Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an

2024/05/1514:09:35 story 1755

Note: Over the years, domestic workers have accumulated experience and told stories inside the industry. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, and any similarity is purely coincidental, as you will understand.

Thank you friends for reading, I hope you can like and forward it for me! ! !

The sky gradually darkened, and the street lights everywhere in the community turned on. The children playing in the activity center also went home one after another. There were only two or three children left who played until they refused to go home and the adults who looked after them. From time to time on the hillside next to

, there are one or two calls of tired birds returning to their nests. The most important thing is that those mosquitoes that lurk in the grass, woods, or ditches during the day are already waiting for the opportunity to move out.

Mr. Li and his wife were still standing high on the slide, watching Yingying sliding, shouting, and laughing happily. At this moment, I'm afraid she has forgotten her worry about her brother being taken away, right?

She was already sweating profusely, and her hair in front stuck to her forehead.

Lifang said: "Uncle and aunt, it's dark and there are a lot of mosquitoes. I took her back."

Old Mrs. Li said: "Okay, go back quickly. The night wind is not good for the children."

Back to the villa By the time, Miss Qian's car was no longer on the side of the road.

Lifang opened the courtyard door, and Yingying trotted all the way in front. She changed her shoes at the gate and rushed into the house.

is about to go up to the second floor with his calves.

Lifang was afraid that she would fall, so she followed her up the stairs. While still on the stairs, she heard Teacher Zhou and Yaoyao talking quietly in English.

Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed the stair handrail with her little hands and took a long breath before continuing to walk up.

smiled at her brother at the top of the stairs: "Your mother has gone back to her own home."

Yaoyao looked up at Yingying and said lightly: "I know, she told me."

Teacher Zhou smiled Her eyes were bent like moons, and she said to Yingying: "Do you still want to study today?"

Yingying turned around and asked Lifang: "Auntie, do I still study?"

Lifang said dumbfounded: "Look at this full Her head is sweating profusely." She said and pushed the hair from her forehead to the side with her hands.

Teacher Zhou said with a smile: "Come here, sit and read for a while, and then go take a shower."

Yingying ran over and sat next to Teacher Zhou with a smile.

Teacher Zhou picked a book from the desk and gave it to her.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Lifang went downstairs to take a bath.

Miss Li is coming up from the basement. She has already taken a shower and changed clothes. Wearing headphones and talking on the phone, I was carrying a basin of clothes to dry in the yard.

had a peaceful smile on his face. He didn’t know what he was saying over there, but Miss Li whispered softly: Well, yes, yes. Use words like this to echo. When

saw Lifang, he had no time to be distracted and only nodded hastily.

Lifang quickly took a shower and finished washing her clothes. Except for very hot weather, Lifang's jeans are basically washed once every two days after wearing them. Sometimes they are washed once a day if they become dirty.

Just a set of underwear and a T-shirt, which were washed quickly. When I took it to the yard to dry, Miss Li was still in the yard. The pot was placed on the stone pavement, and he was still talking on the phone in a low voice while sitting on a chair under the umbrella. Seeing Lifang coming, her voice became even softer. It was so hard to hear what was being said.

After drying her clothes, Lifang walked up to Miss Li and waved, and then Miss Li said seriously to the person on the other end of the phone: "Wait a moment."

After saying that, she asked Lifang: "What's the matter, big sister?"

Lifang said: "I'm going to give Yingying a bath later and coax her to sleep. Can you send Teacher Zhou out, and then help Yaoyao take a bath and help him apply medicine?"

Miss Li hurriedly said: "I know I I know. I looked at the time and waited to send Teacher Zhou out at 8:30, then went up to the second floor.

Lifang entered the room with confidence. I won’t neglect Yaoyao today.

Lifang had a gut feeling that Ms. Li was distracted from her work because something was wrong. There were many things that the housekeeper should arrange and coordinate these days, but she had no effect at all.

As soon as Lifang went up to the second floor, Teacher Zhou said to Yingying: "You and Auntie go take a bath."

Yingying got up without saying anything and followed Lifang back to the room.

After Lifang gave her a bath, the two of them played on their own beds. When the time came, they coaxed her to sleep and never left the room again.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Early the next morning, Yingying cried.

It was just because Miss Li didn't wear socks.

As I said before, no one in the Li family, no matter adults or children, has long nails. Naturally, the same applies to the nannies hired.

In addition to this habit, there is another habit, that is, everyone wears slippers all year round. No one has made this rule since Lifang. When Mr. Li goes out of his bedroom, he must be dressed neatly, including socks. Except for a few times when there is an emergency, he will wear pajamas in public areas.

Lifang herself wears socks all day long, and she has also given them to Yaoyao since he was a child. Wearing socks, I thought that because little boys like to run around, the front toes of slippers are easy to touch, so wearing socks can provide some protection.

Mrs. Li usually wears socks as well

. There is no rule, but everyone wears it this way.

Maybe it was because the temperature was low, and Miss Li was wearing no socks today.

Yingying saw it when she came downstairs. Pointing to Ms. Li’s feet, she asked her why she wasn’t wearing socks.

Ms. Li said, “No need to wear them.

Yingying quit and asked Miss Li to put on socks.

Miss Li said dumbfounded: "Why do you care about this?" "

Yingying took Miss Li's hand and dragged her toward the basement, forcing her to go back to the room to put on her socks.

Miss Li broke free from Yingying's hand and said, "What's wrong with you? What do you think I'm doing wearing socks? "

Yingying quit and cried in discomfort.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Yaoyao had already gone to school at that time. Mr. Li hadn't gone to work yet, and few people knew what had happened to her?

