XR (Extended Reality) refers to the combination of reality and virtuality through computers to create a virtual environment that allows human-computer interaction. This is also the same as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) Mixed reality) and other t

2024/05/1817:44:33 technology 1980

XR (Extended Reality) refers to combining reality and virtuality through computers to create a virtual environment that allows human-computer interaction. This is also AR (Augmented Reality augmented reality ), VR (Virtual Reality virtual reality), MR (Mixed Reality is a collective name for mixed reality ) and other technologies.

Augmented Reality (AR), augmented reality technology is also called augmented reality. AR augmented reality technology is a newer technical content that promotes the integration of real world information and virtual world information content, integrating virtual The information is applied to the real world, using cameras and sensors to superimpose the real environment and virtual objects onto the same picture or space in real time and exist at the same time.

XR (Extended Reality) refers to the combination of reality and virtuality through computers to create a virtual environment that allows human-computer interaction. This is also the same as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) Mixed reality) and other t - DayDayNews

AR (pictures from the Internet)

The specific connotation of virtual reality (Virtual Reality, VR for short) is: comprehensive use of computer graphics systems and various reality and control interface devices to provide interactive three-dimensional environments generated on computers Technology that immerses feelings.

XR (Extended Reality) refers to the combination of reality and virtuality through computers to create a virtual environment that allows human-computer interaction. This is also the same as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) Mixed reality) and other t - DayDayNews

VR (picture from the Internet)

Mixed Reality (Mixed Reality, referred to as MR) is a further development of virtual reality technology . This technology bridges the gap between the virtual world, the real world and users by introducing real scene information into the virtual environment. An information loop of interactive feedback to enhance the realism of user experience.

XR (Extended Reality) refers to the combination of reality and virtuality through computers to create a virtual environment that allows human-computer interaction. This is also the same as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) Mixed reality) and other t - DayDayNews

MR (picture from the Internet)

The fusion of VR and AR forms MR, which mixes the real world and the virtual world. The environment contains both real objects and virtual information.

Generally speaking, VR is a completely virtual image, like putting yourself in a movie. AR superimposes virtual images on the actual scene, such as displaying a painting on the wall. MR superimposes virtual images on the actual scene and can also interact with the virtual images. For example, you can take down a painting from the wall and hang it somewhere else.

XR (Extended Reality) refers to the combination of reality and virtuality through computers to create a virtual environment that allows human-computer interaction. This is also the same as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) Mixed reality) and other t - DayDayNews

The difference between AR, VR and MR (pictures from the Internet)

In the future, XR devices can bring great changes to our life scenes:

Work scenes: With a helmet device, we can be in the office, all We can complete all the work through the virtual environment. In the virtual office, we can communicate with colleagues, have a variety of display devices, and customize our own unique working environment. When meeting customers, you no longer need to commute offline. You only need to have face-to-face and barrier-free communication with customers online.

XR (Extended Reality) refers to the combination of reality and virtuality through computers to create a virtual environment that allows human-computer interaction. This is also the same as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) Mixed reality) and other t - DayDayNews

Work scenario application (pictures from the Internet)

Education scenario: Education methods will undergo great changes, all educational resources will be online, and all students can maximize the enjoyment of educational resources. In physics classes, students are no longer restricted by real conditions and can complete any experiments of their own; in foreign language classes, students can interact face-to-face with others; in history classes, students can even see The words and deeds of historical figures make learning and education more vivid and interesting.

XR (Extended Reality) refers to the combination of reality and virtuality through computers to create a virtual environment that allows human-computer interaction. This is also the same as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) Mixed reality) and other t - DayDayNews

Education scene application (pictures from the Internet)

Life scene: Friends and relatives separated by thousands of miles no longer need to travel long distances, they only need to choose a suitable scene to meet each other; you can enjoy the world at home without leaving home Human geography scenery.

medical scenarios: In the future, medical surgeries will rely on AR technology to a greater extent, where virtual images and real surgical scenes will be superimposed to provide the best solution push and operational support for real-time diagnosis and treatment, reduce disease diagnosis time, and optimize diagnosis and treatment effects.

XR (Extended Reality) refers to the combination of reality and virtuality through computers to create a virtual environment that allows human-computer interaction. This is also the same as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) Mixed reality) and other t - DayDayNews

Medical scene application (pictures from the Internet)

Note: The pictures in the article are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will delete it immediately!

creation: Luo Lixuan (cyberspace Beijing International Cooperation Base)

instructor: Teacher Ning



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