Today, July 15th, Beijing time, Lakers player Russell Westbrook posted a set of personal casual photos to share his daily life. Although he is currently involved in trade rumors, Westbrook does not seem to be affected. Still enjoying life comfortably and having fun. But Westbrook

Beijing time, July 15th, today, Lakers player Russell Westbrook posted a set of personal casual photos to share his daily life. Although he is currently involved in trade rumors, Westbrook But he didn't seem to be affected, and he was still enjoying life comfortably and having fun. But Westbrook's move was dissatisfied by some fans.

The reason is that since entering the offseason, all Lakers players, whether it is James and thick eyebrows as leaders, or the new players who have just joined, or the old players in the team, have started training one after another. James and The thick eyebrows have started training hard in the early morning many times, but only Westbrook has not seen any news about his training, whether from his personal updates or media reports. It seems that throughout the offseason, Westbrook has not Having fun.

With a salary of more than 40 million, after such poor results last season, Westbrook seems to have no intention of learning from the pain, wanting to get better, and responding to doubts with strength. I still remember that Lakers legend Kobe once said that he thinks Westbrook is the most like him in the league, because Westbrook, like him, has the spirit of never admitting defeat.

But now it seems that Kobe has really made a mistake. Westbrook does not have the so-called Mamba Mentality , and he is not like Kobe, who will lock himself in the training room and suffer crazyly when he encounters failure and doubt. Practice, polish your skills, keep yourself upgrading and become stronger. In contrast, Westbrook looks completely in ruins now. Looking at Westbrook like this, it is hard to believe that if the Lakers continue to keep him next season, they will still have hope to compete for the championship.

In contrast, another Lakers player has more Mamba spirit. That is guard Austin Reeves. Although he is only a young player with a basic salary, Rivers can be said to be a real Laker, with Kobe's unyielding personality. Today, The Athletic reporter Jovan Buha wrote an article today reporting on Lakers guard Austin Reeves’ training during the offseason, and said that Reeves has gained weight from 197 pounds before last season to 209 pounds now, and has been losing weight throughout the offseason. He is one of the Lakers' hardest-working players during the season.

Jovan Buha writes: Reeves has vowed not to give his next coach any reason to doubt his ability to handle the physical stress of 82-plus games. Last season, opposing teams would target Reeves defensively, trying to take advantage of his thin frame... and he would be exposed at times against more athletic wings. Reeves doesn't have a specific weight goal, but he's gone from the 197 pounds he was listed for in the preseason to 209 pounds now.

Reeves hopes to use the extra weight to improve his defensive ability on the wings and withstand contact on offense. He is eating healthier and is looking for a nutritionist and a chef. He has also become more flexible and recently started practicing yoga. In addition, Reeves returned to Los Angeles in mid-May, training three times a day, including lifting weights, training with teammates, and then returning at night to practice shooting. In fact, the Lakers told him to rest for a week, but Reeves said, "Fuck it. I'm going to practice. I'm going to spend the rest of the offseason here."

Like Kobe, Reeves didn't He is willing to waste a little time and is not willing to let go of an opportunity to make himself better. Whether it is gaining weight or improving his shooting, he is willing to do it. Although his talent is not as good as Westbrook, in terms of effort, he is willing to do it. , Reeves is obviously stronger than Westbrook. Such a player will definitely get more opportunities next season.