Mr. Li didn't say anything and just sat on the sofa. She watched Yingying silently.

Miss Li went to the basement to put on her socks when she saw her crying.

Mr. Li thought for a while and whispered to Lifang: "Does she have obsessive-compulsive disorder? "

When Mr. Li said this, Lifang remembered it. When Mrs. Li was not pregnant, she would occasionally do manicures. Yingying would pick them with her hands every time she saw her, and she would also say: "Mom, go wash your hands. . "

Also, when she was a child, whenever she had a quiet moment, she would silently rub the corners of her clothes with her little hands.

The child was still young at that time, and her abilities were beginning to show. But her subjective consciousness and expressive ability were not as good as they are now. Strong, so no attention was paid.

Lifang told Mr. Li these things. Mr. Li stood there and looked at Yingying for a while and said, "I'll ask someone for consultation. "

finished speaking and said to Yingying: "Yingying, aunt is sending you to kindergarten, and dad has to go to work. "

Yingying stopped crying immediately after Miss Li put on her socks. Now she happily waved and said goodbye to her father.

When Miss Li sent Lifang and Yingying out of the yard, she said: "If there is obsessive-compulsive disorder, not only her If you feel uncomfortable, so will those around you. "

Lifang looked at Yingying jumping up and down, and didn't know what to say.

In the car, Lifang told Xiao Liu about this matter. After Xiao Liu heard it, he laughed and said: "She It’s just asking you to put on your socks, but it’s something you can’t do. Why make the child cry? How cute this kid is. Apart from your mother who reminds you to wear long johns, if there is a second person in the world who cares about you, it must be Yingying. "

Lifang said: "You are the only one who talks too much. "

Lifang also heard from some sisters who do housework that many employers have some unique living habits. But most of them are adults. Children like this are really rare.

(If there is such a thing in the comment area, People in the field are welcome to discuss and provide some ways to deal with obsessive-compulsive disorder, thank you!)

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

The children went to school today. Lifang made an appointment with the coach to practice driving again.

Fortunately, there was no regression. No progress is possible.It's still yes, yes, and no, no.

The coach is still so cool. When Lifang was practicing, she kept hearing a clear voice broadcast: "The exam is over and the results are unqualified."

According to the frequency of its broadcast, Lifang estimated that she would practice one lap Probably a few thousand points will be deducted.

It was under this constant attack and humiliation from such voices that Lifang practiced with trepidation. Coach

except for sighing from time to time, remained silent throughout the whole process.

Later, maybe he couldn't stand the frequent voice announcements in the car and simply turned it off.

Lifang found it much easier to practice.

After another lap of practice, the coach said: "Pull over to the side! What you are best at."

Lifang obediently pulled over to the side and stopped. Coach

said: "Turn on your phone, record what I said, and listen to it several times before going to bed at night." Then

began to point out the mistakes that Lifang made during her driving practice one by one. There are so many problems that it is difficult to write about them all.

practiced until the afternoon on this day, and not once was he qualified.

On the way back to the driving school, the instructor drove the car very fast. Suddenly she turned her head and asked Lifang: "Have you made an appointment for the exam at the end of the month?"

Lifang said: "Yes."

The coach sneered: "Bless yourself. Buy a few more pieces of jade and wear them."

Lifang said unconvinced: "There is still time to practice."

The coach waited for the red light in front to turn green and said disdainfully: "Yes, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Lifang didn't want to talk anymore.

When we arrived at the driving school, Xiao Liu was already here. He was standing on the roadside chatting with the person in charge of the driving school, his friend.

didn't know what interesting things he was talking about. Although both of them were wearing masks, it didn't affect their unbridled laughter at all.

Seeing Lifang walking over, Xiao Liu immediately stopped smiling, waved to his friend, and got in the car with Lifang.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

picked up Yingying and returned to the villa. Miss Li was preparing dinner in the kitchen while humming a minor . The rice has been cooked.

The first thing Yingying did when she put down her schoolbag when she got home was to run to the kitchen door and look down at Miss Li's feet. Fortunately, wearing socks.

asked her to drink some water and sit at the dining table to play by herself for a while.

Lifang went to the kitchen to cook with Miss Li.

Lifang asked: "Ms. Li, you are at home alone during the day. Are you busy cleaning the house?"

Miss Li said with a smile: "You are busy. After cleaning in the morning, go to the gym on the top floor to work out. After an hour, I’ll have a quick lunch and take a rest. Then I’ll see if there’s anything left to do. It’s very pleasant.”

Lifang asked, “Have Mr. Li and the others been here?” ?"

Ms. Li said, "I came here in the morning. I looked around and found out that Yaoyao was going to school. "

After a while, the doorbell rang. Yingying immediately slipped off the chair and ran while shouting: "Brother must be back."

Lifang went out to open the door and saw Master Zhao with Yaoyao's schoolbag hanging on one arm, helping him get out of the car.

Lifang stepped forward and asked: "Yaoyao, do you feel better?"

Yaoyao said: "It's much better than yesterday. The swelling is not that bad."

Lifang took the schoolbag and asked Master Zhao and Yao Yao entered the courtyard.

Yaoyao followed her brother and watched her brother walk carefully. She also said: "Oh, be careful!"

said in a milky voice, which made Master Zhao joke with her: "Come and help support your brother."

Yingying really ran forward and stood on the steps. Get ready to pull Yaoyao.

