In ancient times, there was a small mountain village by the Qingshui River. There was a scholar named Zhao Xiaolan in the village. He was young, talented, and kind-hearted. He was very popular in the village and had a good reputation.

In ancient times, there was a small mountain village by the Qingshui River. There was a scholar named Zhao Xiaolan in the village. He was young, talented, and kind-hearted. He was very popular in the village and had a good reputation.

Zhao Xiaolan originally lived in the capital, and lived the life of a wealthy young master when he was a child. Unfortunately, when he was five years old, his father Zhao Kang accidentally lost all his family property in business.

It is said that the Zhao family has been mainly engaged in business for generations. However, in Zhao Kang's generation, the foundation that Zhao family has worked hard to build for generations was unfortunately destroyed by Zhao Kang.

Maybe he couldn't accept this reality, or maybe he had no face to face the Zhao family ancestors. The sad and disappointed Zhao Kang couldn't think about it for a moment, and actually chose to jump into the river and commit suicide.

With the death of Zhao Kang, the Zhao family quickly lost.

Soon, the Zhao family home was dominated by creditors.

Poor Luo Shi had no choice but to take her son back to her parents' home over the mountains and ridges.

At this time, the parents' house was empty. Fortunately, the old house still existed, which gave the orphan and widowed mother a temporary place to stay.

Although Luo Shi has not returned to the countryside for decades since he got married, Mr. Luo was once a famous doctor in the town. After his death, the villagers received a lot of favors. Therefore, when Luo Shi returned to the village, the neighbors saw that they were pitiful. Spontaneously lend a helping hand.

With the help of the villagers, Luo barely survived the most difficult time in his life.

Luo Shi is a very strong woman. She is sad every time she thinks about the Zhao family's decline. In order to revive the reputation of the Zhao family, Luo Shi places all her hopes on her son Zhao Xiaolan. She hopes that his son will one day be able to honor his family.

Zhao Xiaolan is quite ambitious, and he knows his mother’s wish. Thinking about how much heartbreak and tears his mother had spent supporting the Zhao family alone since his father's death, he vowed to work hard.

But at this time, the Zhao family was completely destitute, and it was obviously unrealistic to turn around through business.

After much thought, Zhao Xiaolan embarked on the path of scientific examination.

After several years of hard study, he finally became a scholar in one fell swoop.

Just when he was looking forward to the future and working hard, Luo Shi unfortunately contracted a serious illness; because he was short of money at the time, Zhao Xiaolan could only watch his mother being killed by the disease.

After her mother passed away, Zhao Xiaolan became completely alone, and she became a lonely person from then on.

Perhaps it was his mother's death that hit him so hard that he lost all fighting spirit, so that he did nothing all day long and lived in a muddle.

In just a few years, the great talent in the past has been reduced to a mediocre person, which is a pity for the villagers.

Some well-intentioned people once persuaded Zhao Xiaolan to get back on his feet, but unfortunately he did not listen.

Slowly, he became completely decadent.

It is said that one day, Zhao Xiaolan went to Fenglin Cemetery to pay homage to her relatives.

Unexpectedly, on his way back, when passing by a bamboo forest, he accidentally found a nun lying on the grass, covered in blood.

walked up and saw a young and beautiful nun.

At that time, he did not understand why this woman had escaped into Buddhism at such a young age. Could it be that he is trapped by love?

Seeing that the nun was still breathing, Zhao Xiaolan ignored the relationship between men and women and hurriedly carried the nun on her back and went straight to the doctor Li Yu's house.

ran all the way. Although he was out of breath, in order to save the nun, Zhao Xiaolan used all his strength and finally arrived at Li Langzhong's house quickly.

But Li Langzhong just took a look and refused to treat the nun's injuries on the grounds that the nun was too seriously injured.

Zhao Xiaolan understood that time waits for no one; in order to convince Li Langzhong, he had to take out two taels of silver.

Sure enough, Li Yu's eyes widened when she saw the money. After taking the money, she immediately checked the nun's pulse and healed her wounds.

Although Mr. Li is greedy for money and seems to be taking advantage of others, his medical skills are indeed excellent.

