I remember taking night classes when I was a child. Every night after school, the whole village was shrouded in the dark night. I don’t know why, but even the nights were darker than now. I couldn’t see my fingers. The village roads were full of potholes and made it a little deep

2024/05/1723:23:34 story 1640

Text: Gu'an Yunsha

Picture: from the Internet

When I was a child, I often heard some ghost stories told by my neighbors in the village. Some ghost stories may have been made out of nothing to scare children, but some ghost stories were their personal experiences. , it sounds like you can’t help but believe it.

I remember taking night classes when I was a child. Every night after school, the whole village was shrouded in the dark night. I don’t know why, but even the nights were darker than now. I couldn’t see my fingers. The village roads were full of potholes and made it a little deep - DayDayNews

I remember taking night classes when I was a child. Every night after school, the whole village was shrouded in the dark night. I don’t know why. Even the nights were darker than now. I couldn’t see my fingers. The village roads were full of potholes and deep when walking. There are always a few bold people and older children who love to tell ghost stories on nights like this.

Everyone likes to push forward, because they are afraid of accidentally falling behind and being dragged away by ghosts. When it was time to break up, we were all alone, one way, and we ran home as fast as we could. Once we entered the house, we could take a breath as soon as the door was closed.

There is a temple in our village primary school. Every night on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, someone always goes to the temple door to kowtow and burn incense. After people leave, the incense will still burn for a long time. Our classroom is in front of the temple, across from the classroom. You can see the flickering incense through the small wooden window, which looks so scary.

I dare not close my eyes for a long time every night. As soon as I close my eyes, there will be clouds of smoke-like things coming towards me. I am very afraid of sleeping alone, but my grandma always plays long games at that time. We played cards until midnight and she refused to leave, so I had to wait for her to go to bed together.

When I entered junior high school, learned a little knowledge, read a little books, and realized that the world is materialistic, not idealistic, , my courage gradually became bigger, but at the same time, I became a little forgetful. .

Every time my aunt and mother lit the incense burner in the yard to make wishes due to drought or something went wrong at home, I would always fight against their "feudal superstition", and of course I would always be scolded by them. The lack of awe makes them angry.

My mother is very superstitious. Every year, the money she sells from the eggs will be thrown to the fortune teller, and the little birds will tell fortunes and shake fortunes. Of course, without exception, the contents of her fortune telling are inseparable from me. In her eyes, I was a lazy, greedy and disobedient child, so every time the fortune teller would tell me: I am destined to be tough, it will defeat her. Then she turned around and told me her fortune-telling words, thinking that there was no way she could count on me to take care of herself in old age, and she was very disappointed in me.

I have a sister who died of acute encephalitis when she was seven years old. My mother invited a distant relative who knew how to make incense to come to the house to offer incense and kill a hen. The relative said: If the incense goes upward, the incense will go upwards. , it means that my sister ascended to heaven and became a virgin before the Bodhisattva, so that our family will not have any major disasters in the future, and she can protect our family's health and safety.

The incense is placed on the Eight Immortals table in the house. The wind cannot blow in, and of course the smoke of the incense will not bend. Later, when fortune-telling was done, my mother would add one more: It was because my fate was too tough that I killed my sister, and she would only have the fate of a daughter in her life. The tone was full of regret and sadness.

My younger brother was often haunted by ghosts when he was a child. If he slept on the ground, he might be "welcome" by someone's ancestor buried in the ground. He had an inexplicable fever for several days, and he couldn't even take medicine or injections, so he had to go to the hospital. Invite someone who knows how to "see" to come and take a look.

I remember taking night classes when I was a child. Every night after school, the whole village was shrouded in the dark night. I don’t know why, but even the nights were darker than now. I couldn’t see my fingers. The village roads were full of potholes and made it a little deep - DayDayNews

People who can "see" are really powerful. You can see at a glance that the "ghost" is attached to my brother's body, so I have to pull one of my brother's old clothes, pull it out from the door, and throw it away. , while also making a wish to burn some paper money for the "ghost", and only after burning the paper money can he "send" it away. Things like

happen every once in a while.At that time, my younger brother went to primary school with my father in another village. Every time he had a fever in the middle of the night, my father would carry my younger brother on his back and run home for several miles. My father was actually a timid man. He also suffered from night blindness . The days didn't end until my brother entered junior high school.

