At the World Championships, if the Chinese women's volleyball team's lineup remains unchanged, it is likely that they will not be able to enter the quarterfinals. This is by no means alarmist! After the test of the World League, the Chinese women's volleyball team has three major

In the

World Championships, if the lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball team remains unchanged, it is very likely that they will not be able to enter the quarterfinals. This is by no means alarmist! After the test of the World League, the Chinese women's volleyball team has three major shortcomings that need to be improved urgently. It is imperative to add new players and fine-tune the lineup!

Judging from the finals match against Italy, the most important problem of the Chinese women's volleyball team is the setter, which is the biggest shortcoming of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

The Italian women's volleyball team lost 21 points in four games. It can be said that it gave the Chinese women's volleyball team a chance. Unfortunately, the Chinese women's volleyball team let the duck fly away. The main reason is that the setter's ability to grasp opportunities is insufficient. When he urgently needs to score, he cannot pass the ball to the most certain scoring point. In the whole game, Wang Yunxiang , who had the worst offensive power, had 31 spiking opportunities and only scored 9 points. , Wang Yuanyuan, , who has the highest success rate, only has 8 offensive opportunities, which is equivalent to two spikes in each game. The Chinese women's volleyball team's chance to win slipped away after failing again and again.

In fact, the problems of the Chinese and Italian teams are basically the same, both of which are unstable second passes. The Chinese women's volleyball team is Diao Linyu who has successfully limited the team's two cores. She and Li Yingying Yuan Xinyue do not cooperate well. In Italy, Oro and Marinov, the two setters alternately convulsed, tormenting , Eignu, and other attackers.

The reason why the Italian women's volleyball team was able to defeat the Chinese team is that they have Egonu as a big killer, and their back row skills are more stable. De Gennaro can beat Wang Weiyi 18 streets. Yes, the free agent is the second biggest shortcoming of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and the third biggest shortcoming is the well-known Li Yingying's opposite corner.

It seems that Li Yingying's diagonal problem is the most serious, but in fact, with Wang Yunxi's progress, this is gradually improving. Wang Yunxiu has adapted to Diao Linyu's passing, and his offensive power is slowly being released. She is Liumei and is the best main attacker in the World Junior Championships. Her offensive power can be expected. Against Italy, Wang Yunxiu's spike was already strong, but it was far from enough. She still has potential to be tapped.

Wang Yunxiu still has room for improvement, but if it doesn't work, there is still Zhu Ting Zhang Changning. Therefore, Li Yingying's opponent is not a problem. The key to the performance of the Chinese Women's Volleyball World Championships is the setter Diao Linyu.

My evaluation of Diao Linyu is consistent. I have long said that Diao Linyu controls the fate of and Cai Bin . As long as Cai Bin is the head coach, he will definitely use Diao Linyu as the main player. Whether it is Ding Xia or Yao Di , they will have to step aside. Cai Bin needs his own direct troops, which is understandable, but at the same time, if Diao Linyu cannot fight, Cai Bin will pack up and leave!

I have always emphasized that Diao Linyu's main problem is not technical. Her psychological quality is not good and she easily panics, which in turn affects her technical performance. I believe that Diao Linyu's passing during training must be much better than during the game, otherwise Cai Bin would not trust her so much.

I have said that Diao Linyu is easily flustered and Ding Xia loves to be anxious. Their setter combination is the worst choice for the national team. Sure enough, when the World League encountered difficulties, neither of them could stabilize themselves. And Ding Xia will not be willing to be a substitute for a long time. Judging from the game against Italy, Ding Xia's status in Cai Bin's system has been further weakened. She only briefly came on the court for a two-for-three in the first game. After that, she played again. Didn't get a chance to play.

Therefore, in the World Championships, the most likely position for the Chinese women's volleyball team to change is the setter. Diao Linyu is a speed setter, and her stability is poor. Her substitute must choose a player with mature skills and a stable playing style. Currently, there are two suitable candidates for the Chinese women's volleyball team, one is Yao Di, and the other is Sun Haiping .

Yao Di did not participate in the national team training camp, which made her return more difficult, and whether she is willing to be a substitute is also a question.

In comparison, Sun Haiping is more suitable in all aspects. Cai Bin chose and Cai Yaqian as the substitute for Diao Linyu. There is still a gap in her skills and she will not be able to compete for a while.Sun Haiping is technically mature and has a calm personality, and he is teammates with Wang Yunfu, Wang Yuanyuan, Gong Xiangyu, Jin Ye, Yuan Xinyue and others in the national junior and national youth teams, so cooperation with each other is not a problem.

As a newcomer to the national team, it is natural for Sun Haiping to be a substitute. The key is that she has mature skills and strong psychological quality. She can be used when needed! Therefore, Sun Haiping is very likely to become a dark horse in the World Championships!

Another obvious shortcoming of the Chinese women's volleyball team is the free man. Unfortunately, there is currently no particularly suitable candidate in the country, and Cai Bin is an extremely stubborn person. It is hard to say whether he will give , Xu Jianan, and others a chance!

In short, after the Chinese women's volleyball team returns to China, the national team's lineup will definitely change. Since the World Championships are just around the corner, the answer will be announced soon after consultations between all parties, let us wait and see!