can explore from the aspects of profession, expertise, interests and hobbies. If you have a general direction, just immerse yourself in it. First post 10-20 posts to find out the feeling. Practice will Tell you what you are suitable for, and the platform and users will tell you where to go and how to monetize it.

7. Do not send passwords privately

If you want to attract customers to the private domain, do not send your number privately. This is not allowed by the platform's express regulations. Maybe you are still doing this now and have not been affected, but this kind of fluke mentality will make you suffer a big loss. If you can see this, it is equivalent to saving you tens of thousands.

can help one by one. If you think it is helpful to you, remember to give me a like and forward it to those who need it.

I am Xia Jiujiu, an entrepreneurial mother who talks about self-media and growth.