It was a sunny morning, and the water of the Qiantang River was slightly rippled, shining dazzlingly under the sunlight. There is a building not far from the river bank..., a woman looks particularly painful and sad.

2024/05/2205:18:33 story 1471

It was a sunny morning. The water of the Qiantang River was rippled slightly, shining with dazzling light under the sunlight.

There is a building not far from the river bank..., a woman looks particularly painful and sad. Her name is A Mei. When she was imprisoned, she carried a photo with her. This photo was a photo of her family before she went to work in the city. The photo was beautiful. She looked so happy and happy. Looking at the photo, the past events couldn't help but come to mind. Watching, watching, she tore the photos into pieces...

She often became irritable and hit her head against the wall countless times. Sometimes she stares at the sycamore trees and blue sky outside the window, with a melancholy expression and suppressed pain, as if there are countless sad past events smoldering in her chest.

At this time, countless days of shedding tears have passed, and she has begun to know how to wash away her shame and sin.

It was a sunny morning, and the water of the Qiantang River was slightly rippled, shining dazzlingly under the sunlight. There is a building not far from the river bank..., a woman looks particularly painful and sad. - DayDayNews

It was the late autumn of the 1980s. Ami was born in an inconspicuous mountain village on the east bank of the Qiantang River. This was a poor and backward village, far away from the city. For generations, people lived with their faces facing the loess and their backs to the sky. As long as she can remember, there have been two younger sisters and one younger brother in her family. This is a family of six, and she relies on her parents to leave early and come back late every day, working hard to support the family.

When Ami was eight years old, her father used the money he saved from living frugally to enroll her in school. In the blink of an eye, she is about to graduate from elementary school and she is already 12 years old. She thought about it, her parents worked hard in farming, and it was really not easy to raise the four of us. She made up her mind not to go to school, but to help the family farm so that her younger siblings could study.

She told her parents what she thought. After hearing this, her mother stroked A Mei's head and said lovingly: "Good child, you have grown up and become sensible. It is all your fault that your mother has no money for you to study!"

From then on, Ami said goodbye to school, teachers and classmates, and followed her parents into the fields... However, Ami's family did not become rich because she gave up school and farmed. On the contrary, family life became more difficult. After the three younger siblings went to school, they often couldn't pay their tuition fees because they had to worry about food. Year after year, the family's foreign debt increased day by day.

Ami saw all this. She knew that her family was in such a difficult situation, wasn't it because she had no money? She thought that this would not be the solution in the long run. She suddenly remembered what she heard from business people in the village a few days ago: In the past few years, cities have become rich. Some men have become rich, and some women have become rich.

She thought repeatedly, others are human beings, and so am I. They can do it, why can’t I do it? In order to change the poverty situation at home and to allow her younger siblings to continue studying, she decided to go out to work.

When her mother knew what she was thinking, she said with tears in her eyes: "Mei, you are still young and you are a girl, how can your mother feel relieved?" Mom, if I always stay at home, how many years and months will it take for our miserable life to end? At this time, my father said to my mother: "Let Ami go out and give it a try. If you can't make money, come back."

So, Ami, who had just turned 15, left her parents and younger siblings with reluctance and left. He left that impoverished home and embarked on the long and arduous road of his life...

It was a sunny morning, and the water of the Qiantang River was slightly rippled, shining dazzlingly under the sunlight. There is a building not far from the river bank..., a woman looks particularly painful and sad. - DayDayNews

In the early spring, when she came to the city from a remote place by the Qiantang River, she seemed to have come to another world and felt that everything was fresh. ...

On the fourth day after entering the city, he came to work in a restaurant. He worked hard for no less than 10 hours. He was so tired all day long that his back was sore and his legs were aching . But she was pleased that she could receive 500 yuan at the end of the month. salary. When he handed over the money to his parents for the first time, he felt like he had drank honey, not knowing how sweet it was.

Two or three months later, Ami was spotted by the proprietress of a hair salon, who promised her a monthly salary of 1,000 yuan. So, she switched jobs to a hair salon. She was born with a skillful mind and was diligent and hard-working. Ami became a skilled worker in just one month. When she returned home and handed the 900 yuan to her mother, her mother was so excited that she praised her repeatedly: "You have helped shoulder a heavy burden on the family." Dad also nodded and smiled, praising Ami for her future.

Since Ami started working in the hair salon, the family's life has been prosperous. The people in the village compare their family's life to eating sugar cane and going up the stairs, becoming increasingly cyanotic.

However, life may be so unfair to Ami. She never dreamed that the end of her family's poverty was the beginning of her father's involvement in the casino.

It was a late autumn in the 1990s, and it was drizzling. My mother hurried to the hair salon, and I saw that she was much older, with a gray-white face, forehead full of wrinkles, sparse hair, and eyes full of depression.

"Mom, are you in a hurry to see me in the city?"

"Amei, the school teacher has come to collect tuition fees again these days."

"Don't you send 900 yuan home every month?" Amei asked puzzledly. .

"Mom received all the money you sent, but then the tuition fees increased again. The old and new tuition fees combined cost more than 2,000 yuan." Mom seemed to be hiding something intentionally.

"My dad didn't think of anything"? "Ami then asked.

At this time, I saw my mother's lips trembling, and two lines of tears slowly flowed out of her eyes. She said: Your father has become bad. At first he played cards with the people in the village, and then he got involved in the casino and started cheating. Gambling, he lost continuously. After I found out, I advised him not to become a gambler, but he was unwilling to accept it and wanted to win back some. For this reason, the more he gambled, the more he lost. He wished he could get it all back at once. Who knows, but God did not want it to happen. She lost so miserably at the casino that she lost everything at home and still owed gambling debts...