After two hours, the nun finally woke up.

Seeing that the nun was haggard, Zhao Xiaolan had to take her home first.

Along the way, the two chatted happily.

It turns out that the nun's real name is Li Zhaoxia, from Yangzhou . She comes from a wealthy family and has lived a wealthy life since she was a child.

Unfortunately, when she was twelve years old, Mr. and Mrs. Li took their daughter back home to visit relatives.

Unexpectedly, passing by a mountain forest on the way, a snake demon suddenly appeared. The snake demon saw that Li Zhaoxia was as beautiful as a flower and wanted to take advantage of it. Fortunately, Mr. Li and his wife fought to the death, allowing Li Zhaoxia to escape, but the two elders eventually died at the hands of the snake demon.

Afterwards, Li Zhaoxia vowed to kill the murderer; but as a mortal, how could she be the opponent of the snake demon?

After much thought, she later became a nun and followed her master to eat fast, chant Buddha's name, and learn the art of subduing demons.

Several years later, Li Zhaoxia secretly went down the mountain and finally found the snake demon's lair; but her magic power was still weak and she was defeated by the snake demon.

When her life was in danger, Master arrived in time and killed the snake demon to save her life.

After her great revenge was avenged, Li Zhaoxia stayed in the nunnery and dedicated herself to Buddha.

On that day, she went down the mountain to beg for alms, but why was she seriously injured?

It turned out that she was thirsty for a moment and went to the river to drink water.

Unexpectedly, the water demon attacked and injured her. Fortunately, Li Zhaoxia escaped in time and saved her life.

However, Li Zhaoxia did not inform Zhao Xiaolan about this matter.

Later, Li Zhaoxia stayed at Zhao's house for half a month. After Zhao Xiaolan's careful care, she recovered quickly.

She then returned to the nunnery.

Seeing Li Zhaoxia's retreating figure, Zhao Xiaolan felt complicated. To be honest, after spending a few days with Ms. Li, he actually fell in love with Ms. Li. It was a pity that Ms. Li was a monk and had long since broken off from the worldly relationship.

With a deep sigh, Zhao Xiaolan drank a large bowl of wine.

Three months have passed in a flash.

That day Zhao Xiaolan went to the suburbs to chop wood.

The weather was hot at that time, and Zhao Xiaolan was already sweating profusely without cutting down the trees for a while.

It was too hot and he couldn't stand it, so he looked around.

Soon, he found a small river.

At this time, he was very happy, and he could finally take a bath happily.

But he didn't know that the danger was coming quietly.

Fortunately, nun Li Zhaoxia happened to be passing by.

When she saw it was Zhao Xiucai playing in the water, she thought that the water demon was ferocious and cunning, and had long been able to absorb men's yang energy; Zhao Xiaolan was undoubtedly a good target.

Thinking of this, she shouted at Zhao Xiucai, asking him to get ashore quickly.

Zhao Xiaolan saw that it was Zhaoxia. Not only did he not listen, but he deliberately wandered around and showed off himself repeatedly.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhaoxia was so angry that she ran over quickly, involuntarily tapped Zhao Xiaolan's acupuncture points, and then dragged her into the grass.

Zhao Xiaolan was very excited along the way. Could it be that Mr. Li is interested in her?

Realizing that Zhao Xiaolan was thinking wrongly, Li Shi glared hard and said coldly: "Don't be afraid, I am saving you."

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, a cowherd jumped into the water to play in the water.

Suddenly, a whirlpool appeared in the water, and then the Cowherd struggled desperately, as if someone was pulling under the water.

"No, the water demon is coming"

Seeing the danger of the cowherd, Li Zhaoxia jumped up and shouted loudly, "Bold water demon, why don't you show your true form soon?"

Suddenly, a young and charming woman rushed out of the water.

Soon, the two were fighting each other.

In the end, the water demon was destroyed, and Li Zhaoxia was seriously injured.

This time, Zhao Xiaolan was still taking good care of her.

The two got together for a month. After Li Zhaoxia recovered from her injury, she returned to secular life.

Later, Zhao Xiaolan married Zhaoxia as his wife.

They lived a happy life from then on.