Yaoyao said: "Stand aside, don't block the road."

Yingying stood aside obediently, grinning at Lifang behind her.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Master Zhao just helped Yaoyao sit down on the sofa. The red luxury car was parked outside the courtyard.

Lifang's heart skipped a beat and asked, "Yao Yao, did you and your mother make an appointment to come back together?"

Yaoyao said, "No."

Lifang muttered in her heart, why did the security guard let people in today without even calling?

Yingying said dejectedly: "Oh, she's here again. "After saying that, he sat down heavily on the sofa.

Master Zhao couldn't help but laugh when he saw Yingying's appearance.

Everyone had arrived outside the hospital, and Lifang hurriedly welcomed them out.

The car door opened, and Miss Qian went first. Come out. Then the rear door opened and Junjun came out.

Master Zhao hurriedly called Miss Qian at the entrance of the hospital, then got in the car and left.

Lifang said, "Miss Qian, Junjun, are you here?" "

Miss Qian said: "She heard that her brother had sprained his ankle and wanted to come over and take a look. I brought her here. After speaking, he bent down again, took out the packed lunch box from the seat behind with some difficulty, and said, "I heard that Yaoyao likes to eat roast duck." I packed a roast goose and roast duck for them to eat. "

handed the food box to Lifang, and Miss Qian took Junjun into the yard.

Yingying had already seen Junjun, and ran to the door and called her sister loudly.

Lifang trotted to take her shoes with the food box in hand. After getting slippers for them from the counter,

put down the food box and came back. When she saw Yingying and Junjun holding hands, she entered the room with a smile.

followed the two sisters. Finally, Junjun broke away from Yingying's hand, walked to Yaoyao and asked, "Brother, are your feet feeling better?"

Yaoyao looked at her mother first and then replied, "Much better." The swelling has started to subside and the pain is not as bad as yesterday. "

Miss Qian sat down next to her son, pulled up his trousers, looked at it and said, "It's better than yesterday." But you still have to be careful not to twist it again. "

Yaoyao said: "I know. The doctor told me. "

Junjun sat down on the other side of her brother.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Yingying stood next to the armrest of the sofa on the other side, leaning against the armrest and rubbing slowly. She felt a little uncomfortable.

junjun said softly: "Come over here. Sit here.

Yingying immediately ran over with a smile on her face, sat down next to her sister and said, "Your hair is the same as mine." "

Lifang followed her words and looked over. What's the same? I don't know how she saw it.

Junjun said: "My hair is longer, yours is shorter. "

Baoying said: "They are all black. "After saying that, she reached up and touched her sister's hair.

Miss Qian asked Yaoyao in a low voice how to use the toilet at school and how to go to the canteen.

Yaoyao also answered in a low voice.

Lifang watched. Yingying was having a good time here. The two sisters held hands and laughed and talked, but they didn't dare to go to the kitchen, so they stood nearby and watched her pass. After meeting, Yingying stood up, walked to Miss Qian, and said seriously: "Auntie, sister, stay here, you go back. "

Lifang knew something was wrong and immediately stopped her: "Yingying, don't be rude! You'd better go to the dining table with me to play. "

Miss Qian's mood was much calmer today, and she waved her hand to Lifang. She said to Yingying in a very gentle tone: "My brother's foot is injured. I came to see him. Why did you ask me to go back?" "

Yingying said: "You have already seen it. After saying that, she looked at Miss Qian with a strange expression.

Miss Qian said, "But I still want to see it." "After saying that, she and Yingying looked at each other.

Yingying glanced at Lifang, took a step back, and put a little distance away from Miss Qian.

At this time, Yaoyao said to Yingying with a straight face: "It doesn't matter. Don't talk about your business. "

Yingying said anxiously to her brother: "This is not her home. "

At this time, Junjun stood up, took Yingying's hand, and said affectionately: "My mother sent me here today. She has something to do tonight and will leave soon. "Her voice is really crisp. Just like a lark.

Yingying said: "Okay. You sleep with me at night. "

While talking, the two sisters sat back on the sofa.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Lifang breathed a long sigh of relief. She went to the kitchen to help Miss Li cook.

The voices of the three brothers and sisters could be heard from time to time in the living room, and she almost heard them. Miss Qian's voice was missing.

When the meal was almost ready, a surprised male voice came from the living room: "Junjun is here?" It was Mr. Li's voice.

Lifang came out with the dishes and chopsticks and saw Mr. Li, who was wearing a navy blue shirt and black trousers, just walking in. One hand was holding a small bag casually, and the other hand was holding a mobile phone. He was looking at the group of people on the sofa calmly.

A trace of anger appeared on Miss Qian's face, but it quickly disappeared, showing an expression of indifference to what was happening in front of her.

Junjun said: "Dad, I don't have to practice piano tonight, so my mother brought me and my brother to play for a while."

Yingying saw her father coming back. He said loudly: "Dad, my sister is here. She will sleep with me tonight."

Mr. Li usually puts the small bag on the coffee table when he comes in. Not today.

Lifang saw him walking over from the coffee table. After putting the small bag on the top of the locker, he said in a brisk voice: "Okay! After dinner, you and your brother will do your homework with Teacher Zhou."

then said to Lifang: "Sister, is there anything you can do? A dish that is faster to prepare? "Let's add another dish to them."

Lifang said, "Ms. Qian brought two dishes."

Mr. Li glanced at the table casually and said, "Oh, that's okay." "

Miss Qian said dissatisfiedly: "When you see the child, you don't ask anything else, just study." Her face became tense.

