As I write this, I suddenly think of my former best friend, who was born with all seven senses and five faculties of intelligence. He loved reading since childhood and was rich in knowledge. It is a pity that the best among this kind of people love money most, are scheming, and a


Writing this, I suddenly thought of my best friend, who was born with seven orifices transparency and five faculties of intelligence. He loved reading since he was a child and was rich in knowledge.

In the 1990s, when he was in high school at No. 1 Middle School in Jixi Mining District, he became the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper because of his talent and outstanding literary talent.

He taught me my writing specialty. He is the most important teacher in my life.

Because he is so talented, we all respect and admire him very much!

It is a pity that the best among this kind of people love money most, are scheming, and are good at calculations - it is good if they take advantage, but they feel disadvantaged if they don't.

So, he worked hard, racked his brains, tried every means, tried every possible means, and used all possible means to earn, gain, cheat, be greedy, and cheat!

There is an old saying in China: It is better to make friends with thousands of people than to make enemies with one person.

The richest man in the Qing DynastyHu Xueyan has a famous saying: It is better to offend money than to offend people. When money is gone, you can earn it again; when someone has been offended, it is difficult to make up for it, and you may die without knowing how.

But this villain did it with his actions: he would rather offend people than money.

He offended countless people for the sake of money, and all his friends became enemies without exception. I was the last friend he broke with!

When he started his business in Jixi , no one he interacted with was not plotted and exploited by him.

Just like that, he made his first pot of gold!

Although he made money, his reputation was ruined. Everyone who knew him despised him: Bah! Pooh! Pooh!

A person spends his life wandering around, and his character is reflected in his success.

Jixi, a fifth-tier city, is too small after all. The smaller the city, the more important its reputation is. Because when you walk on the street, you may meet your childhood friends, classmates, colleagues, friends, seven aunts and eight aunts, and you will see them without looking up. A bad reputation will make you accept being pointed out from behind.

After gaining notoriety, he decided to go to the provincial capital for development.

In Harbin, he opened an electronic product company and gathered some like-minded friends. Because they are always taking advantage, begging for advantages, picking up advantages, and being greedy for advantages, friends break up and leave one by one, and even become strong competitors.

From a psychological point of view, the things he likes to do the most are also the most taboo. On the other hand, what he hates the most is often what he is good at.

He betrayed his family and fell into isolation, but instead of reflecting on his own mistakes, he complained that others were sorry for him.

People have three weak points and six strong ones. They are scheming and calculating, but they are afraid that in the end they will only end up with deep traps and even deeper disasters!

The right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life. As long as the money comes from the right way, nothing is difficult; if the money comes from the wrong way, it will not be easy no matter how easy it is.

Society is the book, and the facts are the teaching materials. If you only go from book to book, from surface to surface, you will never be able to understand.
The so-called learning is to understand from life experience, not to learn by rote. If this person writes well, it can only be said that he has good literature; if that person is knowledgeable, it can only be said that he has "wide knowledge and knowledge", but it may not necessarily be said that he is knowledgeable.

Even if a person has not read a book, his behavior and behavior are completely correct, that is, he is knowledgeable.

In this world, there are too many things that we can’t figure out. My way to deal with them is: don’t think about them for the time being.

Maybe, after some time, when I think about this matter again, it will no longer be a problem. What is the solution for




So, although the years are ruthless, they are meaningful. Books are speechless, but full of thoughts.

The journey of life is difficult and dangerous, and there have been many twists and turns in the world since ancient times. Besides friendship, which is the most valuable, the most important asset in the world is books.

Life is a journey from wrong to right. Everything was wrong in the beginning, but it took man everything and his whole life's efforts to get it right, and wisdom arose. The

book is the crystallization of human wisdom.

Reading generates thinking, and thinking promotes improvement. The more books you read, the more laws you master, and the higher your level of thinking.

There is only one reason for going the right way, but there are many reasons for going the wrong way.

Growth cannot be without books, and success cannot be without ignorance. I like to read books on philosophy the most, such as Laozi, Zhuangzi , Nietzsche , Kant , Schopenhauer ...

I couldn't understand it at first, so I read it over and over again, read it over and over again, read it often, and finally get something new. Some philosophical thoughts.

As the most profound wisdom in the world, philosophy is the crystallization of countless geniuses' lifelong thinking and living. They suffered many losses and suffered many hardships before finally condensing it into a few words in books.

I saw this sentence in a book: As long as you do some good to the dog, it will never forget it. But no matter how good you are to a person, he will forget it in the blink of an eye.

This is so good. I am relieved by what this former teacher and friend did!

I have studied psychology. According to psychology, because human nature is inherently good, this friend will forget his own interests, betray his friends, and be ruthless. It is not so easy and pleasant to do it. There will be struggles, conflicts, and hesitations. , I’m so confused!

So, he tried his best to convince himself that he would not do anything, never stop, and never look back.

Afterwards, he asked what was in his heart, deeply blamed himself, complained about himself, felt sorry for himself, forgiven himself, felt sorry for himself, and enlightened himself: in order to get rich, you must be ruthless and unjust!

Those who can fight for and rob may not necessarily be those with strong survival ability. Your body is strong, your behavior is strong, and you grab some unjust things in society.

But what about the organs inside your body? In fact, there is also struggle, an imbalance of yin and yang, and a fight between good and evil. If you suffer a loss in this area, you will gain in that area; if you gain in this area, there will be a loss in that area.

Therefore, this friend's health is getting worse and worse. He has neurasthenia, severe insomnia, and cannot sleep well every night.

In the first half of his life, he worked hard to realize his ambition of getting rich, but in the second half of his life, he lived alone and burdened with guilt.

In this life, it is rare to have a bowl of ready-made rice. People who come out to hang out must understand the world and conflicts of interest!

Interests, interests, only eternal interests, there are no permanent friends and enemies. This is the true face of this world, extremely cruel, but extremely real.

Interests are always the main reason for making people’s eyes red and bloody.

Interests can make interpersonal relationships close and like glue, or they can turn into enemies and become incompatible.

It all depends on how you behave. Are you loyal or taking advantage?