Congratulations Curry! Rocket transaction plan is released, Harden refuses 150 million contract, good news for Antetokounmpo

On January 25, the NBA regular season continues. There are 7 games today. The Raptors beat the Pacers, the Clippers beat the Thunder, the Celtics beat the Cavaliers, the Hornets beat the Magic, and the Spurs beat. The Wizards, the Bucks beat the Eagles, the Trail Blazers beat the Knicks. The Clippers are the team with the best momentum recently. Under the leadership of the two superstars Leonard and George, they have achieved a 7-game winning streak. Compared with last season, the Clippers' performance this year is more stable, the team atmosphere is more harmonious, the players have gradually established a good chemical reaction, and the prospect of winning the championship is bright. Xiaoka is a superstar with outstanding strength. He has won two FMVP trophies. If he can maintain his current status, he has great hopes to win the regular season MVP this year. By then, his historical status may be improved qualitatively. The Lakers are the defending champions. At present, there are very few teams that can create danger for them. In addition to the Clippers, the Nets are barely one, but they also need to improve the depth of the inside lineup. In this article, the author will bring you the latest information. A brief summary is as follows: Congratulations to Curry! Rocket trading plan is released, Harden refuses 150 million contract, good news for Antetokounmpo!

First of all, Curry, today's famous data expert Kirk, posted a dot chart in the history of the NBA with the abscissa of three-pointers and the ordinate of career three-pointers, including NBA career The vast majority of players who have scored more than 1,000 three-pointers have a shooting percentage of around 37.5%. Curry is the one with the highest percentage of three-pointers among all players, reaching an astonishing 43.3%. Strong. Curry is a historic shooter in the NBA, and almost all three-pointer records are related to him. This season, the Warriors Tang Shen is reimbursed for the season, which means that Curry needs to face greater defensive pressure, but even in this case, his three-pointers are still accurate, which is indeed admirable.

Then there is the Rockets. Since Hardenwei's departure, the team has been in turmoil. With only the core lineup of Wall + Cousins ​​+ Wood, we want to play well in the competitive West. It should be difficult. In this context, the US media FW gave a deal about Oladipo, the specific content is that the Rockets get Green, Ferguson and the first round of 21 draft picks, the 76ers get Oladipo.

Obviously this is a three-for-one deal. For the Rockets, Green can improve the team’s overall attack accuracy, and they can also focus on future development; for the 76ers, they are currently The record ranks first in the Eastern Conference. Oladipo's arrival can enhance the depth of the team's perimeter lineup. If the run-in is in place, then there is a great chance of reaching the finals this year. Of course, everything is inconclusive now, as for what will happen in the end, let us wait and see.

Next is Harden. Today, "Houston Chronicle" reporter Fegan revealed an inside story about the Harden deal. He said that the Rockets didn’t want to trade Harden and wanted to continue to build a team around him. He once offered Harden a three-year contract worth 150 million US dollars. However, Harden was eventually traded to the Nets. In order to realize his championship dream, he chose to abandon the $150 million contract. This behavior is admirable.

Harden is a super scorer. He has won the scoring champion for 3 consecutive years, but after joining the Nets, he chose to make a change, positioning himself as an organizer and creating scoring opportunities for his teammates , And do their best on the defensive end to bring energy to the team. Harden is 32 years old this year, and he has basically won all the honors he deserves. What he lacks most now is the championship ring. I hope Harden can get what he wants this year.

Finally, there is good news for Antetokounmpo. In today's Bucks' defeat of the Hawks, he scored 27 points, 14 rebounds and 8 assists. According to detailed statistics, his regular season total in the Bucks career The score came to 11,107 points, which officially surpassed Marquez's 10980 points and rose to sixth place in team history. Among them, Jabbar's 14211 points ranked first. Antetokounmpo and the Bucks signed a multi-year contract. If he does not leave the team in the future, then the author believes that in a number of statistics, he has the opportunity to occupy the first place in team history. Antetokounmpo's overall strength is relatively outstanding, but his shooting ability has not been improved. He is often targeted by opponents in the game. If no changes are made in the future, it may be difficult to lead the team to win the championship.