Mr. Li turned on his mobile phone, stared at the screen and said, "I call often, and I have asked all the questions I need to ask." After saying that, he prepared to go upstairs without looking at Miss Qian the whole time.

Ms. Li came out of the kitchen and started serving food to the dining table. She said casually: "It's time to eat."

Mr. Li walked upstairs without looking back and said: "Let them eat. I won't eat." .”

Miss Qian also stood up. He raised his voice and said, "I still have something to do. You will take Junjun back later."

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Mr. Li was already about to reach the corner. When he heard Miss Qian's words, he stopped his long and straight legs, turned around, and stood on the stairs. He stood up for a few seconds and then came down again.

Mr. Li stood at the top of the stairs, looking at Yaoyao and then at Junjun. The brother and sister may have seen their parents quarrel too many times. At this time, they looked at their father and then their mother, with undisguised worry and nervousness on their expressions.

Only Yingying couldn't figure out the situation and saw her father coming down again. He smiled happily and said, "Dad, let's eat." Then he took his sister and stood up.

Mr. Li said to Miss Qian who had already stood up and was about to go out: "You can eat with the children and then leave. I will arrange to take you back." His tone was very sincere. After speaking, he quickly looked at a few children, turned around and went upstairs. This time his steps were firm and light.

Lifang looked at the divorced couple and felt a little inexplicable sadness in her heart, more moved. Perhaps it was the son's silent but rushing tears that hurt the parents' hearts yesterday. As a result, they all quietly took half a step back.

all say that taking a step back will open up the world, but in fact, it really doesn’t have to be that much. Half a step is enough.

Miss Li looked at Mr. Li's background with appreciation in her eyes. It's just out of admiration for a person's demeanor and mind, nothing else.

Lifang said: "Miss Qian, the food is ready. You and the children can eat together."

Miss Qian put the bag in her hand on the sofa again and whispered: "Go and wash your hands."

After speaking, she stretched out her hand. Go help your son.

Yaoyao smiled and said: "I'll try it myself."

Miss Qian said nervously: "That won't work. I told you not to get hurt twice. Mom, please help you."

After saying this, she couldn't help but pull up her son. arm.

Yingying said: "Auntie, don't you have something else?"

This was a bit embarrassing, Lifang shouted: "Yingying! Come and wash your hands!"

"Oh!" Yingying agreed loudly. Then she said to Junjun: "Sister, let's wash our hands."

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Lifang washed their hands and asked them to sit down. When Yingying saw the roast duck, she cheered and said to Junjun with a smile: "Sister, yesterday My brother and I also ate hamburgers!"

Lifang put on the gloves that came with the roast duck.Miss Qian and Yaoyao also came out of the bathroom.

I don’t know why, but children like to eat food from outside. Even if the ingredients at home are good, the food tastes good. They still love Western fast food and eating out.

Several children were busy rolling roast duck.

Yingying didn’t know how to roll yet, so Lifang stood by and helped her roll a few.

Miss Qian rolled one up for herself, put it in her mouth and chewed it slowly. He looked at his children with loving eyes.

While eating happily, Mr. Li came downstairs.

seems to have taken a bath and changed his clothes. A pinstriped jacquard shirt tucked into trousers. Looks mild-mannered. Standing in the middle of the living room, watching the lively scene on the dining table.

Miss Qian only glanced at it and then withdrew her gaze.

The children had already heard the footsteps on the stairs. Yingying said loudly: "Dad, come and eat!"

Junjun also turned around and whispered: "Dad, come on."

Mr. Li hesitated and walked towards the dining table. Standing behind Junjun, she said to several children: "I won't eat. You should eat more."

Miss Qian had no expression on her face and was chewing something mechanically in her mouth. He held the chopsticks in his hand and placed them on the edge of the bowl.

Yingying saw the manicure on Miss Qian's hands, and said with some disgust: "Auntie's hands are not clean."

Junjun said: "It's not that they are not clean, they are specially painted on."

Miss Qian ignored the child. They are still in a daze.

Mr. Li said warmly: "Yingying, we must be polite to our guests. We can't say anything when we see it. Don't say anything embarrassing."

Yingying raised her head and looked at her father and asked: "What is embarrassment?" ?”

Mr. Li was at a loss for words.

Yaoyao said: "Embarrassment means making others feel embarrassed. For example, if I call you fat in front of many people, are you happy?"

Yingying was hurt and would cry as soon as she flattened her mouth.

Miss Qian came to her senses, frowned and said sternly to Yaoyao: "She is a child and is not sensible. What did you say to her?"

Yaoyao immediately said unconvinced: "I didn't say anything about you, I just slapped you. Metaphor, do you understand?"

Lifang advised softly: "You are not fat. He didn't mean to say that to someone in person, which would make you angry. Are you angry now?"

Yingying wiped her eyes and nodded. Lifang quickly took a tissue and wiped her gently.

Junjun lost no time and said in a sharp voice: "Yes, if you say this to my mother, she will be embarrassed and angry."

Yingying said: "I won't say it anymore."

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Mr. Li remained silent. , observing Yingying’s every move. Maybe he took it to heart that Miss Li didn't wear socks and made Yingying cry.

Miss Qian whispered to Junjun: "Don't talk about her."

At this moment, Mr. Li said: "Yaoyao, you can no longer use her as a metaphor for being fat in the future. My sister is very concerned about this matter. Your aunt is also She said she wouldn't let us talk about her like that." After hearing this, Miss Qian snorted contemptuously. Then his face darkened, his eyebrows furrowed, he raised his head and was about to speak.

