Here we recommend the "Preferred National Fixed Investment". Based on the comprehensive performance of the secondary categories of goods released in the store in various countries such as traffic, supply and demand, and conversion capabilities, the preferred national fixed invest

2024/05/2609:10:33 technology 1931

Detailed explanation of the preferred countries for fixed investment

Are you still worried that the countries for store promotion are not accurate enough? Here we recommend the "Preferred National Fixed Investment". Based on the comprehensive performance of the secondary categories of goods released in the store in various countries such as traffic, supply and demand, and conversion capabilities, the preferred national fixed investment generates a national targeted placement plan for merchants to accurately match the store's products. National and regional distribution to find buyers more accurately.

What is the preferred country fixed investment?

The preferred country fixed investment is a new promotion method driven by the preferred crowd. Based on the comprehensive performance of the secondary categories of goods released in the store in various countries such as traffic, supply and demand, and conversion capabilities, the optimal country fixed investment is calculated. Preferred countries suitable for promotion, and matching store products suitable for promotion in the preferred countries, generate country-targeted delivery plans for merchants, and only deliver to the countries selected by the merchants. Unselected countries will not be delivered. Accurately match store products and place them in countries and regions to find buyers more accurately.

Advantages of fixed investment in preferred countries

Easy fixed investment in the country of your choice: Independent control of the daily budget, independent selection of the country

Easily discover national high-quality products: HOT According to the needs of buyers in different countries, select high-demand products

Unlock more country data privileges: Target country consumer keywords and consumer goods data are clearer

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How to create a plan

(Only the "new version of the marketing center backend", that is, the customer backend that has upgraded to the new version of keyword promotion, can see the plan)

Step 1: Enter the international station merchant backend— Enter the "Marketing Center" - click "Search Promotion" on the left

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Step 2: Click "Preferred Crowd Drainage" on the left - enter "Preferred Countries"

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Step 3: Select a category - Set a daily budget - Choose whether to turn on a weekly budget —Select “Recommended Regions” to filter countries —Select “Recommended Promotional Products” to filter promoted products —Adopt the plan

1: Product categories are aggregated by secondary categories based on the products released in merchant stores. If some secondary categories cannot be selected, it means that the products in this category do not meet the requirements for generating preferred national fixed investment plans.
2: In order to help merchants obtain traffic and conversions from preferred countries more intelligently, this plan only supports industry smart bidding.
3: When selecting "Recommended Region", it is recommended to retain the preferred countries recommended by the system and add other country choices on the basis of the "Preferred Countries Recommended by the System".
4: It is recommended that more than 20 promotional products be used to generate a plan. The number of products in a single plan must be 20, and the upper limit is 200.

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How to manage the plan

Step 1:
Click "View Details" directly on the page where the plan is created;/or click "Plan Management" above to view it.

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Step 2: After entering the plan details, you can go to "Fixed Investment Country". To add or delete fixed investment countries, when a merchant deletes a country, must retain at least one fixed investment country.

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Step 3: Enter the crowd tab, set the crowd premium, and set the directional tips at the same time. If the product covers any of the 10 first-level categories of "office culture and education, service equipment, clothing, sports and entertainment, home appliances, consumer electronics, beauty, automobile and motorcycle parts, package printing, machinery", then after clicking on the crowd premium setting , the label "Industry Exclusive Group" will appear.

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Step 4: Click "Products" to add or delete the store products promoted under the fixed investment plan. It is recommended to retain the system's default "Recommended Promotional Products"

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Step 5: Click "Distribution Terminal Settings" to add or delete the APP channel premium To set, is recommended to set according to the numbers recommended by the system. Through-train provides key delivery terminal setting suggestions recommended by the merchant based on the characteristics and attributes of the products promoted in the merchant's plan in different channels.

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Step 6: Click "Smart Creativity" and choose whether to turn on smart titles and smart pictures.