After hearing this, Ami felt filled with grief and anger. She hated her unkind father. The landlady standing aside seemed to utter a few words. Out of kindness, she handed Ami 2,000 yuan and said, "Let your mother take it back first, and then pay it back slowly. "

htmlAt the end of October, the boss lady mercilessly deducted her wages and asked her to write down an IOU of 1,000 yuan. For several days, Ami was depressed, and she was almost breathless under the burden of 1,000 yuan. At this time, The insidious and treacherous landlady had long known what A Mei was thinking, and had long wanted to play a trick on this girl. She was secretly happy that it was time for this money tree to make money.

It was a sunny morning, and the water of the Qiantang River was slightly rippled, shining dazzlingly under the sunlight. There is a building not far from the river bank..., a woman looks particularly painful and sad. - DayDayNews

On a late autumn night in the south of the Yangtze River, the cool breeze held hostage. , blowing through the roaring sycamore trees, blowing through the shining river water, and also blowing over Ami’s depressed and depressed cheeks... After a busy day, Ami returned to her residence and made a bowl of instant noodles. When she couldn't take out any more money, she asked the landlady to borrow money again.

"Amei, you are such a big girl begging for food - you are so stubborn. Girls nowadays are very smart. You haven't heard what others say, women are tall." Beauty is a huge wealth given by God. As long as you are willing, you will have money rolling in." Listening to the words of the landlady, A Mei had a sad smile on her face.

An hour later, the landlady called A Mei to another room. In the room, facing everything in front of her, although Ami knew that her life would be ruined, she had no choice but to risk it for her younger siblings to go to school, to reduce her mother's life pressure, and to pay off her debts...

From then on, she counted... When she exchanged the money, she couldn't help but hide in her room and cry bitterly. She could only swallow the bitterness in her heart.

It was an early spring in the mid-1990s. One afternoon, Ami's father suddenly came to ask for money. He asked for money and lied that he had stopped gambling a long time ago and wanted to start a pig farm...

Ami, a simple and kind-hearted person, learned that her father had changed his ways and had to rely on hard work to get rich, so he immediately saved up 5,000 yuan. All the money was given to Dad. However, when the father, who was a compulsive gambler and had no conscience, received the money, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Ami, this money is not enough, please give me some more." "Ami had no choice but to beg the landlady again and borrow 2,000 yuan to give to her father. She thought that as long as her family life was peaceful, it would be worth it no matter how hard and tired she was.

Human hearts are full of flesh. In addition to feeling happy when my mother receives money from her children every month, she also unexpectedly discovers that her husband has recently been involved in a casino. She reminds her of his visit to the city a few days ago. If he has no relatives and no friends, where will he get the money? She must have forced the child to get it. How did she earn so much money?

They finally heard about A Mei's visit. She didn't want her daughter to go away, so she came to the hair salon and decided to take her daughter back.

After Ami told her mother the true situation, her mother cried and said: "Children, please remember to follow the right path in life. We poor people should not be short-minded." With that said, how can we continue to live? ...

It was a sunny morning, and the water of the Qiantang River was slightly rippled, shining dazzlingly under the sunlight. There is a building not far from the river bank..., a woman looks particularly painful and sad. - DayDayNews

One afternoon, my younger brother rushed to the hair salon with his neighbor's uncle. The uncle said: "Ami, it's not good. Your mother jumped into the river and is being rescued in the hospital..." When Ami arrived at the hospital, there was a short burst of excitement. At the sound of the sound, my mother left...

It turned out that that afternoon, my mother took out the glutinous rice and prepared to make rice dumplings to give to A Mei in the city. Unexpectedly, her father discovered that he robbed her of the only money she had and used it for gambling. Mom was completely disappointed with Dad and jumped into the river in anger.

My mother is dead and my father is hiding. A Mei wanted to end her life by death, but she thought that her younger siblings were too young and needed to be supported, so she could not die. She arranged their lives, and then left the family, running around for life and to support her younger siblings.

She returned to her original hair salon to work, and a young man came to wash her hair. He paid her an extra 50 yuan and said, "Little sister, look at your sad face. It's quite pitiful. You must have some thoughts." That young man in the evening Invite Ami to have supper. The young man claimed to be a contractor and very rich, and Ami believed his sweet words. Within a few days, the two of them drank the engagement wine, and Ami drank a bowl of glutinous rice wine , which made her stomach feel like a ball of fire. The next morning, she woke up and looked down, suddenly realizing that she was already his. People.

When Ami followed him to his house, what she saw were only two old rooms, a broken bed, and a few bamboo chairs. She suddenly felt that she had been cheated. After going through hardships, Ami also learned how to protect herself. The next day, Amei asked him to go to the city to buy furniture together. During the selection, she took the opportunity to run away.

Ami returned to the city and started her old business in a hair salon.

Her mood became more and more painful due to the setbacks in her marriage. In order to seek stimulation, she began to smoke and drink, and her tears merged into bitterness and a dull pain in her heart. In order to take care of the lives of her younger brothers and sisters, she was forced to embark on the road of sinking, and even went further and further...until she reached the point of getting out of hand.

It was a sunny morning, and the water of the Qiantang River was slightly rippled, shining dazzlingly under the sunlight. There is a building not far from the river bank..., a woman looks particularly painful and sad. - DayDayNews

Life is certainly hard, and life is not smooth either. The formation of social phenomena has its causes and evolution. But the most important thing is people. Correcting a misaligned life is to restore the soul of self-respect and self-love. "Although the road of life is long, there are only a few steps that matter, especially when you are young."

(the illustrations in the text are from the Internet)

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