Yaoyao smiled and said loudly: "I know, I know. Never talk about her again." After

finished speaking, he said to Yingying mischievously: "You are the most beautiful. Okay?"

Yingying has recovered. Normal, let’s start eating. Mr. Li glanced at the three children again, turned and walked towards the gate.

brought some more dishes to Yingying, and Lifang was ready to go to the kitchen to eat.

Miss Qian said: "Auntie, you can share the roast duck and roast goose to eat."

Looking at the children, they were eating enthusiastically. So Lifang said: "No need. Let the children eat."

Miss Qian said: "Children eat hard when they encounter something they like. Once they get tired of it, they will never eat it again. You share some Go ahead."

means it sincerely. Lifang took out a plate and portioned a little bit of each item symbolically.

and Miss Li went to the kitchen to eat.

thought that the dining table would be quiet after the unpleasant topic caused by Yingying just now.

Unexpectedly, not long after Mr. Li went out, Junjun started talking to Yingying again. Yaoyao also chatted quietly with her mother while eating.

When Miss Qian is not angry, she is very gentle. Not only does he eat elegantly, but he also speaks softly.

I have seen Miss Qian get along with the Li family too many times after divorce. Lifang never thought that one day, she would be able to sit in this home and have dinner again.

I’m afraid Ms. Qian has never thought of it herself. I don’t know who the arrogant person said: A good ex should be as if he is gone. However, when two people have a child, going around and around each other, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to avoid contact at all.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Hello everyone! I am Jian Yi Vegetarian Traveling Jianghu. All my articles are original and personal headlines, just to record my life. Please indicate the source! What you see on other platforms are plagiarism and transfer. We will be held accountable to the end!

For more exciting news, please pay attention to Toutiao Jianyi’s vegetarian journey!

pictures come from the Internet.


Yingying got up without saying anything and followed Lifang back to the room.

After Lifang gave her a bath, the two of them played on their own beds. When the time came, they coaxed her to sleep and never left the room again.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Early the next morning, Yingying cried.

It was just because Miss Li didn't wear socks.

As I said before, no one in the Li family, no matter adults or children, has long nails. Naturally, the same applies to the nannies hired.

In addition to this habit, there is another habit, that is, everyone wears slippers all year round. No one has made this rule since Lifang. When Mr. Li goes out of his bedroom, he must be dressed neatly, including socks. Except for a few times when there is an emergency, he will wear pajamas in public areas.

Lifang herself wears socks all day long, and she has also given them to Yaoyao since he was a child. Wearing socks, I thought that because little boys like to run around, the front toes of slippers are easy to touch, so wearing socks can provide some protection.

Mrs. Li usually wears socks as well

. There is no rule, but everyone wears it this way.

Maybe it was because the temperature was low, and Miss Li was wearing no socks today.

Yingying saw it when she came downstairs. Pointing to Ms. Li’s feet, she asked her why she wasn’t wearing socks.

Ms. Li said, “No need to wear them.

Yingying quit and asked Miss Li to put on socks.

Miss Li said dumbfounded: "Why do you care about this?" "

Yingying took Miss Li's hand and dragged her toward the basement, forcing her to go back to the room to put on her socks.

Miss Li broke free from Yingying's hand and said, "What's wrong with you? What do you think I'm doing wearing socks? "

Yingying quit and cried in discomfort.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Yaoyao had already gone to school at that time. Mr. Li hadn't gone to work yet, and few people knew what had happened to her?

Mr. Li didn't say anything and just sat on the sofa. She watched Yingying silently.

Miss Li went to the basement to put on her socks when she saw her crying.

Mr. Li thought for a while and whispered to Lifang: "Does she have obsessive-compulsive disorder? "

When Mr. Li said this, Lifang remembered it. When Mrs. Li was not pregnant, she would occasionally do manicures. Yingying would pick them with her hands every time she saw her, and she would also say: "Mom, go wash your hands. . "

Also, when she was a child, whenever she had a quiet moment, she would silently rub the corners of her clothes with her little hands.

The child was still young at that time, and her abilities were beginning to show. But her subjective consciousness and expressive ability were not as good as they are now. Strong, so no attention was paid.

Lifang told Mr. Li these things. Mr. Li stood there and looked at Yingying for a while and said, "I'll ask someone for consultation. "

finished speaking and said to Yingying: "Yingying, aunt is sending you to kindergarten, and dad has to go to work. "

Yingying stopped crying immediately after Miss Li put on her socks. Now she happily waved and said goodbye to her father.

When Miss Li sent Lifang and Yingying out of the yard, she said: "If there is obsessive-compulsive disorder, not only her If you feel uncomfortable, so will those around you. "

Lifang looked at Yingying jumping up and down, and didn't know what to say.

In the car, Lifang told Xiao Liu about this matter. After Xiao Liu heard it, he laughed and said: "She It’s just asking you to put on your socks, but it’s something you can’t do. Why make the child cry? How cute this kid is. Apart from your mother who reminds you to wear long johns, if there is a second person in the world who cares about you, it must be Yingying. "

Lifang said: "You are the only one who talks too much. "

Lifang also heard from some sisters who do housework that many employers have some unique living habits. But most of them are adults. Children like this are really rare.

(If there is such a thing in the comment area, People in the field are welcome to discuss and provide some ways to deal with obsessive-compulsive disorder, thank you!)

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

The children went to school today. Lifang made an appointment with the coach to practice driving again.