I heard that weak people are prone to attract "ghosts". The same goes for my little nephew. For a while, my brother ran a factory in his hometown. Every time he came back from his hometown, either my grandma's "soul" or my father's "soul" came with him. Every time he was greeted, the kid would cry and make trouble for days.

There is a person in our community who is good at "watching". After watching it one time, he said to my mother: The main reason is that my father wants to hug his grandson so much that he always "comes back".

This time, my mother was particularly angry: You left us so early and left us three mothers so miserable. You can't do anything to help us, so stop pestering the children. It is said that my father left "crying" and never came back after that. Even my grandma stopped coming. The little nephew grew up and got better and better, and this kind of thing never happened again.

I have a colleague who also had such an experience. When she was in the fourth grade of elementary school, one time she was on the way to school. When she was tired, she leaned on a mound and fell asleep. When she woke up, The legs are lame. Moreover, she had been limping for more than half a year, and she couldn't see well no matter how hard she looked. Later, her old aunt, a visiting relative, noticed it.

It turned out that their neighbor was buried in the mound. The neighbor was a lame old man. It is said that after burning the paper, her legs healed.

Our relatives also had such an experience. My aunt's granddaughter somehow "welcome" her. Her tone of voice and even her demeanor were the same as great aunt . My great aunt. She suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage during her lifetime, and half of her body was paralyzed. The same was true for the child. She dragged her legs to her aunt's house to ask for food, and even cursed her. Finally, she went to burn paper on the grave before she woke up and asked her what happened. She actually didn't remember anything.

I have never experienced such a thing, so I am always in a state of doubt. My mother always said: Ghosts are afraid of evil people. So I'm a "bad guy"? It will not attract "haunting".

Mr. Lin Yutang wrote in "The Biography of Su Dongpo" about Su Dongpo praying for rain: One of the attendants was suddenly possessed by evil spirits and took off his clothes one by one on the road. Su Dongpo went to the temple to pray, but the mountain wind was raging. , flying sand and stones, but he said to his attendants: Is God still angry? I'm not afraid of him.

He continued walking. He said: My life is controlled by the Emperor of Heaven. The mountain god must be angry, so I have to let him. I want to keep going forward, what can the mountain god do to me? Then, the wind gradually weakened and finally stopped blowing. No accident occurred, and he regained consciousness.

Once his daughter-in-law was possessed by an evil spirit. He told the female ghost some Buddhist principles on ghosts, and wrote a prayer to the Buddha, and actually sent the female ghost away. Later, a female ghost pestered his grandson. The female ghost asked him to write a prayer, but he refused to write it. Finally, the female ghost lowered her request and only drank a bowl of water from him, and she was convinced by him. It can be seen that Mr. Su Dongpo is also an "evil man", a "evil man" who is not afraid of the power of ghosts and monsters.

Mr. Lu Xun also mentioned the question of whether the human soul exists many times in "Xianglin's Wife". I think this should exist, because the world is material, and all ideologies are material. .

When a person comes into the world, no matter when he leaves, there will always be someone who remembers him and misses him, and his soul will always be with the person who misses him. As for what we call "ghosts" or "gods", they are just like what we think about every day and what we dream about at night. They are all the emotional sustenance of our souls.

Those stories have brought us inspiration and nourished our hearts.

I remember taking night classes when I was a child. Every night after school, the whole village was shrouded in the dark night. I don’t know why, but even the nights were darker than now. I couldn’t see my fingers. The village roads were full of potholes and made it a little deep - DayDayNews

We always hope that our wishes will come true, and that the people who love us and the people we love can be safe. All good sustenance is nothing more than our most primitive and instinctive inner needs.

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