On July 15th, Beijing time, the latest news came from Chinese football. The Spaniard and team reporter Cami made an important statement in an interview with "Sports Weekly". He believed that Wu Lei is more suitable for the tactical design of new coach Diego Martinez. , I believe

On July 15th, Beijing time, the latest news came from Chinese football. Espanyol and team reporter Kami made an important statement in an interview with " Sports Weekly ". He believed that Wu Lei was more suitable for the new coach Die Go Martinez's tactical design, I believe he can live well under the new coach. This situation is undoubtedly good news for Chinese football, which is at a trough.

Kami said: "I don't think Wu Lei is on the verge of leaving the team as many people said, and maybe he won't have much role in the team. Martinez has always given people the image that he is a vertical player. France's coach requires forwards and wingers to focus on depth and find gaps through running without the ball.

We have mentioned many times before that Wu Lei is the player who can best find the opponent's loopholes. Wu Lei is suitable for the tactical system we may see. Regardless of whether he can adapt well in the end, Wu Lei's characteristics are at least consistent with Martinez's tactical intentions, so I think Wu Lei can live well under the new coach. "

It can be seen from Kami's words that although Wu Lei's performance at Espanyol in the past two seasons has been mediocre and there are many rumors about Wu Lei leaving the team, Kami believes that Wu Lei will not leave the team because of Wu Lei's The technical characteristics are very suitable for the technical and tactical play of Espanyol's new coach Martinez, so Wu Lei will find himself under Martinez. Although the reporter did not reveal any more new information, Wu Lei can live a good life with Espanyol. Well, this is great news for Wu Lei and Chen Xuyuan, the man who talks about Chinese football.

As we all know, the Chinese men’s football team failed in the previous World Cup preliminaries. Not only did it miss the World Cup again, but it also lost to the Vietnamese team in an unprecedented manner. This situation has also brought Chinese football to a low point. Nowadays, the Chinese Super League continues to be sluggish and there is a problem of unpaid wages. It has not been solved. In addition, big-name foreign players have left the Chinese Super League . The Chinese Super League has become uncompetitive and has lost the value of training high-level players. Therefore, if Chinese football wants to change, Chen Xuyuan, as the talker of Chinese football, can only Hope is placed on sending players to study abroad.

As for Wu Lei, as a model among players who have studied abroad, if he cannot gain a firm foothold in Espanyol, it will obviously have a negative impact on the enthusiasm of domestic players to study abroad. Now Espanyol reporter Cami specifically pointed out that Wu Lei can survive under the new coach. It's very good. This situation will undoubtedly set an example for domestic players again, which also means that Chen Xuyuan can feel at ease this time.