On July 15th, Beijing time, the Chinese women's volleyball team lost to the Italian women's volleyball team 1-3 in the first round of the World League finals and was eliminated. Facing this team that the Chinese women's volleyball team had to win every game before, the Chinese wo

Beijing time on July 15th, Chinese women's volleyball team lost 1-3 to Italian women's volleyball team in the first round of the World League finals and was eliminated. Facing this Chinese women's volleyball team that had to win every game before Team, the Chinese women's volleyball team has always been known as the nemesis of the Italian women's volleyball team. It also defeated the Italian women's volleyball team in the previous World League. Even at last year's Tokyo Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team had serious injuries, but we still swept the strong team. The Italian women's volleyball team is enough to show that the Chinese women's volleyball team has indeed restrained its opponents.

But why could the Chinese women's volleyball team lose to the Italian women's volleyball team this time? After all, entering the new Olympic cycle, everyone is full of expectations for the team coached by Cai Bin . Everyone hopes that Cai Bin can lead the team to achieve more ideal results. Only in this way can the fans be more satisfied and it can be regarded as a blessing to the team. The counterattack of the new cycle has sounded the charge, but according to the current trend, we only achieved a passing result and did not achieve our more surprising results, which is a pity for everyone.

Talking about the reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team lost unexpectedly this time, as the core of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhang Changning, although she did not participate in this game, she was recuperating at home and commented on the game as a special guest of CCTV. Zhang Changning, the owner, mainly talked about: This time the Italian women's volleyball team played with all the main players, and the Chinese women's volleyball team also tried their best in this game, especially in the opening stage. They played well and made some targeted tactical arrangements for the opponents during the game. They all did a good job, and they performed well at all points. They restricted the main attack well and put all the offensive pressure on Egnu . At the critical moment, the Italian women's volleyball team had more experience and seized the key points to win the game.

In fact, it is not difficult to find out through Zhang Changning's comments. She also directly pointed out that the Chinese women's volleyball team has done our best despite the uneven lineup at this stage. There is indeed a gap in our experience and overall ability. After all, the Italian women's volleyball team is playing with all the main players this time, but our head coach Cai Bin and all the players have done their best to do what they can. Therefore, although the Chinese women's volleyball team has regrets in this World League trip, It was also very rewarding, and this is definitely a valuable experience for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

But thinking about it from another perspective, if the Chinese women's volleyball team can also play with all the main players in this finals, if we have Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning as our main attack, the Chinese women's volleyball team can also defeat the Italian women's volleyball team, and the reason why their opponents can upset them We defeated the Chinese women's volleyball team precisely because the Chinese women's volleyball team was short of major generals and had an uneven lineup, so we really shouldn't blame Cai Bin for the loss. The Italian women's volleyball team was really lucky to win this time.