CCTV live broadcast, Guangdong fights Shanghai dimensionality reduction attack, Du Feng targets 70 points over the world, the sharks can't escape 3 consecutive defeats

CCTV live broadcast, Guangdong vs. Shanghai, dimensionality reduction strikes, Du Feng targeted the 70-point super-external big sharks in a three-game losing streak

Guangdong men's basketball team is now waiting to play the Liaoning men's basketball team, the two teams are currently in The situation is how lonely the invincibility is. The Guangdong Men's Basketball Team has won seven consecutive victories. During this period, many young people on the team have had the opportunity to show themselves. The team is more of a match-based training. The next game is to face the Shanghai Sharks. This game is a dimensionality reduction attack. The Shanghai Men’s Basketball team is not doing well recently. It has already achieved a record of two consecutive defeats. Foreign players have not been able to help the team win.

On January 27th, Beijing time, CCTV5 will broadcast the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team against the Shanghai Sharks at 15:35. The strong and weak match is actually not very suspenseful, but the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team is afraid of being beaten by super foreign players. The last time Jones met with the Jilin Men’s Basketball Team, he suffered a lore. This time he just caught up with Fredette and scored 70 points. When the Shanghai Men’s Basketball team and the Sichuan Men’s Basketball team played double overtime, Fredette scored 70 points and 8 rebounds. The overall data of 9 assists is that the Shanghai team has not won.

However, Du Feng will also target this super foreign player. In fact, the possibility of defending Fredette is very low. However, the Guangdong men’s basketball team owns Brooks, a scoring madman. If Fredette continues Feeling fiery Du Feng will use Brooks and his three-pointer. The Guangdong team has basically won big wins recently. The captain Zhou Peng surpassed Du Feng's scoring record in the previous game. Du Feng also made a joke after the game. The team has been winning so the atmosphere is very good. The next game is Shanghai. The pressure is not great.

The Shanghai Sharks are unable to escape a three-game losing streak. This season the team has used double small foreign aid. This effect is not very good. Although it was a double overtime loss to the Sichuan Men's Basketball Team, it was also a bright spot. The champion Ou Junxuan scored 10 points and 8 rebounds in 37 minutes. This season, Ou Junxuan's performance was not satisfactory. As the champion, he did not play at the level he should have. He still needs more game training. Guangdong men's basketball team is inside. The strength is relatively average, so this game is an opportunity for Ou Junxuan to show off whether he wins or loses.

The playing time of the Guangdong men’s basketball team is equal,In terms of foreign aid, Brooks seems to have more playing time, but in fact he and Wilms have about the same playing time. Young people can also get exercise. The team's goal this season is the championship. In the playoffs, it will naturally need more players to play. Players such as Zhang Hao and Zhang Haojia have all got some opportunities. The weakness of the Guangdong Men's Basketball this season It is the inside line, the post-Yi Jianlian era can only rely on Su Wei to start, and the outside line can make up for the weak team.

The Guangdong Men's Basketball team actually lost the game for the first time this season. Du Feng underestimated the enemy and Brooks did not play until the last three minutes before letting him play. There is no chance for the Guangdong men's basketball team to play against the Shanghai team. Du Feng also needs to prevent this from happening again in this game. In the next two matches, the Guangdong men's basketball team has completed a big victory. The second phase of the CBA is about to end. The Guangdong men's basketball team needs to stabilize the second impact first, and the Shanghai men's basketball team is working hard for the playoffs.