Fortunately, there was no regression. No progress is possible.It's still yes, yes, and no, no.

The coach is still so cool. When Lifang was practicing, she kept hearing a clear voice broadcast: "The exam is over and the results are unqualified."

According to the frequency of its broadcast, Lifang estimated that she would practice one lap Probably a few thousand points will be deducted.

It was under this constant attack and humiliation from such voices that Lifang practiced with trepidation. Coach

except for sighing from time to time, remained silent throughout the whole process.

Later, maybe he couldn't stand the frequent voice announcements in the car and simply turned it off.

Lifang found it much easier to practice.

After another lap of practice, the coach said: "Pull over to the side! What you are best at."

Lifang obediently pulled over to the side and stopped. Coach

said: "Turn on your phone, record what I said, and listen to it several times before going to bed at night." Then

began to point out the mistakes that Lifang made during her driving practice one by one. There are so many problems that it is difficult to write about them all.

practiced until the afternoon on this day, and not once was he qualified.

On the way back to the driving school, the instructor drove the car very fast. Suddenly she turned her head and asked Lifang: "Have you made an appointment for the exam at the end of the month?"

Lifang said: "Yes."

The coach sneered: "Bless yourself. Buy a few more pieces of jade and wear them."

Lifang said unconvinced: "There is still time to practice."

The coach waited for the red light in front to turn green and said disdainfully: "Yes, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Lifang didn't want to talk anymore.

When we arrived at the driving school, Xiao Liu was already here. He was standing on the roadside chatting with the person in charge of the driving school, his friend.

didn't know what interesting things he was talking about. Although both of them were wearing masks, it didn't affect their unbridled laughter at all.

Seeing Lifang walking over, Xiao Liu immediately stopped smiling, waved to his friend, and got in the car with Lifang.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

picked up Yingying and returned to the villa. Miss Li was preparing dinner in the kitchen while humming a minor . The rice has been cooked.

The first thing Yingying did when she put down her schoolbag when she got home was to run to the kitchen door and look down at Miss Li's feet. Fortunately, wearing socks.

asked her to drink some water and sit at the dining table to play by herself for a while.

Lifang went to the kitchen to cook with Miss Li.

Lifang asked: "Ms. Li, you are at home alone during the day. Are you busy cleaning the house?"

Miss Li said with a smile: "You are busy. After cleaning in the morning, go to the gym on the top floor to work out. After an hour, I’ll have a quick lunch and take a rest. Then I’ll see if there’s anything left to do. It’s very pleasant.”

Lifang asked, “Have Mr. Li and the others been here?” ?"

Ms. Li said, "I came here in the morning. I looked around and found out that Yaoyao was going to school. "

After a while, the doorbell rang. Yingying immediately slipped off the chair and ran while shouting: "Brother must be back."

Lifang went out to open the door and saw Master Zhao with Yaoyao's schoolbag hanging on one arm, helping him get out of the car.

Lifang stepped forward and asked: "Yaoyao, do you feel better?"

Yaoyao said: "It's much better than yesterday. The swelling is not that bad."

Lifang took the schoolbag and asked Master Zhao and Yao Yao entered the courtyard.

Yaoyao followed her brother and watched her brother walk carefully. She also said: "Oh, be careful!"

said in a milky voice, which made Master Zhao joke with her: "Come and help support your brother."

Yingying really ran forward and stood on the steps. Get ready to pull Yaoyao.

Yaoyao said: "Stand aside, don't block the road."

Yingying stood aside obediently, grinning at Lifang behind her.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Master Zhao just helped Yaoyao sit down on the sofa. The red luxury car was parked outside the courtyard.

Lifang's heart skipped a beat and asked, "Yao Yao, did you and your mother make an appointment to come back together?"

Yaoyao said, "No."

Lifang muttered in her heart, why did the security guard let people in today without even calling?

Yingying said dejectedly: "Oh, she's here again. "After saying that, he sat down heavily on the sofa.

Master Zhao couldn't help but laugh when he saw Yingying's appearance.

Everyone had arrived outside the hospital, and Lifang hurriedly welcomed them out.

The car door opened, and Miss Qian went first. Come out. Then the rear door opened and Junjun came out.

Master Zhao hurriedly called Miss Qian at the entrance of the hospital, then got in the car and left.

Lifang said, "Miss Qian, Junjun, are you here?" "

Miss Qian said: "She heard that her brother had sprained his ankle and wanted to come over and take a look. I brought her here. After speaking, he bent down again, took out the packed lunch box from the seat behind with some difficulty, and said, "I heard that Yaoyao likes to eat roast duck." I packed a roast goose and roast duck for them to eat. "

handed the food box to Lifang, and Miss Qian took Junjun into the yard.

Yingying had already seen Junjun, and ran to the door and called her sister loudly.

Lifang trotted to take her shoes with the food box in hand. After getting slippers for them from the counter,

put down the food box and came back. When she saw Yingying and Junjun holding hands, she entered the room with a smile.

followed the two sisters. Finally, Junjun broke away from Yingying's hand, walked to Yaoyao and asked, "Brother, are your feet feeling better?"

Yaoyao looked at her mother first and then replied, "Much better." The swelling has started to subside and the pain is not as bad as yesterday. "

Miss Qian sat down next to her son, pulled up his trousers, looked at it and said, "It's better than yesterday." But you still have to be careful not to twist it again. "

Yaoyao said: "I know. The doctor told me. "

Junjun sat down on the other side of her brother.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Yingying stood next to the armrest of the sofa on the other side, leaning against the armrest and rubbing slowly. She felt a little uncomfortable.

junjun said softly: "Come over here. Sit here.

