Curry acting as a bait backfired! Warriors come to the crossroads dream chasing: to be a singles team?

Beijing time on January 25, according to "NBC Sports" report, this season the Warriors let Curry act as a decoy on the offensive end of the tactic, from the results, it is a failure; Green bluntly they are close to reaching a crossroads: Yes To be a team that transfers the ball, or a singles team?

Yesterday in the Warriors' away game against the Jazz, 36 seconds after Wiseman missed a 3-pointer, Ubre missed a jumper, and then Wiggins and Green also shot irons. The game only started 2 minutes and 06 seconds, the Warriors were behind 0-14, and Cole had to request a timeout.

After the timeout, Oublay finally hit his second shot, which also broke the scoring drought for the Warriors; but then Oublay missed a three-pointer, Wiggins still missed the second attack, and Oublay made another three-pointer. Still missing, the score has become the Warriors behind 2-19.

Nearly 5 minutes into the game, the Warriors made 9 shots and 8 irons. After that, Curry made a three-pointer and made his first shot. The next time the Warriors attacked, Curry took possession of the ball, and he hit a three-pointer from 30 feet. The Warriors' offense suddenly opened up. After only 1 of the first 9 shots, they hit 9 of the next 11 shots. In the end, Curry scored a game-high 24 points and surpassed Reggie Miller to rise to second place in the history of three-pointers, but he still couldn't save the Warriors.

"Obviously, we still have some problems to solve." Curry said, "I don't have the answer yet."

According to statistics, in the Warriors' starting lineup, Curry's usage rate is only 22.2%. It is the third choice for a typical team. In Durant's view, this is absolutely incomprehensible, because in the glory years of the Warriors, Curry was described as the most important player on the court. "Curry is the key to offense," Durant once said, "offense is Curry."

Durant is right, or was right.

did not shoot in 4 or 5 rounds. This is normal for Curry today. Yesterday’s game is the latest example. He acted as a decoy in the 5 minutes before the game to attract the Jazz’s defensive attention. Teammates create open opportunities. "The most disappointing thing about this game and the last game is how many times we did not move the ball to the other side."Cole said, "The ball must move. We have been promoting the transfer of the ball. _P1p

is just a delicate balance for the Warriors. Their tactic of using Curry as a decoy was effective, but the result was counterproductive, as can be seen from the first few minutes of yesterday’s game.

Green realizes that their offense and defense are quickly approaching a crossroad. "We have to find an identity," Green said. "Sometimes we have to transfer the ball, sometimes not. Sometimes we have to defend, sometimes we don't move. We just need to determine what kind of team we will become. Are we going to be a team that transfers the ball? Still have to become a singles team? ”_P1p.