As we all know, the Chinese men's basketball team is currently competing in the Asian Cup in Indonesia. After losing to the South Korean team, the Chinese team finally won the second game recently. Facing the Bahrain men's basketball game, there should not be much suspense for th

As we all know, the Chinese men's basketball team is currently competing in the Asian Cup in Indonesia. After losing to the South Korean team, the Chinese team finally won the second game recently.

Facing the Bahrain men's basketball team, there should not be much suspense for the Chinese men's basketball team. Because , Bahrain, and are ranked over 100 in the world, the Chinese team should be able to defeat their opponents easily. And in the past games, when we played against each other, we were once able to win by several points more than the opponent. So for the Chinese team, this game should be able to send the opponent home easily.

But I didn't expect that the Chinese team actually won the game by one point in the end, and it was too difficult. Let's take a look at the whole game.

Although the Chinese team was in the lead in the first two quarters, the whole situation suddenly turned around after Zhao Rui and Sun Minghui were punished for being impulsive. In the next two quarters, the score of the Chinese team was always inextricably tied with the opponent. Even because of relatively big mistakes and the absence of the two core players, this group of players felt like they had no master. There were many mistakes and unnecessary fouls, and in the end, we almost lost to this weak team.

Fortunately, in the end, Gu Quan and Jiang Weize helped turn the situation around. Otherwise, the Chinese team might have had to go home after losing two games, setting the worst record in the Asian Cup in so many years. Fortunately, this result In the end it didn't show up.

However, after the game, it can be seen that although the Chinese team won, the overall results made Du Feng very dissatisfied. Just after the game, Du Feng didn't even question the opponent's players or coaches about such an action. He just shook his head and returned to the locker room.

Judging from the current media reports, Du Feng did not stop after returning to the locker room, and gave some lectures to the players. Judging from the content of this lecture, it seems that Du Feng is indeed disappointed and helpless. First of all, Du Feng used eight words as soon as he entered the game, which made the whole team feel ashamed. He said, "Aren't they all pretty good?" To be honest, this sentence feels like iron cannot be made into steel. Every player is a top-notch player. They were selected here hoping to achieve good results for the Chinese team. However, Du Feng was really hard to be satisfied with this game. . Then he added, "Everyone is very nervous and can't even score a layup. Why are you here when the national team arranges your game?" That's roughly what it means.

It can be heard from Du Feng's words that he is very dissatisfied with the overall performance of this group of players. Because Bahrain is very weak, their entire country may not have as many personnel as ours in one city, so this time it is equivalent to the national team playing the second and third tier city teams. We all played so hard and almost lost the game, which made Du Feng How can you be satisfied as the coach of the national team?

If the performance of this game is compared with the next game against Chinese Taipei , I am afraid it will be difficult to win this time. And if we lose to Chinese Taipei team for the first time, I'm afraid I won't even be able to lift my head up by then.

So I really hope that this time the players of the Chinese men's basketball team can completely wake up after this blow. Although everyone's condition is indeed not in the best stage, so it may be affected to some extent, but since we can really fight until the end, I still hope that everyone can give their best performance.

Just like Jiang Weize went to take oxygen after getting off the court this time, but he still performed amazingly on the court and scored 20 points in one fell swoop. If every player is like Jiang Weize, the next game will be against Chinese Taipei or subsequent games, and the Chinese team will surely achieve better results.