Live Broadcast, July 15th News On the evening of July 15th, the Chinese men’s football selection team conducted the second outdoor training of the new training camp at Qingdao Tiantai Stadium. According to "Beiqing Sports" reports, four players, Tan Long, Jiang Guangtai, Zhu Chen

Live Bar, July 15th News On the evening of July 15th, the Chinese men’s football selection team conducted the second outdoor training of the new training session at Qingdao Tiantai Stadium. According to the "Beiqing Sports" report, 34 players including Tan Long, Jiang Guangtai, Zhu Chenjie, and Dai Weijun returned to the team and participated in this joint training. Before training, as the oldest player on the team, Tan Long accepted interviews with the media.

——Talk about my current situation

Tan Long: My physical fitness and physical condition are very good. I also got 3 or 4 days of rest before joining the team. After joining the team, I felt that the U23 players were very dedicated.

- Talking about the first cooperation with coach Jankovic

Tan Long: There is some simple communication between us. Everyone hopes that ( East Asia Cup ) will achieve good results and make breakthroughs.

- Talking about the differences of the new collective

Tan Long: I didn’t expect that as soon as I came to participate in training, the whole team would arrange a confrontation. Because our team is not particularly experienced in international competitions, we can only use our efforts on the field to seek some breakthroughs and strive to break through the opponent's defense.

- Talking about Yankovic's expectations for himself

Tan Long: For me, I should show my best side. Jankovic told me that he hopes I can play a fulcrum role and improve the team's ability to grasp opportunities in front of the goal.

- Talking about the confrontation with the two strong teams of Japan and South Korea

Tan Long: These two teams are particularly strong. But we have no baggage, the pressure is on each other. Hopefully we can score at least one goal in this tournament. For me, being able to score the goal of the Japanese and Korean teams will be a lifetime honor.
