As we all know, in the recent finals of the Chinese women's volleyball team in Turkey, they lost miserably to the Italian women's volleyball team and were eliminated. The reason why it is said to be an upset is because in the first week of the game, the Chinese women's volleyball

As we all know, in the recent Chinese women's volleyball team 's finals match in Turkey, they lost miserably to and the Italian women's volleyball team was eliminated.

The reason why it is said to be an upset is because in the first week of competition, the Chinese women's volleyball team once defeated the Italian women's volleyball team. And in several matches from 2019 to now, the Chinese team has defeated the Italian women's volleyball team, whether in the Olympic group stage or the World Cup. Therefore, after many previous victories, this time he unexpectedly lost to an old opponent in an unexpected upset. This result was more or less surprising to the outside world.

After the game, many fans raised questions and criticized it, feeling that the game was really unsatisfactory. Many fans also discussed after the game why the Chinese women's volleyball team was upset this time. What went wrong? Why can't you have the last laugh in the face of this defeated general?

Looking back at this game, we can find that the main problem of the Chinese women's volleyball team in this game is the mentality, including overall mistakes.

To be honest, the Italian women's volleyball team made a lot of mistakes in this game. I saw Egonu and serving very bravely. However, in the entire offensive and defensive process, Egonu and their other players tended to be better overall. mistakes. For the Chinese women's volleyball team, if they can maintain a good mentality in this game and convert the opponent's mistakes into points, they will be able to win this game.

In the third game, the overall adjustment of the Chinese women's volleyball team made a good change and was able to stabilize and seize the opponent's weaknesses. Therefore, the opponent made frequent mistakes and lost to the Chinese team in the third quarter. After regaining this trend in the third quarter, the overall mood of the Italian women's volleyball team, including the performance of their lineup, fluctuated. But it is a pity that the Chinese women's volleyball team still failed to seize this opportunity.

After finally entering the fourth game, the Chinese women's volleyball team made a lot of mistakes, which was an old habit of the Chinese women's volleyball team. In the end, the whole team played in a chaotic manner. The first pass was not in place, and the defense did not have enough firepower for the offense, which led to the regrettable elimination.

For the Chinese women's volleyball team, this game showed such panic and made so many mistakes, it is indeed worthy of reflection. Because this problem is no longer new to us. As early as last year's Tokyo Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team committed an old mentality problem, which led to the final disastrous defeat.

At that time, the Chinese women's volleyball team at the Tokyo Olympics came to be the defending champion and expected to win the championship. However, the tasks and expectations assigned by the outside world were too high, and the overall pressure on the Chinese women's volleyball team was very high. Therefore, in the group stage at that time, first of all, they lost several games in a row, and their mentality was unbalanced. Although there was some improvement in the follow-up, they were still unable to recover in the end. Overall, from last year to now, the Chinese women's volleyball team has not been able to adjust this mentality and the overall pressure adjustment issue well.

Regarding this issue, after the previous Tokyo Olympics, Lang Ping confirmed this in an interview, that is, the pressure and burden are too great, which seriously affects performance.

So to be honest, for the Chinese women's volleyball team, the Chinese women's volleyball team has not adjusted in the past year. It is really not unfair at all to lose the game this time. For Cai Bin , as a member of the main coaching staff, he failed to make timely adjustments to the problem that occurred in the entire Chinese women's volleyball team. As a coach, there are indeed certain problems. As a head coach, in addition to tactical deployment, the other important thing is to adjust the players' mentality so that they can easily go into battle to kill the enemy. It seems that the coaching staff is indeed insufficient in this regard.

can only say that for the Chinese women's volleyball team, there is a long way to go. There are many problems currently occurring, and I hope that we can make good adjustments and strive to achieve good results in the subsequent World Championships.