The monitoring system is enough to read this one! Common monitoring tutorials such as zabbix and Prometheus

The monitoring system, commonly known as the "third eye", is a system that we deal with almost every day. As the saying goes: no monitoring, no operation and maintenance, the status of the monitoring system is self-evident.

Let’s first understand the mainstream open source monitoring systems, Zabbix, Open-Falcon, Prometheus, etc. The information shared today includes [Zabbix] [Prometheus] [Cacti] [Nagios] [Garafana] common monitoring systems. A total of 5 documents!

All the information has been organized into a compressed package

[see the end of the article for information collection method! ]


Prometheus (Prometheus) is an open source monitoring system officially released by former Google employees in 2015, developed in Go language. It not only has a cool name, but also has strong support from Google and k8s, and the open source community is extremely popular.

This Prometheus official Chinese document is suitable for both beginners and advanced upgrade for students with a certain foundation. This document is divided into 7 parts, starting from the most basic Prometheus introduction, installation and starting , and compares the advantages and disadvantages of different monitoring systems, such as: Graphite and OpenTSDB, Nagios and so on.In addition, it also includes some combat projects : Grafana combined with Prometheus for visualization, Instrumenting, writing customer libraries, pushing metrics, etc., in short, full of dry goods!

Part 1: Learn Prometheus' preparations

What is Prometheus? What are the applicable scenarios of of Prometheus ? Prometheus' installs and starts , and provides a detailed comparison of monitoring system products. This section also lists the Prometheus learning roadmap and vocabulary overview, and recommends some authoritative Prometheus learning media .

PrometheusImportant ConceptsDetails

In this part, some basic concepts are introduced in detail. Only through this part of the study can you truly understand the working principle of Prometheus.

  • metrics和labels
  • Notation(符号)
  • metrics类型
  • Gauge(测量器)
  • Histogram(柱状图)
  • Jobs和Instances



接下来开始慢慢进入实战操练部分了,第The three parts mainly talk about Prometheus query and start , basic concepts of + practical training, and really enter the actual combat link!

Part 4: Visualization

The main content of this part is to realize the visualization of Prometheus, teaches you how to use Grafana to create a Prometheus Graph chart!

Part 5: Instrumenting

This document covers the basic functionality that the Prometheus client-side API should provide in order to maintain consistency between client-side libraries, make it easy to get started, and avoid providing functionality that causes user errors. There are already 10 client languages ​​that support the Prometheus client, so this part mainly teaches you how to write an client . This part of is intended to help authors writing Prometheus clients in other languages ​​to write a good library.

Part 6: Operation

In this part, it mainly talks about the configuration, storage and federation of Prometheus, and introduces the basic configuration and storage method of Prometheus, as well as the configuration and use of federation.

Part 6: Alerting

Prometheus alerters, configuration, rules and how to send alerts through the client.


Zabbix is ​​an enterprise-grade, open-source, distributed monitoring suite used to monitor the availability and performance of IT infrastructure. Comparing

with the above various monitoring systems, Zabbix stands out with its powerful advantages. Its rich functions, expandable capabilities, secondary development capabilities and easy-to-use features enable readers to greatly reduce the cost of learning , you can easily build your own monitoring system.

The actual Zabbix document shared today by Marco has a total of 141 pages. The content is detailed, theoretical + practical, full of dry goods. I believe that after reading it, you will have a deeper understanding of zabbix.

The monitoring system, commonly known as the "third eye", is a system that we deal with almost every day. As the saying goes: no monitoring, no operation and maintenance, the status of the monitoring system is self-evident.

Let’s first understand the mainstream open source monitoring systems, Zabbix, Open-Falcon, Prometheus, etc. The information shared today includes [Zabbix] [Prometheus] [Cacti] [Nagios] [Garafana] common monitoring systems. A total of 5 documents!

All the information has been organized into a compressed package

[see the end of the article for information collection method! ]


Prometheus (Prometheus) is an open source monitoring system officially released by former Google employees in 2015, developed in Go language. It not only has a cool name, but also has strong support from Google and k8s, and the open source community is extremely popular.

This Prometheus official Chinese document is suitable for both beginners and advanced upgrade for students with a certain foundation. This document is divided into 7 parts, starting from the most basic Prometheus introduction, installation and starting , and compares the advantages and disadvantages of different monitoring systems, such as: Graphite and OpenTSDB, Nagios and so on. In addition, it also includes some combat projects : Grafana combined with Prometheus for visualization, Instrumenting, writing customer libraries, pushing metrics, etc.,All in all, great stuff!

Part 1: Learn Prometheus' preparations

What is Prometheus? What are the applicable scenarios of of Prometheus ? Prometheus' installs and starts , and provides a detailed comparison of monitoring system products. This section also lists the Prometheus learning roadmap and vocabulary overview, and recommends some authoritative Prometheus learning media .

PrometheusImportant ConceptsDetails

In this part, some basic concepts are introduced in detail. Only through this part of the study can you truly understand the working principle of Prometheus.

