On July 15th, Beijing time, the 2022 Second National Chess Championship Seniors Tournament ended with a strong victory in Luoding, Guangdong.

On July 15th, Beijing time, the 2022 Second National Chess Championship Seniors Tournament ended with a strong victory in Luoding, Guangdong. The youngest chess player in the final match, born in 1966, the 56-year-old Changbai Tiger Tao Hanming lost in the first round and won consecutively in the last two rounds. Yesterday he defeated the Smiling Buddha Xu Tianhong and today's decisive round was fierce. Tao Hanming defeated Desperate Saburo and Youhua in a confrontation. Tao Hanming staged a shocking comeback and won the championship with 2 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss in five games, accumulating 6 points, and received the championship prize of 150,000 yuan. This is Changbai Tiger's success after last year. Another good result and honor after reaching the winner's bracket finals of the Country Garden Cup. The sword is everlasting and powerful. The host country's chess king, defending champion, chess grandmaster Lu Qin suffered an unjust case in the 16th round in the last round and lost the championship. Lu Shuai and Tao Hanming both scored 6 points and the same score, both 13.5, with fewer wins. One, unfortunately the runner-up, received a bonus of 100,000 yuan. The 72-year-old chess giant and Oriental Computer second runner-up Liu Dahua won 80,000 yuan, Xu Tianhong won 50,000 yuan, Zhao Guorong ranked fifth with 40,000 yuan, and Yu Youhua ranked sixth with 30,000 yuan.

This competition is the highest-level senior event in the chess world. It is hosted by Chinese Chess Association and the Luoding Municipal People's Government, hosted by the Luoding Municipal Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, co-organized by the Guangdong Provincial Chess Association, and Luoding Chess Games Implemented by the Association and Shenzhen Huayang Culture and Sports Development Co., Ltd. The

competition will be rich in rewards, with a total bonus of up to 450,000 yuan. In addition to ensuring all aspects of the competition, the cost is up to one million. It can be regarded as the conscientious work of today's competitions, including 150,000 yuan for the champion, 100,000 yuan for the runner-up, and 100,000 yuan for the third runner-up. 80,000, 50,000 for the army, 40,000 for the fifth, and 30,000 for the sixth.

The six veterans Liu Dahua, Lu Qin, Zhao Guorong, Xu Tianhong, Yu Youhua, and Tao Hanming implemented a five-round round-robin system. The game was passionate, exciting, lethal, and fiercely competitive.

To be seen In the first round, Liu Dahua beat Tao Hanming, Lu Qin and Zhao Guorong, Xu Tianhong and Yu Youhua, Oriental Computer led the team alone; in the second round, Lu Qin beat Youhua, Liu Dahua and Zhao Guorong tied Xu Tianhong and Tao Hanming, and Lu Liu ranked first.

In the third game, Xu Tianhong defeated Zhao Guorong, Liu Dahua lost to Youhua, Lu Qin and Tao Hanming, and Lu Xu had equal points; in the fourth game, Lu Qin and Liu Dahua, Tao Hanming defeated Xu Tianhong, Zhao Guorong defeated Youhua, and Lu Qin was alone for the first time lead. After four rounds of the

tournament, Lu Qin had 5 points, Tao Hanming, Liu Dahua, Xu Tianhong, and Zhao Guorong had 4 points, and Yu Youhua had 3 points. Except for Lu Qin, who won one set, all four of them had lost money. Yu Youhua only lost one set, and Lu Qin, Tao Hanming, Liu Dahua, and Xu Tianhong all had hopes of winning the championship, which caused chaos in the world. Zhao Guorong was stuck with Lu Qin and Xu Tianhong due to a small score, and he withdrew from the championship circle early.

The decisive round started, and the duel between Liu Dahua and Zhao Guorong was the first to draw. The two were hit by cannons against the screen horses, and Liu Te took the lead. After a lot of fighting, at the 55th move, the chariots, horses, and cannons were in perfect condition, and the chariots, horses, and cannons were both pawns. The soldiers and elephants are all in balance, and the enemy is evenly matched.

At this time, Landrace Tiger Tao Hanming is fighting bravely, concentrating all his strength to attack the desperate Saburo Yu Youhua. Tao Hanming has been in excellent condition recently. In last year's Country Garden Cup, he reached the winner's group decisive battle, and he competed with Wang Tianyi , Zheng Weitong , Zhao Xinxin Fight for supremacy.

Although he accidentally lost to Liu Te in the first battle, after winning against the Smiling Buddha Xu Tianhong yesterday, his spirit returned in a big way. He even composed an impromptu poem "Man Jiang Hong" to praise Yi Lin Zhizun Hu Hua, Yang Guanlin .

In the chess world for a hundred years, beacon smoke rises, and dragons and lins emerge together; Yang Laoshuai reaches the top of the four cities and crosses the five lakes; the south dominates the crowd, and the leader of the north shocks thousands of households; with the help of Lu Xu, the back wave defeats the front wave, The chess city is solid.

The seedlings are strong and live in fertile soil; he has studied the Chu and Han Dynasties, like the gods, he has won the championship ten times in a row, and his history is dazzling; he is famous for his unparalleled achievements in Jiuzhou, and his rank is the Optimus Prime of the Five Mountains; Hu Ronghua, he is outstanding and proud of the world, an evergreen tree.

In today's duel, Tao Hanming seemed to be a god. He held the back hand and flew to the horse game, chasing Yu Sanlang all the way. The two of them entered the middle game, and Mr. Tao continued to kill all the red chess players.

Afterwards, Black’s three pieces of chariots, horses and artillery attacked together, creating a series of killings on the red side’s lower second line. The red piece was defeated, and Yu Xiaohua was defeated in the 32nd round.

With Mr. Tao's two consecutive victories, the game situation has undergone amazing changes. Now, the defending champion Lu Qin must win, because if there is a tie, the big score is the same as Tao, both are 6 points, and the small score is 13.5. But if you lose one victory, you will lose the crown.

At this critical moment, something unexpected happened. In the match between Lu Qin and Xu Tianhong, when the sixteenth round of the middle game was reached, the two rooks, two horse artillery, and three pawns on the chessboard were in perfect alignment with the two rooks, two horse artillery, and three pawns. Shi Xiangquan, there are still ten eldest sons.

At this time, his opponent signaled a draw, but Lu Qin did not react. He thought he had won the draw and was affected by the surrounding environment, causing a misjudgment, so he immediately made a draw.

However, the results came out. Tao Hanming was the champion, Lu Qin was the runner-up, Liu Dahua was the third, Xu Tianhong was the third, Zhao Guorong was fifth, and Yu Youhua was sixth. Lu Shuai regretted greatly, ah, I didn’t win the championship in a draw, so I must continue to play, I would rather lose. I have to do it. This has become an "unjust case."

Tao Hanming was lucky to win the championship. Landrace Tiger went from last place to domination in just one poem. Dare to fight is victory. The grand prize of 150,000 yuan was bagged. I couldn't be happier. Mr. Tao reached the semi-finals of the Country Garden Cup winner's bracket last year. , won the senior championship this time, and will soon lead Wang Kuo and others to compete in the 17-19 Elephant Armor Qualifiers. Although the young master has gray hair, the pommel horse still does not rest, and the fighting spirit will not give up. Congratulations to the fifty-six-year-old Changbai Tiger for his heroic spirit Qian Yun, win the championship, wish you good luck in the preliminaries of Taote Elephant Armor, like the senior competition, and like all the champions!

(Chess Prince)