Yingying immediately ran over with a smile on her face, sat down next to her sister and said, "Your hair is the same as mine." "

Lifang followed her words and looked over. What's the same? I don't know how she saw it.

Junjun said: "My hair is longer, yours is shorter. "

Baoying said: "They are all black. "After saying that, she reached up and touched her sister's hair.

Miss Qian asked Yaoyao in a low voice how to use the toilet at school and how to go to the canteen.

Yaoyao also answered in a low voice.

Lifang watched. Yingying was having a good time here. The two sisters held hands and laughed and talked, but they didn't dare to go to the kitchen, so they stood nearby and watched her pass. After meeting, Yingying stood up, walked to Miss Qian, and said seriously: "Auntie, sister, stay here, you go back. "

Lifang knew something was wrong and immediately stopped her: "Yingying, don't be rude! You'd better go to the dining table with me to play. "

Miss Qian's mood was much calmer today, and she waved her hand to Lifang. She said to Yingying in a very gentle tone: "My brother's foot is injured. I came to see him. Why did you ask me to go back?" "

Yingying said: "You have already seen it. After saying that, she looked at Miss Qian with a strange expression.

Miss Qian said, "But I still want to see it." "After saying that, she and Yingying looked at each other.

Yingying glanced at Lifang, took a step back, and put a little distance away from Miss Qian.

At this time, Yaoyao said to Yingying with a straight face: "It doesn't matter. Don't talk about your business. "

Yingying said anxiously to her brother: "This is not her home. "

At this time, Junjun stood up, took Yingying's hand, and said affectionately: "My mother sent me here today. She has something to do tonight and will leave soon. "Her voice is really crisp. Just like a lark.

Yingying said: "Okay. You sleep with me at night. "

While talking, the two sisters sat back on the sofa.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Lifang breathed a long sigh of relief. She went to the kitchen to help Miss Li cook.

The voices of the three brothers and sisters could be heard from time to time in the living room, and she almost heard them. Miss Qian's voice was missing.

When the meal was almost ready, a surprised male voice came from the living room: "Junjun is here?" It was Mr. Li's voice.

Lifang came out with the dishes and chopsticks and saw Mr. Li, who was wearing a navy blue shirt and black trousers, just walking in. One hand was holding a small bag casually, and the other hand was holding a mobile phone. He was looking at the group of people on the sofa calmly.

A trace of anger appeared on Miss Qian's face, but it quickly disappeared, showing an expression of indifference to what was happening in front of her.

Junjun said: "Dad, I don't have to practice piano tonight, so my mother brought me and my brother to play for a while."

Yingying saw her father coming back. He said loudly: "Dad, my sister is here. She will sleep with me tonight."

Mr. Li usually puts the small bag on the coffee table when he comes in. Not today.

Lifang saw him walking over from the coffee table. After putting the small bag on the top of the locker, he said in a brisk voice: "Okay! After dinner, you and your brother will do your homework with Teacher Zhou."

then said to Lifang: "Sister, is there anything you can do? A dish that is faster to prepare? "Let's add another dish to them."

Lifang said, "Ms. Qian brought two dishes."

Mr. Li glanced at the table casually and said, "Oh, that's okay." "

Miss Qian said dissatisfiedly: "When you see the child, you don't ask anything else, just study." Her face became tense.

Mr. Li turned on his mobile phone, stared at the screen and said, "I call often, and I have asked all the questions I need to ask." After saying that, he prepared to go upstairs without looking at Miss Qian the whole time.

Ms. Li came out of the kitchen and started serving food to the dining table. She said casually: "It's time to eat."

Mr. Li walked upstairs without looking back and said: "Let them eat. I won't eat." .”

Miss Qian also stood up. He raised his voice and said, "I still have something to do. You will take Junjun back later."

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Mr. Li was already about to reach the corner. When he heard Miss Qian's words, he stopped his long and straight legs, turned around, and stood on the stairs. He stood up for a few seconds and then came down again.

Mr. Li stood at the top of the stairs, looking at Yaoyao and then at Junjun. The brother and sister may have seen their parents quarrel too many times. At this time, they looked at their father and then their mother, with undisguised worry and nervousness on their expressions.

Only Yingying couldn't figure out the situation and saw her father coming down again. He smiled happily and said, "Dad, let's eat." Then he took his sister and stood up.

Mr. Li said to Miss Qian who had already stood up and was about to go out: "You can eat with the children and then leave. I will arrange to take you back." His tone was very sincere. After speaking, he quickly looked at a few children, turned around and went upstairs. This time his steps were firm and light.

Lifang looked at the divorced couple and felt a little inexplicable sadness in her heart, more moved. Perhaps it was the son's silent but rushing tears that hurt the parents' hearts yesterday. As a result, they all quietly took half a step back.

all say that taking a step back will open up the world, but in fact, it really doesn’t have to be that much. Half a step is enough.

Miss Li looked at Mr. Li's background with appreciation in her eyes. It's just out of admiration for a person's demeanor and mind, nothing else.

Lifang said: "Miss Qian, the food is ready. You and the children can eat together."

Miss Qian put the bag in her hand on the sofa again and whispered: "Go and wash your hands."

After speaking, she stretched out her hand. Go help your son.

Yaoyao smiled and said: "I'll try it myself."

Miss Qian said nervously: "That won't work. I told you not to get hurt twice. Mom, please help you."

