——By a strange combination of circumstances, it is another four seasons. Ten years ago, my parents divorced and left me to live their own lives. My cousin took me back to his home, but his mother didn't like me very much and said I was a burden. The family was not rich and they h

—— and are together, it’s another four seasons.

Ten years ago, my parents divorced, leaving me behind and living their own lives.

My cousin took me back to his home, but his mother didn't like me very much and said I was a burden. The family was not rich and they had to raise a small child. She was firmly opposed to it.

I think so, a child that both parents despise, let alone outsiders.

I told my cousin that I would go back to live in the original house, go out and help others wash the dishes, and make ends meet.

"Where are you studying?" My cousin asked me: "Don't you want to study? You are only seven years old, who dares to ask you."

"I..." I don't know either.

I lowered my head and picked my fingers.

My cousin rubbed my hair and said, "Follow me. I rent a house outside, but my brother's friends live there. Are you afraid?"

I thought about it, shook my head and said, "Not afraid."

My cousin smiled. Like a breeze, gentle and healing, it blew away all my grievances.

My cousin took me to the house he rented. It was not big, but very cozy.

When my cousin’s friends saw me, they all asked: Shu Huai, is this your brother?

"Well." My cousin handed me a glass of water and said to his friend: "Look at him for me. I'll clean up the room."

I sat on the sofa, and those classmates looked at me directly. , I don’t know what to look at.

I was a little embarrassed. I coughed dryly, grabbed the water glass and took a sip of water. I accidentally choked to death!

My cousin friend saw this and quickly came to pat me on the back, "Kids, brothers don't eat people, don't be afraid."

I smiled bitterly, thinking: But your eyes are like cannibalism! ! After

, I have been living with my cousin’s friends.

My cousin doesn’t live here, but he comes over from time to time.

It wasn’t until my cousin’s mother passed away due to illness that my cousin vacated the family house and took care of everything before moving in with us.

Time flies so fast, now, I am seventeen years old.

My cousin has raised me for ten years, with food, shelter, and clothing, and he has never wronged me.

It just rained today and there was water on the playground, so the running exercises between classes became free activities.

I was finishing my homework when the phone on my desk vibrated.

I took out my phone, buried my head, and clicked on WeChat.

Brother Lu: Kid, your brother is back. Go to the airport to pick him up.

I'm confused? I'm in class! As an older brother, why do you instigate your younger brother to skip class?

Let me reply: Why don’t you go?

will reply in seconds.

Brother Lu: You Brother Yu and Brother Fan are going to prepare a return banquet for your brother Shuhuai. When you receive your brother, you will come back together. I will tell your teacher later.

lines... Then skip class.

In a corner of the school, a neat figure carrying a schoolbag quickly climbed over the wall and landed smoothly.

Shu Huai went abroad for three years. I was fifteen and he was twenty-four.

He still rubbed my hair and said: "Brother will be back soon, don't be afraid."

I remember that I was very reluctant to give up, and tried my best to smile to let the tears surrender, and let them stay in my eyes.

watched the plane fly away, and it burst out of his eyes.

I took a taxi to the airport and happened to see Shu Huai outside the door. He also saw me. He hung up the phone and walked towards me with his suitcase in hand.

touched his head again, and he smiled: "Kid, did you miss me?"

I took his hand away, losing the childishness before, "I am not a child anymore, I am seventeen years old this year."

He found it funny. , pinching my face.

I stared at him with wide eyes, maybe because my face was being pinched, I could not speak clearly: "What are you doing?"

"A child is a child, and even if he is seventeen years old, he is still a child."

He let go of his hand , threw the suitcase to me, "Kids, take your brother's luggage and follow him!"

Damn it! day! I only came to pick you up after eating shit, you stupid thing!

When I got home, I was shocked as soon as I opened the door.

only heard a bang, and colorful lines were flying everywhere! Those silly guys from

sang and danced, turning the wonderful return party into an Internet cafe disco!

The excitement continued until evening. At 8:10, everyone was tired and collapsed on the sofa one by one.

I didn't participate in this excitement before, so now, I sit straight on the sofa and look at the beautiful moonlight through the window.

The moonlight casts a transparent net, without anyone knowing it, wrapping up the quiet heartbeat, suppressing it from beating. But during the day, the sun rises, and the blazing heat is gone all at once. Melt this net clean.

Then it was dark, the moonlight was much dimmed, and my heartbeat could not be suppressed.

"He also secretly likes: Part 2" To be continued~