  • metrics和labels
  • Notation(符号)
  • metrics类型
  • Gauge(测量器)
  • Histogram(柱状图)
  • Jobs和Instances



接下来开始慢慢进入实战操练部分了,第The three parts mainly talk about Prometheus query and start , basic concepts of + practical training, and really enter the actual combat link!

Part 4: Visualization

The main content of this part is to realize the visualization of Prometheus, teaches you how to create a Prometheus Graph using Grafana!

Part 5: Instrumenting

This document covers the basic functionality that the Prometheus client-side API should provide in order to maintain consistency between client-side libraries, make it easy to get started, and avoid providing functionality that causes user errors. There are already 10 client languages ​​that support the Prometheus client, so this part mainly teaches you how to write an client . This part of is intended to help authors writing Prometheus clients in other languages ​​to write a good library.

Part 6: Operation

In this part, it mainly talks about the configuration, storage and federation of Prometheus, and introduces the basic configuration and storage method of Prometheus, as well as the configuration and use of federation.

Part 6: Alerting

Prometheus alerters, configuration, rules and how to send alerts through the client.


Zabbix is ​​an enterprise-grade, open-source, distributed monitoring suite used to monitor the availability and performance of IT infrastructure. Comparing

with the above various monitoring systems, Zabbix stands out with its powerful advantages. Its rich functions, expandable capabilities, secondary development capabilities and easy-to-use features enable readers to greatly reduce the cost of learning , you can easily build your own monitoring system.

The actual Zabbix document shared today by Marco has a total of 141 pages. Detailed content, theory + actual combat,Full of dry goods. I believe that after reading it, you will have a deeper understanding of zabbix.


  • 一、监控服务介绍
  • 二、zabbix规划及部署
  • 三、zabbix监控入门基础
  • 四、zabbix proxy
  • 五、zabbix监控案例实战
  • 六、zabbix事件通知机制
  • 七、zabbix自动化运维


  • 逻辑布局:
  • 整体布局:
  • 常见的监控方案
  • Zabbix使用场景及系统概述


  • 系统环境
  • apt/yum安装zabbix
  • 编译安装zabbix
  • Web界面中文菜单环境
  • 监控项与乱码
  • zabbix server配置File details


  • 监控linux系统
  • 监控tomcat
  • zabbix 主动与被动监控模式

zabbix proxy

  • zabbix proxy架构
  • zabbix proxy对比zbbbix server
  • zabbix proxy部署与使用


  • 监控Linux TCP连接状态
  • 监控memcache
  • 监控Redis
  • 监控Nginx
  • SNMP监控
  • 监控MySQL
  • Custom port and process monitoring
  • Fault self-healing function
  • grafana graphic displayl2
  • 短信通知
  • 微信通知


  • Zabbix Agent批量部署
  • Zabbix API添加主机
  • Zabbix 动态发现主机


Cacti是一套基于PHP,MySQL,SNMP及RRDTool开发的网络流量监测图形分析工具。 Simply put, Cacti is a PHP program. cacti is a very old monitoring tool.In fact, it is more appropriate to say that it is a traffic monitoring tool, which is more accurate for traffic monitoring, but has many shortcomings, the graph is not good-looking, and it does not support distributed.
About Cacti monitoring system, share a manual today. Including [using templates to add basic monitoring items that respond to hosts] [adding and monitoring custom scripts] and so on.


Nagios is an open source free network monitoring tool that can effectively monitor the status of Windows, Linux and Unix hosts, network devices such as switches and routers, printers , etc.

Nagios introduction; Nagios working principle; Nagios experimental environment, installation; Nagios configuration; Nagios start and stop; Nagios to view the initial configuration; use NRPE to monitor "local information on Linux, etc..


This is the process of a big guy using Grafana The notes summarized in , I strongly recommend reading and learning!

includes various problems that beginners may encounter in the learning process, and summarizes the use of Grafana2.1.3 based on their own experience, hoping to help everyone use.

All The document has been packaged and organized into a compressed package

See the figure below for

Simply put, Cacti is a PHP program. cacti is a very old monitoring tool. In fact, it is more suitable as a traffic monitoring tool. It is more accurate for traffic monitoring, but it has many shortcomings. The graph is not good-looking and does not support distributed.
About Cacti monitoring system, share a manual today. Including [using templates to add basic monitoring items that respond to hosts] [adding and monitoring custom scripts] and so on.


Nagios is an open source free network monitoring tool that can effectively monitor the status of Windows, Linux and Unix hosts, network devices such as switches and routers, printers , etc.

Nagios introduction; Nagios working principle; Nagios experimental environment, installation; Nagios configuration; Nagios start and stop; Nagios to view the initial configuration; use NRPE to monitor "local information on Linux, etc..


This is the process of a big guy using Grafana The notes summarized in , I strongly recommend reading and learning!

includes various problems that beginners may encounter in the learning process, and summarizes the use of Grafana2.1.3 based on their own experience, hoping to help everyone use.

All The document has been packaged and organized into a compressed package

See the figure below for