After saying this, she couldn't help but pull up her son. arm.

Yingying said: "Auntie, don't you have something else?"

This was a bit embarrassing, Lifang shouted: "Yingying! Come and wash your hands!"

"Oh!" Yingying agreed loudly. Then she said to Junjun: "Sister, let's wash our hands."

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Lifang washed their hands and asked them to sit down. When Yingying saw the roast duck, she cheered and said to Junjun with a smile: "Sister, yesterday My brother and I also ate hamburgers!"

Lifang put on the gloves that came with the roast duck.Miss Qian and Yaoyao also came out of the bathroom.

I don’t know why, but children like to eat food from outside. Even if the ingredients at home are good, the food tastes good. They still love Western fast food and eating out.

Several children were busy rolling roast duck.

Yingying didn’t know how to roll yet, so Lifang stood by and helped her roll a few.

Miss Qian rolled one up for herself, put it in her mouth and chewed it slowly. He looked at his children with loving eyes.

While eating happily, Mr. Li came downstairs.

seems to have taken a bath and changed his clothes. A pinstriped jacquard shirt tucked into trousers. Looks mild-mannered. Standing in the middle of the living room, watching the lively scene on the dining table.

Miss Qian only glanced at it and then withdrew her gaze.

The children had already heard the footsteps on the stairs. Yingying said loudly: "Dad, come and eat!"

Junjun also turned around and whispered: "Dad, come on."

Mr. Li hesitated and walked towards the dining table. Standing behind Junjun, she said to several children: "I won't eat. You should eat more."

Miss Qian had no expression on her face and was chewing something mechanically in her mouth. He held the chopsticks in his hand and placed them on the edge of the bowl.

Yingying saw the manicure on Miss Qian's hands, and said with some disgust: "Auntie's hands are not clean."

Junjun said: "It's not that they are not clean, they are specially painted on."

Miss Qian ignored the child. They are still in a daze.

Mr. Li said warmly: "Yingying, we must be polite to our guests. We can't say anything when we see it. Don't say anything embarrassing."

Yingying raised her head and looked at her father and asked: "What is embarrassment?" ?”

Mr. Li was at a loss for words.

Yaoyao said: "Embarrassment means making others feel embarrassed. For example, if I call you fat in front of many people, are you happy?"

Yingying was hurt and would cry as soon as she flattened her mouth.

Miss Qian came to her senses, frowned and said sternly to Yaoyao: "She is a child and is not sensible. What did you say to her?"

Yaoyao immediately said unconvinced: "I didn't say anything about you, I just slapped you. Metaphor, do you understand?"

Lifang advised softly: "You are not fat. He didn't mean to say that to someone in person, which would make you angry. Are you angry now?"

Yingying wiped her eyes and nodded. Lifang quickly took a tissue and wiped her gently.

Junjun lost no time and said in a sharp voice: "Yes, if you say this to my mother, she will be embarrassed and angry."

Yingying said: "I won't say it anymore."

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Mr. Li remained silent. , observing Yingying’s every move. Maybe he took it to heart that Miss Li didn't wear socks and made Yingying cry.

Miss Qian whispered to Junjun: "Don't talk about her."

At this moment, Mr. Li said: "Yaoyao, you can no longer use her as a metaphor for being fat in the future. My sister is very concerned about this matter. Your aunt is also She said she wouldn't let us talk about her like that." After hearing this, Miss Qian snorted contemptuously. Then his face darkened, his eyebrows furrowed, he raised his head and was about to speak.

Yaoyao smiled and said loudly: "I know, I know. Never talk about her again." After

finished speaking, he said to Yingying mischievously: "You are the most beautiful. Okay?"

Yingying has recovered. Normal, let’s start eating. Mr. Li glanced at the three children again, turned and walked towards the gate.

brought some more dishes to Yingying, and Lifang was ready to go to the kitchen to eat.

Miss Qian said: "Auntie, you can share the roast duck and roast goose to eat."

Looking at the children, they were eating enthusiastically. So Lifang said: "No need. Let the children eat."

Miss Qian said: "Children eat hard when they encounter something they like. Once they get tired of it, they will never eat it again. You share some Go ahead."

means it sincerely. Lifang took out a plate and portioned a little bit of each item symbolically.

and Miss Li went to the kitchen to eat.

thought that the dining table would be quiet after the unpleasant topic caused by Yingying just now.

Unexpectedly, not long after Mr. Li went out, Junjun started talking to Yingying again. Yaoyao also chatted quietly with her mother while eating.

When Miss Qian is not angry, she is very gentle. Not only does he eat elegantly, but he also speaks softly.

I have seen Miss Qian get along with the Li family too many times after divorce. Lifang never thought that one day, she would be able to sit in this home and have dinner again.

I’m afraid Ms. Qian has never thought of it herself. I don’t know who the arrogant person said: A good ex should be as if he is gone. However, when two people have a child, going around and around each other, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to avoid contact at all.

Note: Housekeeping practitioners have accumulated experience over many years and tell stories inside the industry with all their heart. A short story every day to show you the bittersweet relationship between housekeeping sisters and their employers. This is purely fictitious, an - DayDayNews

Hello everyone! I am Jian Yi Vegetarian Traveling Jianghu. All my articles are original and personal headlines, just to record my life. Please indicate the source! What you see on other platforms are plagiarism and transfer. We will be held accountable to the end!

For more exciting news, please pay attention to Toutiao Jianyi’s vegetarian journey!

pictures come from the Internet.

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