Success in every competition lies in self-improvement and courageous hard work. It also lies in the pursuit of dreams and the spirit of self-transcendence. The ups and downs of competitive sports test the courage of each player to climb up. Because of their dreams, they go all ou

Success in every competition

lies in self-improvement and courageous hard work.

It also lies in the pursuit of dreams and the tempering of the spirit of self-transcendence.

The ups and downs of competitive sports

test the courage of every player to climb up.

Because of dreams, we give our best. Go to


Shandong’s top amateur badminton league is now open for registration

Badminton enthusiasts, get excited!

Faith and hard work are the strength of a champion

May everyone win wonderfully and fight tenaciously

Come on!

Event Introduction

Shandong Amateur Badminton League, as the only amateur badminton league in Shandong Province, is held annually. The competitions are spread across 16 cities in Shandong Province. The competition lasts for half a year. It has the largest rewards, the most extensive publicity, the largest number of participants, and the longest competition in the country. The longest amateur badminton tournament .

The Shandong Youth Amateur Badminton League provides young players of all ages with the opportunity to compete on the same stage, helps Shandong Province select outstanding young badminton reserve talents, helps strengthen young people's physical fitness and physical fitness, and promotes the cultivation of young people to strive for the first place, The spirit of unity, hard work, and positive learning has further promoted youth sports to blossom and bear fruit in Shandong. The

competition provides a platform for golfers from all over the world to compare skills and communicate with each other. It is a booster for the masses to actively participate in sports and helps to increase the enthusiasm for national fitness. It has been highly recognized by badminton enthusiasts across the province. and accolades.

Event rewards

Shandong Culture and Tourism Sports · "Xiang Shang Sports" Cup

The 7th Shandong Province Amateur Badminton League in 2022

Shandong Culture and Tourism Sports · "Xiang Shang Sports" Cup

Shandong Province 2nd Youth Amateur Badminton League

Collection of likes Event

likes collection rules:

On the day of the competition, participating athletes can take photos at the event check-in point and send them to their circle of friends in the form of a nine-square grid to collect likes, and they will have the opportunity to receive a beautiful gift!

collected 50 likes: badminton hand glue (20 people)

collected 100 likes: badminton string (10 people)

collected 150 likes: sports towel (5 people)

collected 200 likes: professional sports insoles (5 People)

Each person can only participate once, the number of gifts is limited, first come first served!

Wonderful moments

Recent schedule

Follow the "Shandong Cultural Tourism and Sports Group" official account to get more event information~

Tel: 053 1-82625553

Life is not a choice, but love

With hope you will be invincible

Badminton lovers

Let's have a hearty game

Let us stick to this love

and feel the excitement on the court

! ! !