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Step 7: Click "Advanced Settings", multi-language site delivery settings, only sites selected by the merchant will be delivered, unselected sites will no longer be delivered; the setting takes effect at the plan level, merchants are recommended to use this function with caution; English sites are delivered by default , setting is not currently supported.
At the same time, L4 users share the time-sharing delivery setting, which is only effective for foreign trade through train promotion (including recommendations), except for keyword promotion

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How to view the plan data

Step 1:
View entrance: Click "Data Report" on the left ;/Or click "Marketing Center", select "Basic Report" or "Traffic Report" under "Data Report"

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Step 2: Enter the basic report, click on the plan report/product report, select the time, select "Preferred" for the marketing goal "Crowd traffic", the plan you belong to selects "Preferred Country Fixed Investment xxx"

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Here we recommend the

Step 3: Enter the traffic report, click "Preferred Country Report", Select the time, and the plan you belong to select "Preferred Country Fixed Investment xxx" to view

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Related Questions and Answers

Q : How is the preferred country plan generated for me?
A :
This plan is based on the comprehensive performance of the secondary categories of goods released in merchant stores, traffic, supply and demand, conversion capabilities, etc. in each country. The system calculates the most suitable preferred countries for promotion, and the calculated priority countries are Match the merchant's store products and generate a national targeted delivery plan exclusive to the merchant.

Q: What is the difference between ’s preferred country zone and the “regional premium” settings of other search ads (such as keywords, targeted promotions, etc.)?
A: The preferred country is a fixed investment plan, and only the countries selected by the merchant will be released. Countries not selected will not be released. The "regional premium" in other search ads can only set the premium range for a certain country, and focus on the countries where the premium is set, but it cannot be limited to that country.

Q: Previously, only L4 merchants could set fixed investments for a certain country. I am not an L4 merchant. Can I also set fixed investments for certain countries in preferred countries? A: In the previous plan of , L0-L3 merchants could only set the premium range for a certain country, and it was impossible to exclude countries that did not set it. With the preferred country plan, L0-L4 merchants can set up a fixed investment plan for the target country. You only need to set a daily budget and you can start and stop at any time without locking the budget.

Q: Can manual bidding be set for the preferred country plan? A : cannot. In order to help merchants obtain traffic and conversions from preferred countries more intelligently, this plan only supports industry smart bidding.

Q: Can delete the countries recommended to me by the system? A : is OK. Before merchants adopt the plan, they can choose the countries to promote based on "traffic popularity". You can also go to "Plan Management" and enter "Fixed Investment Countries" after adopting the plan to add and delete countries.However, it is not recommended that merchants delete the country recommended by the system, because this country is the preferred country recommended by the system for merchants based on comprehensive performance such as traffic, supply and demand, and conversion capabilities, and will be more in line with market demand.

Q: recommends the number of promotional products. Can it be added or deleted? A : is OK. Before the merchant adopts the plan, and after the merchant adopts the plan, in "Plan Management", enter "Products" and you can add and delete promoted store products. However, it is not recommended that merchants delete the recommended promotional products recommended by the system. Because the recommended promotional products are the store products that the system calculates are most suitable for promotion in the preferred countries of this category.

Q : I want to invest in a Southeast Asian country. Why are there no preferred countries? A: The preferred countries are based on the comprehensive performance of each country's traffic, supply and demand, conversion capabilities, etc. The system calculates the preferred countries that are most suitable for promotion. Currently, the five English-speaking countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, ) with better data performance New Zealand ) and 5 European and American small language countries (Germany, Italy, Spain, France, , Netherlands ), so the preferred country plan only recommends the choices of these 10 countries. If other countries perform well in the future, they will also be added to the options. scope.

Q : Why is it that there are products under a certain category, but the preferred national fixed investment plan cannot be created in this category? A : On the preferred country plan page, some secondary categories cannot be selected, indicating that the products in this category do not meet the requirements for generating preferred country fixed investment plans. It is recommended that merchants add more "preferred countries" when publishing/editing products in this category, so that there is a greater chance of national plans for such purposes appearing.

Q : How many plans can be created in the preferred country plan? A: The preferred national plan is recommended based on the secondary categories of products published in the store, so only one plan can be created for each category. After the trial period of this plan ends, there will be a limit on the number of creations: it will depend on the level of the merchant. L0-L3 merchants can create up to 5 plans. There is no limit on the number of L4 merchants. At the same time, L4 users have exclusive time-based delivery settings, which are only effective for foreign trade through train promotion (including recommendations), except for keyword promotion.

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