My brother and I grew up in rural areas. After graduating from college, we stayed in the same city and settled down separately. The brother-in-law does not have a formal job, and all the expenses of the younger brother's family are supported by the younger brother alone. Therefor

My brother and I grew up in rural areas. After graduating from college, we stayed in the same city and settled down separately.

My brother’s wife does not have a formal job, and all the expenses of my brother’s family are supported by him alone. Therefore, compared to me, my sister, life in my brother’s family is relatively difficult.

Later, my younger brother was transferred to another city for work, leaving his brother-in-law and two children at home. So, he took his parents from his hometown to help pick up and drop off the children.

Because my parents are at my brother’s house, basically every Saturday or Sunday I buy a big bag of stuff and go there to check it out. Sometimes I would stop by and finish my meal before leaving.

One day, I went to see my parents as usual. It was almost noon, so my mother left me to eat there and called my brother-in-law who was still outside and asked her to buy some groceries on the way home. , said to eat cold noodles for lunch.

When we eat cold noodles here, tomato marinade is indispensable. However, the brother-in-law and his wife did not buy tomatoes that time. The nephew was very puzzled and asked casually: "Mom, why didn't you buy tomatoes?" The nephew said nothing and walked away without saying a word.

I didn’t say anything and continued to be busy in the kitchen with my brothers and my wife, while my parents and nephew were sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

After a while, the brother-in-law and his wife suddenly called their nephew over angrily.

After her nephew came over, she said to her nephew: "Do you know why I didn't buy tomatoes? Do you know how expensive tomatoes are now? If we were like your aunt's house, we could afford it! You said it was so expensive, let's eat it Can you afford it? "

At that time, after hearing what my brother-in-law said, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart. Why can't I afford tomatoes? Buying a few tomatoes only costs ten yuan at most, right? Isn't it obvious that you were telling me this? It seems that I have come a lot!

It’s really chilling to think about it. Usually when I see something I like, I always think about buying one for my brother-in-law and my wife. I even bought her TV.

My brother’s wife said that the house was too small to live in and wanted to move to a bigger house. I didn’t say anything, but even though I had just bought the house and still had a mortgage, I still squeezed her 40,000 yuan out of it. This has only been the attitude for a long time.

At that time, I really wanted to leave and stop eating there! But considering my parents' feelings, I still didn't show it, but I didn't say a word.

From that day on, I never stepped into the door of my brother's house again.

Usually, I just keep in touch with my parents on the phone. Sometimes I will call the two old people to stay for a day or two, but I never ask about my brother’s family affairs. Even if my parents take the initiative to bring it up, I will change the topic. Deliberately avoid.

How can such an obvious change be hidden from a smart mother?

My mother asked me what was going on, so I had to tell the truth. After hearing this, my mother said that her brother-in-law was careless and did not pay attention to what she said. She also told me to stop being so troublesome.

But I don’t think that my brother-in-law and his wife were unintentional that day. Was it really me who was troublesome?